OzBargain "Legend" Status

While trawling through the list of badges one can earn here on OzBargain, I notice there isn't one for being a Legend1. We have many entities here who are generally known to all through fame or notoriety, but get no recognition.

I propose we strike a new OzBargain Legend badge for the purpose! I'm not sure of how we go about nominating or proposing people for the honour, or voting for them — please post your suggestions.

This could help newcomers get a feel for certain characters popping up and being referred to in conversations, and perhaps prepare them for an onslaught of dry humour which isn't intended to be sarcasm, insults or criticism etc.

I propose a few to get started:

  • scotty — for being a fantastic system administrator, loved by one and all
  • broden — a true legend in the community for selfish greed and narcissistic tendencies
  • jv — he/she/it is responsible for dry humour, pedantic nit-picking, setting the cat amongst the pigeons and dividing opinion…
  • the real Gerry Harvey — Dishonourable mention for his unprofessionalism — is this user in the penalty box one and the same?

You get the idea. Care to add to the list? Should it be a Poll?

  1. A nod to @Tryx who posted a similar thread some time ago Who are some of the most memorable users of OzBargain


  • +4

    You forgot TA ;-)

    • Jess pretty much worshiped

  • +5

    tightarse - as mentioned by 4NTiNWOW4RRiOR above
    easternculture - close second to TA
    TRENT86 - deals are always well laid out and actually bothers to go through and highlight individual sub-deals
    mskeggs - totally unbiased, thoughtful, knowledgable and informative.
    waterlogged turnip - well written comments are either very informative or dry humour. Either way makes for a good read

  • I'd like to see 'Broden' as a separate status. I think there is a level of infamy beyond legend.

  • +7

    scrimshaw The knowledge bank.

  • +2
  • +1

    Jarjarbinks ;)

    • "Legend" as in does he really exist?

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