Attention all water lovers and Specialists!!

A friend was talking about how basic water should be taken. pun intended Products claimed to be beneficial to all active person, will improve training by 10%.I think RRP is $9.95

What are your thoughts about this product?

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  • 3
    Water well worth the money!!
  • 2
    It's expensive, I might occasionally buy it!!
  • 2
    I would pay for the wine classy!!
  • 179
    I am fine with my tap water or even $5 for 24 bottles in Coles.


  • +21

    What a load of garbage. I think I can win "the battle for hydration" without needing to buy a wine bottle of water.

  • +9

    Lol at "water that resonates with the Earths energy".

    Very pretty words. Meaning absolutely nothing. Oh and water being "living". Just NO!

    • +2

      Oh and water being "living". Just NO!

      Maybe they're referring to all the microbes that get filtered out of our excellent tap water?

  • People pay for water? Why not just go to Maccas or something and ask for free water!

    • -3

      Chances are you won't get that anymore. McDonalds and all the fast food outlets now sell bottled water.

      • +4

        I have had free water from McD and HJ's in the last 2 months. I was buying other items too.

      • +6

        We still get free cups of water with ice without ordering food from McD. No issues :D

      • I believe it's illegal for any place that serves food to not provide free tap water. They push the bottled stuff but you can get free water. And I believe the McD/HJ stuff is filtered if you give a crap about that.

        • +3

          McD is defs not filtered. You can easily tell by the taste.

          I can tell the diff between

          Fairly sure there's many others who can tell as well

        • +7

          @cwongtech: There's a lot of people that claim it. I believe when it's blind taste tested most people who claim they can cannot.

        • @tantryl:
          Some people believe it's illegal for any place that serves food to not provide free tap water.

          I believe they are required to provide a source.


          Illegal to charge for tap water if you are licensed (for liquor). Not all restaurants are required to provide free tap water but they do for customer service.

          I believe when it's blind taste tested most people who claim they can cannot.

          I don't know which phony you talk to but you're quite welcome to blind taste test me.

          When you drink cooled boiled water while you grow up, then meet people who drink tap water and join them, you can tell the water tastes different.

          Filtered water has no taste (unless your filter is old), tap water does. Boiled tap water's taste usually comes from the kettle (Im fairly sure if you use a clean glass beaker to boil water then cool it down it won't taste different to tap water).

          Water itself doesn't have taste, its the additives in it that give it some, not to say the additives are bad, they are dosed in small amounts to ensure nothing grows while the tap water travels from your local reservoir to your home's tap.

        • @cwongtech: I was under the impression the "I believe" at the start is a clear admission that I didn't know. Thanks for the research though.

          But my belief on the taste of water is based on stuff like this:…

        • +1


          You obviously haven't had brisbane tap water… Filtered all the way.

        • @tantryl:

          Fair enough. From your article.

          The report concludes that "most consumers cannot distinguish between bottled water and tap water when the latter is chlorine-free". (But most is not all. The report goes on to say: "However, 36% of the subjects were found able to distinguish between tap water and bottled water.")

          It says they can't distinguish between bottled and tap when the tap water is chlorine-free. Our tap water is NOT chlorine-free

          There's a lot of people that claim it. I believe when it's blind taste tested most people who claim they can cannot.

          The article doesn't mention they selected subjects (testers) based on their claims of "I can tell the difference".

          I don't drink a lot of bottled water, and I didn't claim to be able to be able to distinguish between bottled and tap. I claimed this:
          -Filtered Tap Water
          -Unprocessed Tap Water (well it's been screened for large particulates and dosed with acceptable additives by Sydney Water)
          -Boiled Tap Water

          And I claim McDonalds free water is unprocessed tap water. McD's isn't nice enough to spend money on a filter for their customers.

        • @cwongtech:

          I claim McDonalds free water is unprocessed tap water. McD's isn't nice enough to spend money on a filter for their customers.

          I find that a completely reasonable claim, not really worth attempting to verify.

        • @tantryl: people CAN generally tell the difference between tap and filtered and boiled. It's usually taste from old pipes or the kettle.

        • +1

          There's no law which states that 'any place that serves food must provide free water'. Only licensed premises.

  • +7

    Don't forget to take your snake oil

  • +1

    I guess it depends on how much it is, right? I see lots of people buying Voss water. Most people admit they buy it for the pretty bottle rather than the water itself.

    Frankly, if you wanted a wine bottle, I would prefer to drink wine. Keeps me hydrated just fine. :)

    • Last time I saw this was sold for $9.95.

      • +9

        $9.95 can get me 3 bottles of the finest French sauvignon blanc.

        Or better yet, 5 litres of Sunnyvale Cardboardeaux.

        • +5

          how have I never heard this word?! - "Cardboardeaux"

    • And wine will keep us dehydrated in the morning. I guess it's a good thing, forces us to drink a bottle of water in the morning to keep us going for the day :)

    • I have purchased the Voss water to use the bottle (and refill it from the tap).
      Glass drink bottles seem to be around 20 dollars, and voss is normally 5 dollars and is a reasonably decent quality bottle. The bottles are easy to clean as well.

  • +1

    Wine water bahaahha, nope

    • +2

      Talk about turning water into wine…
      It's getting biblical now.

      • Hmm… is this water halal?

        • Guess not its Biblical so Jesus turned water into wine not Allah!

  • +6

    What the hell is wrong with people. I hate paying for water. Get it from a tap, get it in your own bottle and take some with you. They spend millions of dollars in this country making water suitable for drinking and most of it is flushed down the toilet or used for washing. Just drink it!

  • +10

    this pre-historic water catchment to be 600 million years old

    Sounds like water might've gone off.

  • +4

    Aqui-Live is ancient water

    So could you please tell me how you get "brand new" water? All water is ancient water. What a laugh.

    • +1

      Well, I could eletrolyze it into H2 and O2 then burn the hydrogen to make 'fresh' water.

      • +6

        But that's synthesized water! So chemical! Hydrogen and Oxygen!? That's just.. unnatural! Also according to Aqui-live the pH of water should be basic, that neutral pH of 7 of that H2O substance is so chemically neutral it must be highly damaging to our body!
        We also got to pump up the TDS levels, because you know, the purity of Water totally depends on the maximum amount of Total Dissolved Solids in it!

        • +6

          Much chemical. So science. Very water.

        • @Cluster: Wow

      • +2

        Are you seriously suggesting that you want to convert water into hydrogen dioxide?!?

        Isn't it enough that deadly hydrogen dioxide kills thousands every year, has been found in EVERY SINGLE ORGANISM ON EARTHs and now you want to convert PRECIOUS ANCIENT WATER RESOURCES into a scary sounding chemical that has found it way into EVERY SINGLE CORNER OF THE EARTH? That is SO UNNATURAL and I cannot believe that you want to spread more hydrogen dioxide.

        • +2

          Dioxide = O2


        • +2

          I don't know about hydrogen dioxide, but I do know that dihydrogen monoxide is one of the most commonly used chemicals in the production of GMO crops. And considering it's presence in cleaning products, it makes me wonder what toxins we are putting in our bodies..

        • +1

          HO2 can not exist because the only hydrogen atom can lose one electron, but you have 2 oxygen atoms, each needing 2 electrons.

          The closet thing to your "hydrogen dioxide" is H2O2 = hydrogen peroxide… you might be blonde enough though :D

        • I think you got your chemicals the wrong way around, but I get what you mean.

          Also Hydroperoxyl does exist.

        • +1

          "Each year, Dihydrogen Monoxide is a known causative component in many thousands of deaths and is a major contributor to millions upon millions of dollars in damage to property and the environment. Some of the known perils of Dihydrogen Monoxide are:

          Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities.
          Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage.
          Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though not typically life-threatening side-effects.
          DHMO is a major component of acid rain.
          Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns.
          Contributes to soil erosion.
          Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals.
          Contamination of electrical systems often causes short-circuits.
          Exposure decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes.
          Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
          Given to vicious dogs involved in recent deadly attacks.
          Often associated with killer cyclones in the U.S. Midwest and elsewhere, and in hurricanes including deadly storms in Florida, New Orleans and other areas of the southeastern U.S.
          Thermal variations in DHMO are a suspected contributor to the El Nino weather effect."

  • +8

    Get a water bottle and use tap water. The energy required to get this water, bottle it, transport and dispose/recycle the bottles does not resonate with the earth.

  • +1

    I take my water orally, from the tap

    • +3

      As opposed to rectally?

      • +2

        Bear Grylls did it.

      • +1

        Oh no. Not the back way please.

      • Water suppository?

        • I think those are call enemas….

  • +3

    Anybody remember those Power Balance hologram bracelets?

    'Nuff said.

    • +1

      Oh yes! So many gullible people fell for that, including my husbands employer who raved on about its 'benefits', what a numpty.

      • +1

        placebos do work for a certain percentage of the population. And more expensive placebos are more effective.

        Not going to deny that power bands are not effective, but they do work for some of the population. It also allows us to easily recognise gullible people

        • -4

          You do realise that everybody including you is "gullible" when it comes to subjects we have no idea about and so we all fall back to irrational reference points such as marketing. This happens automatically and you are not aware of it happening.

          I am saying you rather than everyone since one of the largest irrational beliefs is that of individuals believing they don't act irrationally when we all do.

    • there's always alternative ways for people to be parted from their money…….

  • +1

    "At birth, we are perfectly hydrated…"

    After reading that I guess that pregnant women never get dehydrated.

    • +1

      I think it actually means that we should all just drink amniotic fluid. I'll start my own bottling company called 'water breaks'.

      • Ew. I hope they don't try to pull a patriotistic catchphrases then. Actually, any catchphrases that I can think of sounds… ew-y.

  • If you want highly alkaline water then buy the drops.
    Far far more cost efficient.

    • +1

      Or put some bicarb in it.

  • +2

    Is that water certified gluten free?

    • think so. It is also Halal and Kosher certified…i think…

      • I want organic water, where can I get that?

        • +1

          Just pay 5 dollar extra and they will get another range certified by organic bodies

    • +4

      Is the water Free Range? Was it Tested on Animals? Has it ever been exposed to Wifi signals? I demand answers before handing over ridiculous amounts of money for mineral water!

  • +1


  • +2

    What are your thoughts about this product?

    Fools! Do they not realise that special air is required for maximum performance?…

  • +1

    "A vast body of water, cradled deep in the earth for millenniums, has created water that resonates with the Earth’s energy."

    That right there is some bullsh*t.

    "Aqui-Live is just as nature intended."


    "It not only boosts the body’s ability to achieve optimum levels of hydration, Aqui-Live also supports the body’s natural functions and promotes wellness by naturally replenishing essential minerals.

    More bullsh*t

    The whole bottle is full of bullsh#t, helps no one unless your diet is a bottle full of bullsh*t.

  • -1

    I don't think there is such a thing as "natural" water, unless you find some remote place, untainted by humans.

    • +2

      I'm not sure what you mea by 'natural'.
      Any water in the natural environment after it has fallen as rain is going to have some dissolved salts.
      The 'purest' water is probably reverse osmosis like Dasani, where tap water is strained via osmotic membranes to remove molecules larger than h2o. Seems like nonsense to me, since our body both relies on dissolved minerals obtained through water, and has a spectacular immune system to deal with minor contaminants.

  • This is a joke right?


  • +2

    Was this post even necessary?
    Such a waste for the hot topics position. Smh

  • I love reading advertising copy like this:

    "At birth we are perfectly hydrated, yet throughout our lives we are in a constant battle to try and maintain hydration"

    "A vast body of water, cradled deep in the earth for millenniums, has created water that resonates with the Earth’s energy."

    "Aqui-Live is ancient water."

    I always wonder if the copywriter actually believes in what they're typing, or is firmly 'having a tug' (so to speak) and knows they are writing for fools.

  • Can this water bring someone back to life?

  • Sounds like Snake Oil…

  • +1

    It's Michael Jordan's Secret Water without the Michael Jordan.

  • Almost as funny as The Biggest Losers "Workout Water"

  • +1

    I cannot believe nobody linked to the bullshit episode regarding water :)

    Have fun

  • Get yourself a under sink reverse osmosis filter + remineralising filter instead.

  • +6

    "Aqui-Live has a pH of 8.3, which is perfect to establish the best alkalinity in the body and to maximize water absorption"


    1. Water ingested orally goes into the stomach, where there is stomach acid (pH range 1.5-3.5) in more than enough quantity to acidify what you have added. Once it's in there, what happens next is identical regardless of the pH of the water (so long as it is not acidic or basic enough to cause physical damage, i.e. you aren't drinking battery acid or drano)

    2. The next step is that water has to get into the bloodstream. It does this chiefly in the large intestine. It starts to show up after about 5 mins, is half absorbed within 8-17mins, and is fully absorbed by about 75-120min. (There is a great study where they used deuterium labelling to show this - see

    3. Unless you have lung or kidney disease, blood has a pH of around 7.4, and it is buffered, which means it will tend to resist changes to its pH. By the time the water has gotten into your blood plasma and blood cells, it is at physiological pH regardless of the pH it had when you ingested it. If you do have some disease affecting blood pH, that will be the determinant of your blood pH, not what you drink.

    4. The very concept of "the best alkalinity in the body" is a load of crap. Fluids in different parts of the body have different pHs, so there is no such thing as a single concept of alkalinity. Liver intracellular pH is around about 7, which is the pH of pure water. Stomach acid, as above, is 1.5-3.5. Skin surface is between 5-7, although values as low as 4 have been reported — which means it is acidic, not alkaline. Cerebrospinal fluid is around 7.33, blood is around 7.4, etc etc. But all are ultimately supplied with water from blood, which has a constant pH and the conversion to realgar pH occurs within the relevant organ.

    So this … well … it's just marketing crap.

    • Water is 'chiefly' absorbed in the small intestine. One of the primary functions of the large intestine is to absorb water but it is not where most of the absorption happens.

  • This is almost as bad as Miranda Kerr's mum drinking alkalised mineralised reverse osmosis water.

    • +2

      What she needs is a large gin and tonic.

  • +1

    This water comes from an Aquifer on the Mornington Peninsula.

    Frankston is on the Mornington Peninsula.

    All the sewage from Franston has permeated into the aquifet thus giving this product the properties that make it unique.

  • Selling water to Eskimos…

  • Scam, selling living water.

  • Another stupid example is black water.

  • +2

    I only use aqui-live when washing off my beard oil

  • +3

    Did some work at a company that I will not name but claimed the water was mountain fresh…. Fresh as in from a water main into a boiler then chilled and bottled…. All in an industrial area…. Not so mountany.

    • +1

      'Fresh' juice stored outside in 44 gallon drums is an eye opener too.

  • Which one is a better product -
    Water or Air?
    Both claim fresh and healthier, counter free radical damages in your body, and may cure certain diseases.

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