Let Your Voice Be Heard

I'm putting it here because it will affect our financials one way or another. Who will you vote for this coming Federal Election and why?

Note, do not take my Pros and Cons seriously.

Liberals/NP Pros: border protection, scrapped mining and carbon taxes, FTA?
Liberals/NP Cons: too many to mention?
Labor Pros: unions?
Labor Cons: unions?
Greens Pros: environment?
Greens Cons: border protection?
PUP Pros: A new voice?
PUP Cons: Clive Palmer?
Independents/Others Pros: Brings something to the table?
Independents/Others Cons: Kingmakers of Labor Gov't?

Poll Options

  • 37
  • 33
  • 15
  • 2
  • 9


  • +10

    would be much better if people voted for problems to fix instead of parties/people.

    • +1

      The political parties state their policies and the people votes accordingly, isn't it?

      • +1

        Unfortunately not generally, people tend to vote for who sounds the best, whoever seems to be better the better choice over the other one e.g. labour over liberal or liberal over labour. I remember the conversations I had with friends last election, chose liberal because they have always chosen them or because of the controversy of labour. IMO both are as bad as each other but they are our major parties with only very few independent and green MPs voting against various legislation that we should not have passed.
        Was even thinking about going for MP myself, to promote actual change and legislation based on research and actual expert advice, and with a probable spill in the electorate(T.Abbott) may be possible.
        Though looking at myself in terms of skills and experiences, as only a recent grad, (although I do meet qualifications for a politician) it would not inspire confidence for the public to vote for.
        For me it would just be a waste of funds (which are already limited) going up against the bigger parties and individuals with plenty of funds.
        Hopefully I could do it sometime in the future, that is if I don't become to cynical and just continue in the STEM field as most do now.

      • deleted

  • +8

    LNP policies on border protection are a pro?

    • +1

      Depends on who you ask

    • Should be an orderly procession or nothing imo. Hungary is just making everyone aware that what they are/were doing was following EU rules, but they've given up on much of it, it would seem, as they've started sending them directly on buses to Austria.

  • -3

    There are 2 big questions that needs to be asked:

    Which of us in the previous election voted for Tony Abbott/the Liberal party?

    If you are planning to vote in the Liberal Party for a second term, for god's sake why!?!?

    • +4

      Because one term is not enough to see the proper results?

    • +3

      Honestly I'd have a bigger problem with Shorten running the country, the amount of sly work he's done in the last 20yrs to get where he is. With Abott at least you can count on one thing to keep tabs on him: front page of the Herald Sun.

    • +4

      I voted for the Liberals and I'd do it again. Because their policies resonate with my personal beliefs.

    • -1

      If you are planning to vote in the Liberal Party for a second term, for god's sake why!?!?

      Peter Fitzsimmons wants the new crown to be his red bandana, with his head to be head of state?
      Best of a bad bunch?
      My neighbours dog crapped on my lawn again?
      Dont like the way the left wing media try to tell me how to vote?
      Jaryd Hayne emigrated to the USA?
      I like seeing others squirm?
      Bob Brown resigned as leader of the Greens?
      The younger generation think they can tell others whats right and whats wrong?
      My uncle is the brother of Bill Shorten?
      Global warming is now climate change as that covers ups and downs in weather ?
      There are too many bludgers on the railroads?
      Overseas companies havent paid tax for 20 years?
      We Pay too much Tax and dont get enough Welfare and too many white people own houses?
      Clive Palmer should go on a diet?
      I got out of Bed on the right side when I normally get out on the wrong side?

      Any more or is that enough.

      Frankly who the hell are you to say why I or anyone else have to answer to your demand, you are just a "pretender" anyway.

      And what sake is it of God? Why not for the sake of Allah, Krishna, Yazad, YHWH, Bhagavan, Zeus or are you just a white Christian pretender as well!

  • -4

    Voting Greens, as the economy is stuffed already so lets give it away while we have it, it will be the next generations issue, who vote Greens any way so its a win win for everyone.

  • +1

    LNP: I really dislike the current govt, especially the intensity of the fear-mongering by the current govt/media alliances that many people seem to be buying into.
    ALP: I'd much prefer them over LNP, but I'm not confident in their ability at present.
    GRN: too far left and unbalanced, not sure if they could handle anything that's not the environment.
    PUP: LNP2
    IND: Varies, but there are some excellent independents out there.

  • +6

    I am despairing of how many votes the LNP is getting :-(

    • Great I just voted them up by one to add to the discomfort.

      Polls like this are really stupid so dont take it to heart!

  • -2

    I shall draw a big dick across the whole thang. Elections are bought and rigged. What do you really think this is a democracy? The rich run it. You don't have a say.

    • +11

      Don't draw dicks on the ballot as we count those as a vote for Tony.

      In all seriousness though, don't fall into that /r/conspiracy k-hole of us being governed by the rich and not by popular vote. This country has some of the highest tax on personal wealth anywhere in the world, highest business tax anywhere in the world and spends some of the largest amounts of tax funds on the least fortunate anywhere in the world.

      • -1

        In all seriousness though, don't fall into that /r/conspiracy k-hole of us being governed by the rich and not by popular vote.

        …wait, we're not?

  • -3

    It is probably best to have Labor in power when we are in a recession as they get to take the blame and usually have an expansionary fiscal stance.

    I don't vote though. I'm not registered.

    • Wow a lot of hate. lol. However, look historically at the data and you'll see that it is true. Labor is almost always in power when there is a recession and it looks like Australia is headed that way. They practically always get the blame as well (Probably an issue with the media/Murdoch, but it's real and true).

      The economics is also true as well, during a recession you need expansionary fiscal policy. At the moment the Coalition is just cutting cutting cutting.

      FTTP down the drain. Lots of good Labor policies down the drain. The only reason why the government is still doing stuff is because Mr Palmer is watching over them with a gun to their heads. Otherwise the cuts would have been more atrocious.

  • +2

    Libs ahead in the polls?

    First and only time in years. Gota love ozb

  • -3

    Lets bring back K Rudd, imagine how many Japnese Eneloops you can get for $900. That pink batts scheme was great as well. I couldn't mint much money last time around as I only got to it towards the end of it. Please bring back the Labor, I promise I will be on standby for all their policies.
    Tonny's mob is trying to cut me centy money as well. Stuff them, they want people to work..
    WE NEED LABOR. Unions are awesome they represent your voice, Look at all the great leaders unions have produced. Mr. Bill Shorten is the panacea Australia requires.
    Kathy Jackson, Williamsons, that central coast medical union secretary they are all great…
    Please bring back labor.

  • -5

    "The 2 party system sucks!"

    majority proceeds to vote for one of the 2 parties

    I guess the citizens of OzBargain aren't more enlightened than the general public after all. Right now, Gerry Harvey, Rupert Murdoch and Gina Rinehart are looking at this thread and thinking to themselves "Hah! Just as planned!"

    For what it's worth, I'm better off not caring about each and every single one of you fellow Australians. "If you can't beat them, join them" so I'm just going to look after my own financial interests, if the side effect is me screwing one of you out of your money, then so be it (you're doing a good job of it anyway).

  • +1

    This country needs to elect Clive Palmer for president, he spent $50,000 on a dinner and gloated about this, at least you know you're getting the tyrant you deserve.

  • As bad as Liberal us, Labor just got nothing better to offer except trash talk….

    Unfortunately, at this point in time, we live in a country with shit government from both sides..Guess we just have to choose whoever that benefits us most..

  • I will be voting Greens, I like my local member however I do not like the party he stands with. I think greens deserve a chance with more humane policies. I would also love to see a federal ICAC. Do i think they will be elected, no, does it matter? No. The more people moving away from the current parties the more they realise the time for change. Look at Coles and Woolies reacting to Aldi. Politics is simply business.

  • "affect our financials one way or another" um
    That is not why I vote

  • Vote 1 for Palmer…Just for the laughs :)
    Parliament would be much more enjoyable

  • -1

    Sorry to being so negative but no matter who gets in. they will screw us. All they care about is setting up their retirement and the future of their families.

  • Just look at SA - Labor run for past 13 years - broke, highest unemployment rate in the nation and still wants to take in more refugees.

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