AUD FX Keeps Dropping and I am Travelling to The US Next Year. What's Now?


Thanks to all the Jetstar deals, I finally bit the bullet and bought ticket to Haiwaii for next Feb 2016.
However, with all the FX news at the moment, I am concerned that 1 AUD will drop to 60 US cents or even below that, by the time I travel.

I am considering to lock in some FX rate with Qantas Cash (or other better options).

Do you think it is too early for me to do it? And is there any better options than Qantas Cash?

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  • 6
    AUD FX rate will be improved by then (higher than 0.70 US Cents)
  • 15
    AUD FX rate will drop further


  • +1

    OP - "I finally bit the bullet and bought ticket to Haiwaii for next Feb 2015."

    I didnt realise we are still in 2014, all these feel like de-ja-vu…talking about the AUD falling…and then one year later, it is still falling…

    If you are totally unsure, you can lock in half the amount you want to bring and then see how down the track…spread your risk a little

    • Thanks. Definitely feel like a dejavu today at work.

  • If you really knew the future you would be uber rich.

  • I'm going to Europe in June 2016 for the Euros. Have paid for accommodation and got tickets already, but am waiting for flights and am pretty worried about the AUD EUR exchange rate crashing even further.

    • Thanks for sharing the concern. I visited Europe in 2012 and the FX rate was amazing back then. 98 99 US cents back then. I spent without worrying too much ..

      But no matter what, europe would be an amazing destination .. And im sure you would enjoy it.

  • +1

    Westpac has just lowered their forecast to 0.66cents forexlive

    After saying it will spend alot of time in the 70s only last week Business Insider

    You might be best to start exchanging money now and hopefully get some 'dollar cost averaging'.

    I thought QantasCash had quite high fees? Edit: Apparently not according to Canstar
    I think exchanging cash would be better, the FX rate might not be as great here (as you would get in the USA now), but then there are no other fees to worry about.

    • The economists are constantly shifting their goal post. At $1.10, they say target $0.85. At $0.90, they say target at $0.80. At $0.80 they say target at $0.70. Now they say $0.66. Pretty soon they will target $0.50. Sometimes you get pretty pissed off with them constantly throwing out bullshit numbers just because they have to make a "forecast" if not, they are practically useless.

  • +2

    If anyone can predict the fx market, they won't need to he on ozbargain as they will be rich!

    Depending jn how much u need, go exchange some usd now, maybe 30-40 percent. The chances are that it will fall more than it will rise ( it my go back up to 70-75) but it will have more of a chance of it goig to 55-60!

    If you get some and it rises not much loss, you can keep it and use cc, if it falls u can count ur lucky stars

  • What's Now?

    Now is September 2015.

    next Feb 2015

    That is actually previous

    You seem to have some sort of temporal confusion, please consult a calendar

    • +2

      LOL thanks for this. It should have been Feb 2016 .. But i had a good laugh.

  • +1

    If you are worried just go and buy USD… Why do you need schemes to make sure the dollar does not drop etc? Just go and buy the currency… ez.

  • +1

    Unfortunately no one has a crystal ball. I always just let the spot rate at the time decide. You might be better off, you might be worse off.

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