"Proper" keyboard?

I just started a new co…. and I got given an aweful MS wireless mouse/kb combination. soft crappy keys you cant feel you type…
I returned it and brought in an old IBM keyboard I have at home…

So I bought an Logitech MX mouse and went looking for keyboard.

the only keyboards I liked were gaming styled $150 + razors etc.

Is there any good Mechanical like keyboards I can look at? I don't need the LED lighting or gaming features, but proper type feel.. yes.

Advice here appreciated. I am quite disappointed at how hard it is to find a good keyboard!


  • +1


    I am using that, bought it for $60~$70 when they were on sales from EB games. Feels really nice, you can replace the USB cable as well.
    The white printing on keycaps got slightly filthy, but I think it's good for its price.
    It's a really basic one though, I don't think people will think it's a mechanical keyboard by the looks alone unless they hear me start typing on it.
    No fancy macro, the function key simply allows you to do basic stuff like locking the Windows key or play, fast forward videos and music and volume control.

    It's a shame that I've damaged the stem while cleaning it (super glue saved the day, though that came to my mind after I've bought a replacement switch and a soldering station).

    • ^Just adding on, the keyboard I've linked is a Cherry brown switch one. I am sure you could find ones with different switches; I remember seeing the red one available, not sure what MSY stocks.

      About the switches, I am sure other people can fill the gap. I have no clue which one is best for typing and such, though I think brown one is alright?

      • +2

        Generally you'll be looking at red, blue, black, or brown. There are others, but they are less common.

        Brown: feel the click as you type, yet is pretty quiet, generally good for typing, I used one for 3 years and it's a good all-rounder. You will hear it hit the bottom (as with all mech keyboards) so it can be loud, but generally not too loud if you don't smash your fingers on the keyboard :)

        Blue: feel the click AND hear the click, I just replaced my brown with a blue 2 days ago and I love it, but it's not going to be good in an office environment as your co-workers would hate hearing it click all day.

        Red: smooth carriage all the way down, you'll only hear it hitting the bottom (bottoming out). You won't feel the actuation (where it actually registers the key press) like on blue or brown, but it's generally used more for gaming as it has really good double-click times and whatnot without going all the way up. It is nice to type on, too, but I personally prefer brown and feeling the actuation.

        Black: very similar to red, but a bit heavier to type on.

        @OP I would suggest brown in this situation, it sounds like you enjoy the feel of typing on an old style keyboard. Honestly I can't tell you how much I loved typing this reply on my blue keyboard hearing the switches click, but as I said your colleagues would hate you :P

        The ones I have owned are probably not appropriate for your usage though (OP), I previously had a Max keyboard nighthawk x8 (brown switch), which had all the things you said you don't really need - blue backlighting, kind of looks like a "gamer's keyboard". Was $150-odd (probably out of budget).

        I now use a Thermaltake eSports Poseidon Z RGB with Kailh (not cherry mx) blue switches. No difference really, Kailh is a clone of the Cherry brand which makes most (however supply shortage = $$$) switches. So far I love the configurability and quality feel it has to it, but again it is about $150 and also very customisable (you can have any number of backlit key colours in any combination, different effects, etc so it's not appropriate anyway).

        I'd go with something like the CM storm linked above or the Tesoro below - both look like excellent value boards.

        Check out this thread on overclock.net for a great guide on different switch types

  • +2

    There's this…


    Sure it's not cheap, but it comes with with quality switches and has the added bonus that your co-workers are unlikely to want to steal your keyboard after they discover how much nicer it feels.

    (I use a Microsoft Natural 4000 which also deters most of my colleagues from "borrowing" my stuff)

    • +1

      Wow. Blank and bad ass. First time I see something like this.
      Must you be a good typist to use one of this?

      • +1

        wow. My touch typing is ok, but the symbols and other things maybe not so solid.
        Quite an impressive keyboard—- $200 way out of budget though ;)

  • +2
    • I have this keyboard for work and after an initial break in, it's quite nice. Comparing it to a Leopold it's obviously not as good, but compared to a shitty membrane it's well worth it.

  • Typing on this right now:


    It's great.

    Qualifies for the $50 eBay voucher.

  • +1

    Had a quick look through some stores and found this:

    Razer products can be quite overpriced though… But in saying that, I have a razer keyboard and the mechanical keys are perfect, nice sound when you're using it.

    • +1

      yeah, I tried them in the shop, but at $179 they were equivilent to monster cables (ok, maybe a tad harsh! - maybe it is the logo)…

      This is not a bad price. I may actually get two of these.

      Thank you!

  • What is the price range you are looking at?

  • I'm in the market for a mechanical keyboard too. My budget is approx $80 or so

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