How to Replace My Old HDD with New SSD

im not very good with computers and dont have much knowledge.
could you please tell me how to replace with newly bought SSD without reinstalling OS and every softwares that installed.
is there a way ? I googled it and found some of the websites.
But, I also want opinons others in here .
So, that the information that I get here is most updated one, I believe.
I have never done it before, it will be my first time doing it.
is it worth doing it myself or should i go to shop and pay for it ?
i just bought this laptop 2 months ago. when i bought it, i didn't have any windows keys or dvd given to me.
laptop and power cable. that's it in the box.
shop said nowadays, they don't give dvds anymore for recovering or reinstalling.
he said there is hidden part inside laptop itself.
something like that.
That's why, I am worried that if i were not successfully able to do it, where do i get windows 8 keys to my SSD .
I watched some youtube clips and I can disassemble and place it easily.
I am just not sure of whether it will work perfectly fine or not.
Please give me advice .
Thanks very much.


  • +2

    If you are not good with computers it's best not to do it yourself. You need someone that understands what to do to do it. Ask a friend who had done this before or get a quote from a computer shop.

    The CD key for your pre-installed OS should be on a sticker at the bottom of your laptop. The old HDD will be cloned into the new SSD so nothing will be changed within the HDD. Keep the HDD as a backup just in case the SSD fails for some reason.

    • thanks for your advice.
      so, after i copy all the data from old hdd to SDD , how does windows work ?
      because I thought one license key works only for one OS which is one laptop.
      Will OS on both ssd and hdd be activated and genuine OS?
      i just checked it at the back of my laptop, there is no windows key.

      • Search on youtube "How to clone HDD to SDD"

      • +2

        I have done this twice over a year ago and I actually posted something similar a few months ago here for someone else. I can't remember exactly what to do but I will try as follows:

        1. Install a cloning programme in your HDD. I used a free Acronis version that came with a product.

        2. Connect the SSD via USB to your laptop and fully clone the HDD into the SSD.

        3. Switch off the power and swap the drives.

        4. Boot up the computer and go into the bios to adjust some settings to optimally run the SSD.

        5. Save and exit bios and reboot the computer. When in Windows install the driver for the SSD and adjust the settings.

        You can use the same OS cd key on another computer/another drive. I have done it many times before. Just don't have the computers with the same OS cd key online at the same time.

        Someone mentioned that it's better to do a fresh install to run the SSD optimally. This include faster speed and longer life because the settings would be optimal for the SSD.

        Good luck and have fun doing it.

        • Thanks very much for your reply and advice. that's very informative.
          As you mentioned earlier, I should have windows key underneath my laptop.
          but , i can't find it in this new laptop.
          in my old one which i bought few years back, i just checked it and saw the key there.
          what should i do ?
          if i have new SSD and install fresh windows in it, i guess i will need the key.
          do i buy they win8.1 key or is there any way i can find out my key ?

        • +1

          @Kiera: You will need to take out the battery, the key will be on the underside of the battery compartment, if there is one. If you want to do a fresh install, you can do it by pressing a certain key during start up, check your manual. Also you can create a recovery usb or dvd by using the software supplied by the manufacturer which should already be installed on your computer. You should not need the key if you are doing a fresh install this way.

        • +1

          It seems like I am outdated with how manufacturers handles the CD key with pre-installed OS. Have a read on this link

  • Thanks kcuf and DarkOz .
    now i kinda have some ideas what i can do or should do . :D
    Thanks for all your help.

  • +1

    MOST laptops would have a RECOVERY DISC mode where you can create recovery discs , but NOTE the discs it creates will be a FRESH install as well (including any preinstalled laptop software) not a SNAPSHOT of your current PC so it wont transfer your files and settings, SO back them up to a usb before hand to transfer to the NEW setup. (look up transfer files and settings in windows 8) If you use a recovery disc you WONT need a key)

    If you have a WINDOWS CD then all you need is the key

    Do a search for programs that find KEYS, Once you have the key you should be able to do a fresh install onto your SSD or any HDD…

    Id personally prefer to do a fresh install rather than a clone as there will be a few programs you don't use anymore and possibly some bloatware

    anyway good luck.

  • +1

    Samsung gives a software for cloning when you buy Samsung SSD. Connect new SSD in USB (with USB to SATA converter - u may need to buy it, cheap in ebay). Run Samsung provided software, clone it. Shutdown computer. Take off old HDD, put SSD. Boot machine. Done.

    If you don't use Samsung then you can use this free s/w:

    I tested both ways several times without any issues.

  • +2

    Buy a HDD caddy to replace your optical drive $15 ish ebay.
    Install that (with ssd in the caddy.)
    Use cloning software to copy old drive to ssd.
    Go into bios and change boot order to load from optical drive/ssd first. Or physically swap drives over.

    The old drive can now be used as secondary storage

  • Thanks to all of you for your advice.

  • According to what most people agree, I decided to do clean install.
    I don't know how to make recovery disc tbh.
    now I don't have key, as i read it on whirlpool link, someone said, as soon as I replace with SSD and turn on power, windows will install new one itself and it will auto detect the key and will automatically activate itself.
    Is that correct ? If that's so, I will do it myself.
    replacing is not that easy i guess. I watched some youtube clips on how they replace it with HDD and put that SSD in.

    • +1

      after cloning it not ask windows key. everything will look like old one, except speed.

  • +2

    What size is your current HDD and what size is the ssd?

  • +1

    If it is windows 8.1 or later. Thr cd key is tied to the hardware in your device. If you are cloning your drive though you shouldnt need the license key.
    Look for a program called Acronis. Then look up a youtube tutorial on how to clone a drive with it. The n only thing you want to make sure is that your SSD has the same capacity or greater than your HDD before cloning. This will be the easiest method.

  • +1

    Hi Kiera,
    I am by no means an expert and being a regular reader of this forum I know that the people who usually post answers on these subjects really know their stuff, much more than I do so I usually keep quiet. Having said that, I will share my experience with you. I use Easus Todo Backup Workstation. I had to pay for it and I do try to use the free alternatives when I can but sometimes it’s really worth spending money on software, not always, but definitely yes on some occasions. With Easus, I can clone to different sized hard drives (larger to smaller as long as the larger doesn’t have more data on it than the destination drive) and it also can clone to dissimilar hardware. The other feature I like is that if cloning from a Sata drive to SSD Easus gives you an option to ‘optimize for SSD’ cloning.
    Can I ask why you are swapping drives? The reason I ask is that I have replaced about 7 Sata drives now with SSD’s (good quality one’s), 4 being laptops and 3 desktops. After the exchange the difference in performance on the desktops was blistering fast, especially boot time. With the laptops, data transfer speeds increased but overall the increase in performance was disappointing. So, if the only reason you are changing is to see a huge difference, well, I would save it for a desktop computer. Just my experience which may be due to my ‘inexperience’. Maybe someone with more experience than me can shed some light on why that is and if they agree or not.

  • My data that I used is only about 62GB in C drive. i bought this laptop like 2 months ago.
    I bought samsung evo 850 SSD . I"m gonna swap my HDD with that new SSD.
    may be fresh installation will be much better option in this case , i guess. :D
    If I do wrong and won't work in the end, i will send it to the shop. :D
    my current windows is 8.1 and laptop is asus X555LD model. i can't find my key .
    probably , when i open up the laptop, i will check inside the battery.
    someone wrote that it will automatically activate windows itself. Not sure which one is right.
    thank you all for your advice.

  • +1

    I found this if it helps:

    The key is stored in the computer’s UEFI firmware or BIOS by the manufacturer.

    If your computer came with Windows 8 and it doesn’t have a COA sticker, don’t worry. You should just be able to reinstall the same edition of Windows the PC came with and it should just work without even asking you for a key. (Still, it may be best to run NirSoft’s ProduKey and write down any key you find there before reinstalling Windows — just in case.)

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