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[Steam] Age of Empires 2 HD $3.99 USD (~$4.20 AUD) / Complete Pack $12.25 USD (~$17.15 AUD)


Great price for this absolute banger. New DLC "African Kingdoms" came out today featuring new civs, game modes, maps, and textures. Also on sale is the Forgotten expansion which includes new civs, maps, campaigns, etc. Both of these DLCs are included in the complete pack.

Plenty of mods available via steam workshop and the multiplayer community is still very much alive. Usually 2-5 open lobbies during weekday evenings with more over the weekends.

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closed Comments

  • Ah… the game that teaches children to become economical war strategists.

    Good, we gotta be ready… in case them Japs try invading us again :S ;)

    • The japs don't have gunpowder units, they'll be at a disadvantage!

      • -3

        Just so you know thatis an extremely offensive term. Almost like the N word really.

        • -1

          Almost like the N word really

          YOu're joking right?

          Anyhow it depends on how it's used, like pretty much all other words… my highschool Japanese class code was JAP. No worries, no intentions to offend.

        • I would say it is no more offensive than gaijin (外人) these days as most young Japanese (university age) I speak with don't even know why Jap would be offensive to them. Of course older Japanese do but again, like inose said it depends on use, just like gaijin.

        • @WeiKaiLe: I have close friends in Japan, almost considered family (aged 35-65) and all take major offense to the term. As do their parents and families. For my comment, no more than an FYI to receive downvotes just goes to show that narrow mindedness is a key trait in racists.

        • @Phreakuency: Not that you're accusing me but just saying I didn't downvote you. However, the age range you give back my point that the older population find offence to the term. I think in this day and age you'll find many people have close friends in Japan. I lived in Japan a few years myself and have close friends etc as you do but my experience, although I didn't use the term as I was aware of how it may be received, was that it is not that offensive to those my age and younger (early 30s and below).

        • @Phreakuency:
          Didn't mean to offend… my comment was a tongue in cheek reference to the in-game civilisation of the Japanese not being able to use gunpowder units, therefore being at a disadvantage. And I don't see why you negged me without negging the post above mine - he used the same terminology, probably in a more offensive way?

  • Is new dlc African kingdoms fan made?
    Did not like the forgotten

    • Nope, this one was made by Microsoft :)

      If you didn't like the Forgotten, probably better off sticking with just the base game IMO.

    • Looks like it's an official expansion from Microsoft, as described in the first few lines on it's steam link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/355950/

      I'd place my money on it and say it's better than The Forgotten ;)

      Edit: Beaten by two minutes :p

    • Microsoft made. They've done some pretty big changes to the multiplayer so that even if you only have the base version you still have access to some of the Forgotten and African civs. This means that all players can play in all lobbies.

      So if you already have HD or the Forgotten you can just join a game and see if you like the new African stuff before buying.

      • Yay! Who remembers castle blood back in the day of dial up?

    • Age of empires II Forgotten empires was a fan made mod project to start with. However they showed it to microsoft who picked it up and added some stuff and made it into an official expansion called Age of Empires II: The forgotten. So technically both are official microsoft releases, but the forgotten started as a fan made project ;) Either way the original game is a timeless classic that still remains my favourite strategy game today, regardless of whether you add the expansions.

  • Is it still full of bugs?

    • Nope :)

  • +3

    If you want to lose your/severely underperform in your studies/jobs, get this game.
    The game is a life changer.

  • I really wish they made Age of Empires HD, without the queuing of units. I loved the original and the lack of queuing added to the strategy.

  • Some research on metacritic suggests that there isn't much to be seen beyond the original and that the age of the game may feel apparent…?

    • +2

      The age is what makes it so good.

      The main purpose of having the HD version on steam is for the multiplayer & workshop. The steam lobbies are just for casual players, otherwise you have to play through a client (e.g. Voobly) which is targeted towards more experienced players I believe.

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