• expired

Lavazza Coffee (Beans or Ground) $14.99kg at Coles


Mum spotted this one at Coles yesterday. $14.99 a kilo is crazy cheap! Stock up before mum spreads the word to too much of the Italian community and they sell out…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good on yer mum! a + vote for her.

    Unfortunately I can't be your bubble I'm already someone else's Bubbly!.

    • +2


      • +1


  • +4

    That is a lot of coffee.

    Great episode of Futurama where Fry has so much coffee he vibrates so hard he becomes faster than light.

    • Thats it. I'm having 100 cups of coffee!

    • Lel wat? Our team of 12 goes through a 1kg bag in a week.

  • Bought 4kg, a months supply :)

    • +3

      Why? They'll be so stale it's not funny by the time you get to the last bag or 2.
      Cheap price but you're better off buying decent coffee from a roaster. This stuff is probably roasted months ago..

      • Put the unopened bags in the freezer, keeps well. I seal my opened bags and store them in the freezer and it lasts for as long as I need.

        • Still not ideal for beans. Coffee is when of those things you purchase as fresh as possible and then use ASAP.

  • +1

    I think Dimmeys had a parallel import a year or two ago for $10. From what I have been told Coffee prices are usually inflated.

  • +1

    Do they sell the actual beans that they serve at their coffee shops

  • +1

    These beans would pour a great despresso.

  • Got some also, great price so stock up as the special ends tomorrow.

  • Coffee can help fight liver disease, Australian researchers find


    • +1

      Requires subscription though it sounds interesting, I'll have to look it up.

    • -2

      I didn't read the link but it sounds like one of those "ZOMG BEER CAN HELP FIGHT CANCER!!!!11" BS populist science articles for the masses.

      • +1

        The reasearch has been done by Dr Alex Hodge from Melbourne, he's a gastroenterologist…

        • +2

          Perhaps but it doesn't necessarily mean the journalist reported the findings/conclusions correctly such is the state of science reporting in mainstream media.

        • @DeafMutePretender:

          doesn't necessarily mean the journalist reported the findings/conclusions correctly

          Did you read the article ?

          After presenting results of the study in San Francisco, Dr Alex Hodge said it was worth drinking a cuppa for good health
          "I certainly wouldn't advocate drinking 20 cups a day, but a moderate intake of coffee, particularly if you have liver disease, is certainly something you shouldn't shy away from," Dr Hodge said

      • +3

        I didn't read the link

        Sorry, but enough said…

  • +3

    Made a latte and I'm drinking it now.

  • Woolworths beans are cheaper, always

    • I usually drink Coles brand coffee beans for $12 per kilo. Roasted in Australia, taste fine, and the price is great.

      • I think they are fairtrade and/or organic as well.

  • +1

    Hrmm there were some fairtrade 1kg dark&medium blend beans from Coles for about $11 a few weeks ago, probably should have posted that. Not the greatest cup, but it produces some nice crema and mixes in well with milk.

  • There was a study in a Scandinavian country (Denmark?) that found a statistical link between drinking two cups of coffee per day and living longer in old age. Wonder if it's to do with the antioxidants

  • +3

    prolly going to get nagged but here's my 2 cents.
    depending what machine and how you are brewing your coffee, it's better to get freshly roast beans.
    you don't know how long ago these were roasted or have been sitting on the shelves, either buy freshly roasted beans (they usually stamp the roast date, to last 2-4 weeks depending how you keep them) from shops or online.
    I've been going to http://www.griffithscoffee.com.au locally and they have been gr8.

    I bought a couple of kilos of beans from Coles back when I first got my grinder and espresso machine, challenging to get consistent decent shot but good for training purposes.

    • Yep totally agree! You should be finishing your bag of beans roughly within 3 weeks of the roasting date (for best results). I don't really want to think how long these sit between roasting and arriving at the store, let alone before someone buys it.

    • +2

      Yes, you're right, but I guess I weigh up the costs v quality. At the end of the day, the supermarket beans are better than pod coffee for taste & quality, and over time bean machines are cheaper.

      • -3

        I'd take a pod coffee over beans from a supermarket…

        • Blind taste testing shows beans taste better than pods
          Then there is the incredible amount of rubbish being created by all those pods

    • +1

      Hope no one nags you ;)

    • of course its better, but no where near $13 per kg though.

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