Bad Telstra sales experience

Today I made a complaint to before service is even provisioned because they gave me a quote of $99.95 for 100 mbit + waive modem fee + waive connection fee + waive any technician professional fee, 24 month commitment.

Then spent 8 hours today on phone when they decided to change the cost after I said ok and proceeded with the order.

And offered me anything from 200GB for $89.95 to $149 for 1TB. All with connection fee. And suddenly it was a huge deal to have a technician. The technician now HAD to be there only now I had to pay for someone to come and plug in a modem. Before I was happy to self install.

All in all there was the potential for 144 (modem) + 254 (install) + 192 (connection fee) in additional charges and they refused to say say how much they would Bill me and insisted that I wait for the Bill then dispute the charges after hours and hours on the phone spent making up plans and conditions and options and claiming to be baffled by the quote and things like naming the plan they kept referring to as "the plan" despite insisting there's too many plans to keep track of.

Honestly it was like calling an insane asylum where the staff and inmates toss a coin to see who takes calls.

Recorded the whole lot.

Any other bad Telstra sales experiences?

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  • +1

    I gave up on the $200 welcome credit + data cause they needed a letter written and signed by my parents to prove I live at that address. Multiple credit cards, phone plans and wow Telstra!

  • +1

    Just curious, what app/program can be used to record the call?

    • +1

      I use this: which is expensive but it works flawlessly. You can test it for free to see if your device works.

      As I have understand it there are 2 types of call recording: kernel and mic.

      Kernel is what you want as it records the digital audio stream and is therefore better than what you hear using the phone normally.

      Mic is from Mic and therefore ranges from very bad quality to indecipherable.

      As the name suggests kernel mode requires a kernel that supports recording which you may or may not already have. If you don't already you may be able to flash a different kernel that does depending on your device. Some devices cannot record in kernel mode at all. It also requires a rooted device.

      • Thanks. read but expecting something simpler, also on iPhone and not just Android
        Looks like nothing straight forward on iPhone, as third party phone app is required, at the moment.
        whoever can write an app to address this need will be a winner.
        Free app redeem code for ozb please.

  • +2

    Started renewing a contract with Telstra worth approx $200k per year over 36 months. Account exec never answered phone / email, ignored request for meeting. Her manager promised some activity and nothing happened. Eventually (after about a month) I got passed onto a dealer who then proposed a $250k per year deal - none of the problems / improvement opportunities were addressed. Sent them back and they countered with a new proposal worth $300k, still nothing I wanted addressed, just more expensive options.

    Previous company - Telstra AE actually said during contract negotiations "you'll never move from us, this is my offer". That was worth $100k / year..

    A rule of thumb - if your pre-sales experience is shit, imagine how your post-sales experience will be like.

    Good thing we have a choice of carriers, right?

    • Unfortunately not in the case of Telstra or optus cable user if they aren't in NBN area .

      Unless you want to choose from a plethora of slow adsl options.

  • +1

    Sounds familiar… Signed up for a 24 months contract on a bundle, they started billing a week before the service was provisioned and didn't waive delivery fee as promised… Called to complain, said they will give credit, still waiting for it. Guess will have to call them again on days off :(

  • +2

    Perhaps Telstra's CEO, Andrew Penn, needs to know and could help. Often the CEO's have had an email address of [email protected]

    The last CEO, David Thodey, 'fixed' Telstra's poor customer service.

    • Hah worth a try ;)

  • My experience with Telstra is they try to push the sale no matter what.
    You'll have to chase them up for credits etc later.
    Level 1 support is terrible. Always ask to "escalate".
    Keyword is "escalate"

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