• expired

Fresh Roasted Specialty Coffee 4x 480g for $59.95 Delivered @ Manna Beans


This deal includes the following:

1 x 480g Brazil Black Diamond
1 x 480g Colombia Volcano
1 x 480g Panama Don Pepe
1 x 480g Lucky Dip

Price inclusive of shipping anywhere in Australia. Whole Beans Only.

Brazil Black Diamond
Rich cup with a heavy intense body. Dark cocoa, toffee and soft plum notes upfront going into a sticky caramel and cocoa finish.
Origin: Cerrado
Variety: Acaia
Processing: Natural
Altitude: 800 – 1,300 masl

Panama Don Pepe Catuai
Medium weighted and clean coffee. Creamy, brown sugar/orange candy sweetness. Chocolate, caramel, black tea, peach and apricot flavours with orange-like acidity and panela finish.
Cupping Score: 86
Varietal: Catuai
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1,500 masl

Colombia Volcano
A smooth, sweet, spiced orange body & long aftertaste of malt caramel sugar.
Region: Ibague
Altitude: 1,750 – 1,900 masl
Processing: Washed & Sun Dried

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Manna Beans

closed Comments

  • +1

    Hey, I ordered the previous deal last night (late to the party I know) and I was wondering whether you had any storage advice. I go through beans fairly slowly and I was thinking of freezing most of the beans and taking them out as I need them? Do you recommend anything else? Also thanks for the deals, just created the account to say that :)

    • +2

      I push out as much air as i can and freeze immediately after receiving.
      Definitely lasts longer but once you open the bag, I find it goes stale slightly faster than if you had it freshly opened.

      • Thanks Toshin, great advice :-) If planning to keep longer than a month then this is certainly an option

        • I'll add that if you have one of those newfangled fridges like I do with 'supercool' function, this works better. Possibly placebo for the beans, but certainly for meats.
          Basically it freezes whatevers inside the drawer to the desired temperature as quickly as possible reducing any slow moisture buildup etc.

      • I'll do that, thanks for the advice :)

  • Really, freezing? I've always been advised that this is a bad idea. Airtight, room temperature and away from sunlight is what I've always been told. Also, shelf life is argued quite heavily too - sometimes that best before is as little as 1-2 weeks post roasting, so buying ~2kgs worth of beans and getting through them over the course of a year is probably not ideal.

    With both of the above though, I've got no idea what the overall impact is (is it a 5% deterioration, or 50%?). If the former, you probably won't notice / care, so fill your boots, if the latter though, maybe the cost saving isn't worth it. FWIW, I buy a 1kg bag of Fiori and get through it in ~2 months, and the last cup tastes as good as the first.

    @Epikmunch - Perhaps you could freeze half of one bag, leave the other half in the cupboard and see if there's any noticeable impact in a few months time?

    • nope freezing definitely works - to an extent obviously.

      Numerous tests have been done online. ie.

      • Thanks toshin - good to know. Not sure I'll change my habits though ;-)

        • I generally split my orders with a friend and freeze 500g.

          Anyway ordered!

    • How much coffee I go through depends on my situation, if my family is over then I'll be making up to 10 cups a day but when it's just me I'll make a couple a day at most. 2kgs would probably last 2 or so months on average so I'm not letting it sit for too long.

  • Hey Manna, I've got enough coffee left to last me to the end of this month. Any chance I could purchase this deal, but have it delivered for the first of March? Also, can I get them delivered in 240gram bags instead - happy to pay extra for the bags.

    • Hey JTB, sorry but these deals get roasted fresh whilst they are running so not viable for me to perform individual small batch roasts at the end of the month.
      We do regularly post deals so there will be a similar alternative when you require more coffee in a few weeks :-)

  • Can't purchase this one anymore? It says it expires tomorrow. :(

    • Hey Nic1, Apologies but I believe my colleague closed off the webpage a day early but the following link is running and you will be able to place an order through this link


      • Hi, I've seen them, but I prefer the beans listed here. :)

        • I still have these coffees available. If you want you can checkout through the new link but leave notes in Paypal that you want these coffees :-)

        • Awesome, thanks! :)

          I've just placed the order.

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