Hi all,
It's my mother's birthday soon and during one of my trips overseas a few months ago, she asked me to look out for a nice hand bag for her. I didn't end up finding anything. To give you an idea what my mother is like, I don't recognise the brand of her current hand bag, but it is red and made of leather, and I think the quality is quite good. I don't think the brand is a luxury brand, otherwise I would recognise it. And besides, she has a few luxury branded bags, but she doesn't use them, because she fears the bag might attract unwanted attention for everyday use. She keeps quite a lot of money in her handbag because she doesn't trust bank cards. Everything she needs is in her handbag. When I was a child, I used to marvel at how she seemed to have everything in that bag.
Is there like a brand renowned for quality and long lasting for hand bags? Like Samsonite of the handbags world?
/gif womens handbag