Uber Deals - Relevant?

Wondering what other peoples thoughts were, it's kind of annoying seeing $20 NEW USER deals popping up constantly.

These deals are bread and butter for Uber, they aren't anything unique or hard to find, personally would like to see only 'all user' Uber deals hitting the deals section, maybe an Uber thread to post the others so they aren't always getting posted.

Just my opinion and no hate to those posting

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  • They are trying to get more growth, but I think we can already see that they are falling behind. I started to receive free physical cards in snail mail offering $50 off uber…

    I think their private investors are quivering at the moment. If it was publicly traded, it would be a good time to short.

    There is a reason why they haven't decided to go the IPO route. lol.

  • It is interesting to see the commonality of them now, but no harm in sharing the better ones ($25+)

  • Generally if someone posts a coupon for a store (e.g. 20% off) and then another user posts a different coupon code but which achieves the same discounts (e.g. 20% off again) then we would remove the duplicate. However if the expiry dates are different then we would keep both. For example, code DISCOUNT gets you 20% until July 1 and then another user posts code WELCOME for a 20% discount until December both would remain. If it happened in the reverse order then the 2nd deal will be removed.

    It gets more complicated if you can only use the code once per account, or things become stackable or some other variable.

    With Uber deals, we often don't know when they expire. We also often don't know where the codes work (e.g. VIC). We've seen codes work for one amount in one location, not at all for another, and a higher amount for a different location. To make it more complicated, there are the occasional targeted offers and then those who post their referral codes as deals (you can choose your code). Then there are codes from employees which give different amounts not to mention driver referral codes.

    Well, the community keeps voting the deals up so we will keep trying to organise & decipher them as best as we can.

  • I have the same sentiment but only because I use OzBargain regularly. I often wonder if there's any OzBargainer that still doesn't know about Uber and/or the free rides that they've always dished out to new users.

    But as neil points out, people keep voting the deals up.

    If it's not sockpuppeting it may simply be representative of the standard "free-is-free" voting pattern we're used to.

  • I personally don't see anything wrong with it.

    You can always hide Uber deals if you don't want to see them right? That's why that hide feature was introduced, so you could hide deals from particular deals/stores if you didn't like seeing them?

    I do recall seeing one of the ones posted here recently, the first comment was someone saying something like "I haven't signed up yet.. so yes we do still exist! Thanks".

    Not to mention, not everyone who uses Ozbargain is even a user, so there could be plenty of others that benefit from each and every deal which we don't even hear about because they don't comment.

    There is always someone who doesn't know. I'm sure Ozbargain gets new users everyday, as would Uber.

    • i think the problem with hiding is that you may miss other Uber deals.

      I don't think there is a silver bullet to the problem. It applies with other things aswell (e.g. ebooks, udemy). Despite this website being aimed to flag useful bargains you still have to filter what is useful and what is not.

      The only solution I see is that people will stop upvoting the new uber deals and hence they won't appear on the front page/people will no longer post them.

    • I'm sure Ozbargain gets new users everyday, as would Uber.

      Ozbargain isn't here to give free advertising to Uber or any other company.

      Uber gives the same thing away, every day. It's the "regular price".

      It's SPAM.

      • Correct. And Uber aren't the ones advertising.. you sound like you're a rival company not happy with your superior rival advertising. These are posted by a user like me and you who just thinks it's a good deal.

  • Personally I think they're no more annoying than a new post for every single item on every single eBay store during eBay 20% off deals (look how many CLICK20 deals there are on the front page alone right now, and how many there were for CVALENTINE20 - virtually one for every item on Futu Online)

    • I think they're no more annoying than a new post for every single item on every single eBay…

      Good point.

      However consider what you just described…. and then having every new "deal" being for the exact same product (Uber) but from a different vendor.

      If Uber are giving away free rides, every day, via 30 different marketting channels, then that's still just ONE "store" offering ONE "product"… so they are all dupes.

      I agree with whats said above - we ALL now that Uber are desperstely giving away free rides for new signups. We don't need a new "deal" published every time they expire it, then repost the exact same deal the following day.

      If any other vendor did it, they'd be banned.

  • Thank heavens somebody else has noticed the Uber Spam on this site.

    I just posted negatively and got negged by the FanBois.

    I'll post the rant here, for the record…

    YAWN… how desperate are these Uber people, huh?

    Every few days the same thing - repeated over and over and over. I haven't read the site policies, but it's just becoming "regular price" rather than a deal.

    It's like we go "OH NOs - the Uber Free Ride deal just expired and I missed out!"… then 10 minutes later, another deal appears for exactly the same thing but worded slightly differently or via Westpac or some such rubbish.

    Without trying very hard with my search terms, I found ELEVEN deals for Uber in May. At least one every 3 days, and most of them were dupes. OMG I wonder if they have the muppets organised to ensure the average in maintained again in June?

    Maybe we should start a "Uber Deals Of The Week" thread, and just shove all their spam advertising in there?

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