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Zotac GeForce GTX 970 Video Card £183.16 (~AU$324), Seagate Expansion 5TB Desktop External £98.48 (~AU$174) Shipped @ Amazon UK


A few amazon UK price drops. VAT is removed at checkout to bring the final price down.

Seagate Expansion 5TB USB 3.0 Desktop 3.5 inch External Hard Drive £98.48 (~AU $174)
Also consider the Western Digital My Book 8 TB External Hard Drive £159.49 (~AU $291) if you're after a larger drive.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Phew, $330ish for a 970 is a hot price. Thanks OP.

    • +6

      isnt it better to grab a RX 480 4gb from PCCasegear for $319 when they come in at the end of next week


      • +1

        I'd prefer the RX 480 for DirectX 12, but someone may prefer PhysX support. Also, I'd wait for non-reference RX 480 though.

        • -3

          I'd also wait to see if AMD owns up to the design flaws and recalls every 480. They are all faulty out I the box. This is far worse than their 280/290 debacle where he issue was primarily heat. The 480 will kill your motherboard.

        • +1

          Illuminati confirmed!!

        • +4


          The extra draw across the PCI-e bridge 'can' damage motherboards, typically ultra cheap motherboards. Most motherboards can tolerate the extra power draw and for gaming based motherboards it should be a non-issue.

          AMD releasing the RX 480 that can go past PCI-e specifications is crap, but to say it 'will' kill your motherboard is an exaggeration.

          I researched more, if the problem kicks in it will cause a bluescreen on older budget motherboards, not kill it. This problem exists on the 8GB variant only and AMD are releasing a driver to fix the issue.

        • +2


          All a driver will do is make the card run slowly - extra slowly - so the power draw never gets high enough to damage the board.

          Great AMD release - card design is flawed, slow the card down (it's already slow) more to stop it wrecking the PC…

          Awesome product

        • +3


          Please don't spread misinformation.

          The problem affects the 8GB variant on older cheaper motherboards, causing bluescreens, so a possible memory interface issue.

          Driver may reduce memory interface speeds, we'll have to find out, you and I don't know yet how it will work but AMD will reveal how it will work 05/07/16.

          The RX 480 gives fantastic price/performance, it appears to offer the best ratio out of the mid range and higher graphics cards.

        • -1


          Fabman it is you spreading misinformation.

          The issue with the 480 cards is that they draw too much power.

          The only way AMD can stop this happening is throttling down the card so it draws less power and runs slower.

          Please don't say this isn't true because if you do, it is you who is spreading BS…

        • +1


          Yes, the 8GB variant does draw too much power, not the 4GB variant though

          The 8GB variant only triggers this issue on motherboards that cannot oversupply the required power draw via PCI-e, that is currently older cheaper motherboards. The issue triggered is a bluescreen, where the card cannot receive the power it wants causing a failure, requiring a system reboot.

          AMD themselves stated "in order to maximize their performance within their given power envelopes and the speed of the memory interface, which in this case is an unprecedented 8Gbps for GDDR5."

          As I mentioned, the memory interface speeds maybe adjusted to run slower, but doesn't necessarily mean they will. We will find out on the 05/07/16.

          Now, get off your hate train.

        • +2


          Please show me the reputable source that says this only affects older, cheaper motherboards.

          What a complete crock of crap. Stop spreading lies.

        • +1

          @FabMan: I'd suggest you go have a thorough read of this - https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/4qfwd4/rx480_fails_pci…

          Plenty of reports of dead motherboards.

        • @GreatWhiteHunter:

          • I stated "AMD releasing the RX 480 that can go past PCI-e specifications is crap", it really is.

          • It only affects the 8GB version of the card, the reason I'd like to know.

          • AMD claim to be releasing software that will resolve this, but they haven't released how it will work, we will find out 05/07/16. The fix could reduce performance, which would be really shit. It could transfer the additional power draw from the PCI-e slot to the pin power cable, which again is shit, but would greatly reduce the problem. Or they could fix a problem that causes the card to draw additional power unnecessarily.

          • As for motherboards, pretty much all graphics cards draw more power from the PCI-e slot than 75w for brief moments, this is the spike at the beginning of the increased power draw. Problem with RX 480 is the additional prolong draw at that higher amount, this causes the temperature of components to raise, higher temperatures causes components to fail. The most likely fault is the pins on the PCI-e slot itself, or the thinner copper circuitry on a PCB. More expensive motherboards, have higher quality components that can deal with the additional power draw.

          • Components gradually fail over time, even older higher quality motherboards will deteriorate, the card may cause a problem with those.

          • Better quality motherboards have a over-amp failure system, that is, when the current draw is excessive, it turns itself off. Cheaper motherboards do not always include such features.

          • With this issue, you cannot overclock these reference cards without amplifying the problem greatly. Which is crap.

          • This wouldn't have been an issue if AMD released it with an 8-pin connector (additional 150 W), but they didn't (6-pin 75 W) because they wanted to reach a TDP of 150 W, which it fails at and should be TDP 225 W card. Or they should have clocked the card lower. Or only release 4GB reference model.

          • Even without this issue, and for the 4GB version, I'd recommend not getting the reference model. Same as the 1080 and 1070. Wait till a manufacturer releases their own version that allows for a better cooler and allows for overclocking.

          • Where I read up from:

        • @ryang:

          You are correct, though the P7P55 LX is a motherboard that failed, a budget 2009 motherboard.

          This isn't a great situation, I'm not promoting the RX 480 reference model. I just don't want fiction spread.

          Comments so far:

          1) "The 480 will kill your motherboard" - Incorrect, it may or it can kill, I mentioned that above, it isn't 'will'.

          2) "All a driver will do is make the card run slowly - extra slowly - so the power draw never gets high enough to damage the board." - We don't know how the software could or will resolve the situation, we will find out 05/07/16.

          3) "slow the card down (it's already slow)" - This mid range card has the best price/performance of any mid range or high end card outside clearance sales.

        • -3



          "Reliable" it is not

        • @GreatWhiteHunter: What do you mean a place where anyone at all can make an account and post what they like isn't reliable? Surely the fact that they use Reddit must mean they're reliable - I mean duh bro.

      • I'm much more interested in a 480 for myself but not any of the reference boards and not at their current prices.

        And with the 1060 announcement due this week, I'm not rushing to buy this 970.

        Doesn't take away from the hot price though, lol. This is about the price 970s ought to have been all asking, I think.

      • -2

        I'm not the world's biggest GPU expert but isn't the 970 far better than RX 480?

        • More or less the same in terms of performance.

        • Why all the negs? Question mark means I'm asking, not stating.

        • @Diji1: alright thanks.

  • you reckon it will go down more?

    • +17

      It's probably not worth waiting, UK currency is down due to brexit. Just buy it, noone has ever saved money on ozbargain.

    • yeah probably, in 2017

    • +1

      Most likely, yeh. It'll be a clearance item eventually….

    • +5

      If you wait til the GTX 1060 be released this July the price might further drop.

  • Seagate Expansion 5TB

    Sorry, we can't deliver this item to Australia

    • weird, now getting the message also, but I'm still able to complete the checkout process.

    • +14

      Ok bill gates

    • -6

      Not sure why down voted, its not a lot more to pay to have a local warranty. Plus good to know what cheapest Au stock is for those of us who can't be bothered checking. Cheers.

      • +10

        The extra 25% for local stock isn't worth it, if I had to choose between local stock and Amazon for the same price, I'd probably choose Amazon. This has been covered many times before, so I'll just quote others:

        Thanks to lostn:

        I prefer Amazon warranty to be honest.

        You report it as defective, and they immediately ship out a brand new unit, without even waiting for your return to arrive to inspect if it really is faulty. It will take a couple of weeks to get to you, in which time you use the integrated Intel GPU and stick to some indie games or minecraft for a bit. They won't charge you for the replacement unit as long as they receive your return within 30 days. Shipping up to $15 USD is credited back to you.

        You buy from an MSY or CPL, they will inspect it first, and if they find it not faulty they'll even charge you some $35 fee for wasting their time. You still have to wait a few weeks for that thing to go back to the supplier and repaired. The wait time is going to be about the same as waiting for Amazon. Except Amazon sends you a brand new replacement, not a repaired/refurbed unit.

        Even worse, CPL/MSY testing is very cursory. If your RAM causes only intermittent issues, they will see if it boots and say, "it's fine". If the thing won't boot, they'll accept it has problems. But if these problems are like random BSODs, they won't even see it, and will claim it is no problem. I had a GPU that made really unacceptably loud fan noises, but not immediately. It's only after the thing has been on for a few hours. They weren't willing to keep it on for a few hours. They boot, right away see no problem, rejected it and tried to charge me a fee.

        The only time a local store will give you an immediate new replacement is if it is found faulty within DOA period, which is 7 days. More than that and you're going to have to wait for it to go back to the supplier, then supplier to send it back to manufacturer, and then the replacement to go back through the entire supply chain to you.

        I have no concerns about international warranty with Amazon. Unfortunately, a year from now it will be a much less attractive place to shop, because they'll be charging import duties on everything. Thanks Mr Hockey. So enjoy it while it lasts.

        Thanks to bobjane:

        When I tried returning a DOA at MSY the day after purchase, the guy shrugged at me and said "Just take it back to the distributor yourself. If you leave it with us we probably won't do anything with it." They couldn't give less of a crap about consumer laws and realistically what can you do, sue them over $400?

        Amazon in the same situation would express you a replacement and you send back the faulty unit once it's received. All on their dime.

        I know which one I'd choose.

        Also XFX RX 480 is $379+Shipping at PCCG, which should be a better buy if you are forking out $400.

        • +6

          Not to mention:

          Hi Amazon, I've got a return.

          YES! YES! We love you and your returns! SEND IT IMMEDIATELY!

          Hi MSY, I've got a return:


          OK, IF YOU REALLY MUST, bring it in, we may look after you, we may act as though your doing us a huge disfavour


        • Others have noted that Amazon's warranty returns can be hit or miss. I'm not sure local stock is worth it for +25%, personally, but it's definitely something to keep in mind. It seems most manufacturers don't really accept international claims, so you're trading a guaranteed manufacturer warranty for a better, albeit less reliable, retailer one.

          For the same price, I'd go local. It's just simpler.

        • @ProspectiveDarkness:

          I dunno. I've bought through Amazon before (2 defective cards, no fault of theirs) and they were pretty good to replace the cards, then eventually refund me the money.

          MSY on the other hand, when I had a faulty card, dicked about for 6 weeks before giving me a 'refurbished' card which was faulty.
          $85 is nothing to sniff at at this price point, and I'd take Amazon over MSY any day due to my experiences with both.

        • @ProspectiveDarkness: >It's just simpler.

          Have you ever returned something to MSY lel …

        • @Diji1:

          Haha no I try to avoid MSY altogether. I just meant it's simpler knowing where you stand with the manufacturer, having ACCC rights and all that (even if some retailers disregard that).

  • -5

    Much better than ati 480 imho.

    • +9

      ATI? You're 10 years late.

    • Er…isn't the 480 faster, and not have the gimped memory?

      • +1

        480 and 970 are neck and neck, are beat each other in different scenarios. Memory thing is true though, and the 480 is offered in an 8GB flavour :P

  • +1

    Took the gamble and purchased one! Expected delivery is 8th July with express.

    • I've got the same card in my mini ITX rig. It's a trooper!

      • Great!
        how long have you had it for? Just curious because few have reported problems with this card.

        • +1

          December 2014. No issues to report.

  • +1

    Lyl the 8TB deal is aud 315 now

    • whoops removed.

  • +1

    That 5TB price… Must resist

  • +1

    EDIT: Check these review before buying the external hard drive. Most of them failed within one month, tbh not worth risking important files.


  • +3

    The price drop is likely a result of the new GPU releases from AMD and vendors trying to get rid of old stock. Great deal if you need a card right now and cannot fork out an extra 100aud for the current reference RX480.

    AMD rx480 8gb is definitely better than this one. Games will use more VRAM in the future so you really want a card with 8gb. As for the benchmarks, most of the comparison between 480 and 970 is using a SSC(super super clocked) 970, so this one is not going to do as well. The RX480 also has a lower power consumption which is something to think about.

    If you can wait a few more months, the 480 is likely to drop to around 370aud with better custom distributor features. (better overclock ability, better cooling, matured drivers)

    • I don't get the hype with the RX480. Everywhere on the internet people are raving about what great value it is. Currently, the price is like $400-ish, which can get you a Gigabyte G1 Gaming R9 390 from MSY (which is $390-ish) and the 390 is superior in basically all benchmarks.

      • I agree the performance per dollar in Australia gets royally screwed. The 4GB RX480 variant for $319(not inc delivery and sold out) is far better value for money, and will perform much better than the 970 with dx12 performance, driver optimizations AND the extra 500mb vram the next 2 years. 4GB is perfectly fine for 1080p gaming the next 2 years anyway. 8GB variant is not worth it, might as well get a 390 for cheaper…

        That said the 4GB 480, who knows when that will be back in stock lol. If people are smart they'll buy mid range gpus every 2-3 years to avoid the diminishing returns on perf/$

        • If people are smart they'll buy mid range gpus every 2-3 years to avoid the diminishing returns on perf/$

          I reckon if people are smart, they'll just pick up a used one on Gumtree every time a big announcement is made. You can pick up a 980 for around $450 now, perhaps even less and a good 970 for just about $300.

          At the end of the day, I think it really depends on why you purchase a GPU in the first place. For some people, it's simply to enjoy games (which is fair enough), but for others, it's to extend their e-peen, to make themselves feel good about having the latest and greatest, or whatever else. This is why super high-end stuff sells as well as it does. This is also why car manufacturers such as Mercedes and BMW haven't completely gone out of business.

          Back to my main point though, I agree - I think the 480 is good value, but it's just not the absolutely excellent value that people seem to think it represents. It's not a bargain, it's priced pretty much as expected, around cards that it performs close to.

        • never had stock.. stock coming next week https://www.pccasegear.com/products/35893/xfx-radeon-rx-480-…

          it was a place holder product sold of from the get go

  • Seagate Expansion 5TB Desktop External £98.48 (~AU$174) Shipped


    When I put in cart:

    Order Summary
    GBP 95.42
    Postage & Packing:
    GBP 15.70

    Total before VAT:
    GBP 111.12
    GBP 0.00

    Order Total:
    GBP 111.12

    After postage it's $111.12GBP so ~$196 AUD. International orders are not eligible for free postage like the USA.

    • +1

      Used to be around 82 gbp + shipping, price has gone up :(

      • +1

        I got it anyway because it was still cheaper than buying any 5tb drives locally. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the drive though as I want to use it internally.

  • Used 970 varieties still selling for the same if not more on eBay. Can't really go too wrong with this.

  • Was going to buy the Zotac but a check on NewEgg and Amazon shows a high % of people having early failures with this card. Damnit!

  • +3

    Honestly, why would you consider buying the 970 for anything higher than ~$270 right now when you can get a 4gb 480 for $319. The 970 is an EOL product, and NVIDIA has a bad track record of supporting older hardware architecture over time (compare 780ti performance vs 290x at launch and compare them now). This is not to mention the gimped memory, which is pushing it even if you plan to stick with 1080p. Lastly, there's the imminent arrival of the 1060 and the aftermarket 480s which will both offer much better performance and future proofing.

    • The 780ti at 290x launch vs 290x comparison is flawed

      The reason the 290x has improved is the AMD drivers have matured, not because Nvidia have abandoned the 780 series.

      The 780 and 970 are basically the same card….

      • Be that as it may, my point still stands that 480 performance is pretty much guaranteed to improve over time while 970 performance will flat-line at best as driver priority will go towards the 10xx line.

    • Everytime I read comments like these I think to myself that some people forget about the features that come with NVIDIA like shadowplay, gsync and VR (for cards 970 and newer). AMD have similar features available too like GVR and freesync but they don't seem to be any better (Google and you'll find benchmarks).

      I am running a 2011 graphics card (MSI nVidia GeForce GTX560 Ti Twin Frozr II OC 1GB) and haven't had a problem with drivers. Just make sure to tick the one box to perform a clean driver update install. Runs fine on low settings when playing Ark.

      • +1

        I agree that g-sync is currently better than freesync, but then you're paying another premium when you buy a g-sync monitor. After that point, you're kind of stuck in the nvidia ecosystem if you want to keep using adaptive sync (or forced to buy a new monitor). I can't stand proprietary tech so I'm a bit biased in this regard. Personally can't comment on shadowplay since I've never used it myself, but I'm sure there are 3rd party programs out there that do the same thing.

  • Is there warranty with this?

  • -2

    Not comfortable paying this much without warranty. How long does it even take to arrive?

  • +1

    Zotac…when Zoidberg eats tic-tac.

  • 970 GTX may leave you wanting more. Approximately half a gigabyte more.

  • awesome prices, too bad not local :-(

  • what do you think of 970 vs 1060 for adobe after effects and premiere pro?

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