Final Fantasy 15 Ultimate Collectors Edition for Oz?

So this is for sale on Square Enix for outsiders but not in Australia. I have emailed them and they explained their may be 3rd party retailers selling them but that as they were 3rd parties they could not comment or advise.
If anyone has come across any of these 3rd party seller please share the news as I and other OzBargainers would like to pre-order them. As these are limited, and being a long time fan of FF, I really want one. Not normally into UCE's but this one, for me is different and a must have.

Cheers guys


  • There are zero chances of getting one here.

    JB Hi-Fi and EB Games (the only stores stocking these here) had them for pre-order for a VERY short amount of time, each with their own conditions to pre-order.

    EB had a raffle, in which one must pre-order the regular edition and enter their details to win the chance to upgrade to the collector's edition. That's right, the prize is not the game itself, but the OPTION to upgrade to the collector's edition instead. And to make it worse, only Level 4 members could enter to have the chance to buy one of 80 sets allocated for the whole of Australia.

    Meanwhile, JB had randomly listed the page to pre-order the collector's edition one morning and they were all sold out in a minute (or so). No announcements. No anything.

    From both stores, nothing was ever heard from again.

    Here's some further discussions on this

    • Do you suppose you could use a forward freighter to ship it to australia? It's costly but that's one idea. And the ps4 isn't region locked right? (not sure about xbox.) Although it's all sold out at the square enix NA store… france still has some.

      • The Xbox One is region free.

        I still believe it'll be awfully expensive to import it and possibly more troublesome to deal with than getting it locally.

        Reminds me when I had two collector's edition shipped from Amazon US and they (or maybe the courier) stuffed up the order by forgetting to add the street number (and not telling me). Weeks later I finally got it by going to the courier's depot in Port Melbourne on a 39 degree day.

        • +1

          well I guess importing would be the last resort if fans can't get it locally. If OP is seriously wanting to buy the UCE, then they might want to consider that option.

      • I might look at this option providing France has some. Thanks.

    • This is crazy, I can't believe it. Reminds me of the 20th anniversary ps4. Jumping through hoops with very little chance for most people to even get a chance to buy one.

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