GPS Tracking on Cheap Phone?

After missing out on the $140 iPhone deal, I was wondering what the cheapest phone would be that would let me track its location?

Nothing suss! I just thought that if I bought the iPhone I could make sure my son gets to school safely as he has been wanting to try catching the bus and figured checking his location would be easier then calling him every morning.

I'd actual rather a cheap phone in case he loses it and games would be banned so he would really need any high spec phone. Just something he can use to call/text and so I can check his location.

Also any cheap Phone plans for this in particular? He is only young do his only contact would be me (in emergence situations) and maybe his friends later down the track.
Thanks :)


  • +1

    Just get an android phone, Samsung have their own anti-theft app, it allows you to track via phone location, used in the past and it has worked quite well

    • +1

      My understanding you can track any android phone if you have Google account access on the phone. I used it to find my phone, and tracked as the person who picked it up drive to our house to drop it off!

  • Thanks :) so is it safe to say that any android phone that has maps/Gps will have this feature?

  • I found the Google mapping location to be not as accurate as the iphone
    I have both for kids. I'm looking at changing plans from Optus
    same service using the same network for half the price
    Using a cheap Iphone 4
    Hope that helps

    • worked fine for me on Samsung Phone

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