Apparently 55% of OzBargains Visitors Make >$100K; 160K Unique Visitors, 5M Pageviews-Google Stats

Google has released it's stats for advertisers (and anyone who is intereted) about website demographics.
Ozbargain Stats
Some interesting points:

  • 55% of users make >$100K
  • 87% of users make >$50K
  • Most people coming in from search engines are looking for Dominos codes.
  • Unique visitors 160K vs. Buckscoop: 29K vs. Whirlpool: 2M (wow!)
  • Page views 4.8M vs Buckscoop: 740K Whirlpool: 21M

DoubleClick Ad Planner combines information from a variety of sources including anonymized, aggregated Google Toolbar data from users who have opted in to enhanced features, publisher opt-in anonymous Google Analytics data, opt-in external consumer panel data, and other third-party market research. The data is aggregated over millions of users and powered by computer algorithms.


  • It would be interesting to see how they came up with the income stats.

  • Look at the bar chart again, that's household income. If there are two wage earners, then >100k's feasible.

    And they probably estimate the income by correlating your location to the median income of your suburb. The location might involve a bit of a guess though, but if you are logged into any Google service, they can probably track you via cookies.

  • Only 6% of us are graduate degree holders?

  • Well.. if you earn 200k and still search for dominos code… really stingy bastard :)

    Do you think Frank Lowy will use this website to search for cheapie??

    • No, that 100k is per household, so it could be a couple earing 50k each, which isn't much in Sydney.

      • Both earning 50k is good money

        • +1

          But apparently still not easy if you have a mortgage, cos housing prices are crazy.

      • If it's per household, then if you look at it the other way it seems quite a different story:

        • 45% make less than $100K USD per household
        • 13% make less than $50K USD per household
  • it is per user not per household?

    100k is very average household income in Sydney

    • It's $100k USD though. Still pretty average in Sydney I guess.

      What's interesting would be disposable income. After rental/mortgage/etc. In this case the Sydneysiders might not be that rich after all. Probably worse after spending too much time (and too much money) on OzBargain :P

      • Not to mention that if both in a couple work, then you have added costs like child care, take away meals, transport, mobile calls, etc. etc.

  • Wow Google really has been snooping and disregarding our privacy.

  • Given the DoubleClick stats explanation you have to take some of the details with a grain of salt. It is anonymous (can't be verified by others as such, if they had access) and there is no requirement for honesty (it's not a requirement for such suveys) so answers can be skewed. Traffic data is more likely to be accurate (as it's collected without end user input at least).

    Same goes for TV rating stats whch drive a whole (and several related) industries. Only certain people/familes would want an tv meter in their homes so straight away your results are skewed… I watch tv via my PC tuner most of the time (not covered)…

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