Free Local community small jobs classifieds board

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Local community small jobs classifieds

Hi All, Been using ozbargain for a while and finally have something that might be of use to people. As it’s a free service I thought that some of my fellow ozbargainers might find it useful.

I have started a small jobs classifieds board for people who either have or are looking for small part time, cash or other jobs in their local areas.
The idea is to share those little odd jobs, part time work and other small items with people who really need it in your own local area. The idea is not to compete with local community Facebook pages but rather to give people a bit more exposure and to make it a lot easier to find something through searching or by distance from you.

I am trying to keep this as a free service however for those who think it is a good idea and would like to help cover my costs you can take out a $2 ad to show your support (yep this is ozbargain so not actually expecting anyone to pay but hey you never know :) ).

As it has just started there isn’t much up there yet but I will be putting my own money into some Facebook advertising so hoping to get a lot of exposure for those who put in some early ads.

The main purpose is for sharing work wanted and work available however I am also allowing some classified for sale local business opportunities. Every add will be vetted and if I see anything inappropriate or illegal it will be removed however I can’t take any responsibility for the content posted so please treat it the same as you would any other public noticeboard.

It is a work in progress so I would appreciate any feedback and suggestions. I'm not trying to make this another gumtree where you are almost forced to take paid options just to get your ad seen, the paid ads are there purely for people who like to idea to give me a little financial support with the hosting and running of the service.

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  • Looks interesting. Your sign up page doesn't seem to be secure btw…

    • Just trying to sort out the SSL cert at the moment

    • Ok SSL is installed and working now. thanks for the feedback

  • I like your idea, just out of interest what will your service offer over sites like Airtasker or Gumtree?

    Good luck with the venture - hope it works out :)

    • Basically trying to make it less commercial, not trying to ram upgrades down your throat like gumtree does etc. Also trying to be more centered around local community and very small jobs. For example someone needs help moving house for a few hours. I've found that posting little things in gumtree tend to get lost due to all the "premium" upgrade ads pushing everything else down. Sort of like a cross between Perth bear economy (Facebook page), local noticeboards and gumtree.

  • I really like your new venture and I'd be interested in checking it out daily as im actually looking for some work atm.. good luck and I hope it only grows bigger from here on

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