• expired

MyRepublic $59.99/Month (Min 12 Months) for 100/40 NBN Plan. No Download Limit. Launching 15 November


The company that made 100 mbps plans the norm in Singapore, Indonesia and New Zealand is now launching in Australia. At 59.99 for a 100mbps line, it will be the cheapest 100mbps plan in Australia. Not to mention a lot cheaper than some ADSL plans and some lower speed NBN plans from other providers that have download limits. They also have a MyRepublic Gamer plan for 69.99. Not sure what different but possibly to do with low network latency (+static IP).

Not sure how they will manage the $59.99 price with the NBN's CVC pricing model on top of the AVC charge but the CVC pricing model is being overhauled soon hopefully

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closed Comments

    • I had Telstra cable and it actually exceeded speeds. Got 130-140Mb/s down and didn't have congestion ever. I guess it's what area you live in.

      • How much were you paying? Because my research told me Telstra is/was the worst value of any ISP.

        • $90 PM for 500gb.

          Pay for what you get.

  • any chance to jump to a different provider while under cable contract to nbn without paying early exit fees? One can only hope

  • Registered. Still on 12/1 with TPG.

  • +1

    They will provide AC wifi router.

    Spec: http://www.technicolor.com/en/solutions-services/connected-h…

    Telephony : VOIP

    Pack 1: $10 national calls only
    Pack 2: $20 national calls + mobile calls only
    Pack 3: $30 national calls + mobile calls + 30 selected inter nations countries
    Pack 4: $0 PAYG
    1300 not included ;)

    • So if I pay month to month and choose pack 3 they will only be $10 cheaper than TPG whom I'm currently with, for the same inclusions.

    • -1

      With the price of mobile services these days, why would I bother with home phone calls?

      • +1

        More stable connection and audio quality.

        • Uh, NO.

        • +1

          @lordra: Well my mobile always breaks up and I have to ask someone to repeat what they said. That never happens when I call landline to landline.

        • @lostn:
          Ah, mate, optus and Amaysim and Vodafone that I've had have all had good coverage…! Maybe wireless coverage is not good where you are?
          I feel bad for you, you shouldn't have to put up with this! It's really bad for us as consumers for this to happen to us.

    • That modem doesn't look like it can stand up vertically unfortunately.

  • I have cable with Telstra at the moment, so I can't really complain because the speeds are great, but boy do I want these kinds of prices and data limits.
    I pay around double this price on a 24 month contract with a TB-ish limit.

    • The increase in Upload speed would be amazing over cable too. 2Mbps on cable vs 40Mbps on the highest NBN plan!

  • I'm paying $100 a month for iiNet unlimited 100/40. The service is fantastic, I've only seen faster Internet on my uni campus through AARNet which gave me a gigabit connection through ethernet. $60 for the same service would be nice. $70 after the web cache fee. Then again may as well pay $30 extra and stick with the trusted iiNet brand.

    • What is this $10 cache fee?

      • No idea, someone else mentioned it and I just took their word for it that it was essential.

  • 1st 500 customers registered gets $200 off the Playstation 4 Pro

    • It looks like the exact same plan as the $59.99 one, but $10 a month more? So…$80 off a PS4? What am I missing?

      Edit: My bad, something about reduced latency/traffic priority on the gamer plan.

    • Noticed on their website it says $200 of Playstation 4 Pro, however I couldn't find any more info on this or what the requirements are.

      Where did you find out about the 1st 500 registered customers?

      • It was under the banner of the Playstation Pro deal on the website.

  • gah makes me miss moving out of my own home even more!!!

  • Belong now provides its customers with free speed boost of 100/40 for 3 months. The website says for new connections only. but when i logged in i was able to opt for free speed upgrade

    • Hi Jee,

      How did you do it ? I looked into my offers but didnt find anything ? Any idea where does it live on the portal ? Thanks

      • when i tried to update my services to increase the speed, it showed the discount of 30$ before i submitted.
        However when i look online now, it shows the full price. I hope it's a website error.

  • Thinking about this.

    Will they provide a new NBN connection? Or better go through a reputable company to install FTTN, then switch a month later.


    • Doesn't matter which ISP you choose, they will schedule to send out an NBN tech to install the line/modem.

      The ISP just gives you their own modem/router to connect to the NBN one using their credentials (at least that was what happened for me on FTTN - HFC).

      • Thanks.

        I already have a router from previous connection at a different place.

        Will likely go with this new mob.

      • What speeds are you getting on fttn hfc?

  • ADSL was just connected in my area last month, the only provider is Telstra, I don't even think that NBN will ever come to my area.

  • http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2016/11/myrepublic-brings-out-1…

    Only FTTP will get 100/40 on this apparently.

    • +1

      Of course. With a FTTP connection the fibre runs all the way to the home so guaranteed full speed. For those with FTTN it will obviously be a slower UP TO 100/40 speed.

      For my FTTN connection from other NBN providers I can justify a 25/5 plan for the price to get a decent speed. But having to pay for a 100/40 just kills it for me knowing I'll get slightly over 25/5 but nowhere near 100/40 just to get a faster speed.

      • Can you get a stable 50/20 with FTTN?

        • U can get stable 100/40 FTTN if you live close enough to the box… (like me 92/34).

        • No. Been told by a neighbour a few houses closer who signed up recently. I estimated about 850m to node via pillar but he said ISP told him 1000m. Said 25/5 is the best speed to go for at that distance. No point paying more just to get an extra 10mb. 25/5 works out around 3x faster than what I currently get on my current 8.5mb ADSL2+. Just shows how inferior FTTN is.

          Not happy I can't connect to the closest node 600m away as the copper travels in the opposite direction to the exchange.

    • +3

      Because FTTN is rubbish no matter how much Turnbull(shit) talks it up. Only FTTP can provide guaranteed speeds over the distance from hub to your house.

      Some FTTN users are getting less than or the same as ADSL.

  • +1

    At my old house a Fiber line ran right through my front lawn (in easement for a factorie down the road)!!! I was stuck on old ADSL which is very slow.
    Ensured my new house now has FTTP as being teased with NBN possibilities for a few years.

  • +3

    Wow thats insanely cheap…

    But a 12 month contract, so no way would I switch unless there is very solid evidence to suggest that they don't have the expected congestion issues. I don't see how they could offer that price without buying tiny amounts of CVC

  • Is Spintel any good for speed?

    • Depends on the area, I have no problems but during peak times it slows to 6-9 (ADSL2).

      • I'm wondering about NBN because it would suck to pay extra for 25Mbps download but get not even half.

        • depends on the type, FTTP will get 90%+ of listed speed unless you go with a dodgy provided, but even then some dodgy providers still provide consistent 90%+ speeds

        • @Pacify: Thanks to Abbott I only have FTTN. Wouldn't be worried if it was FTTP…

  • +2

    Just got off the phone, can confirm they will offer ADSL 2 Unlimited as well at a similar price point and they will migrate services to the NBN for free when it becomes available (most carriers will).

  • +2

    I'm surprised at how many positive votes this has received. The pricing is simply not sustainable for 100/40 unlimited NBN. If they truly believed that their product would keep users consistently happy then they wouldn't need to lock them into 12 month contracts.
    Unlimited plans always become congested, because the massive downloaders join up, leech like crazy, slowing it down for everyone else. Don't be surprised if they also start terminating users for ambiguous breaches of their Fair Use Policy. This movie has already played out several times, and looks like it's about to re-screen again.

  • This is interesting. Do you need line rental with NBN plans like you do with ADSL2+?

    They have a Broadband plan for gamers that costs $10 extra. What's the difference with that? I thought 100/40 would be enough for gaming?

    • +2

      no, there is nothing like line rentals.

      Whos knows about the gamers thing, looks like a gimmick to me

    • +3

      jitters latency is not the same as bandwidth

    • Yes, but you don't see it or have to deal with it yourself. AVC is essentially line rental, however it's charged to your RSP by NBNCo rather than to you directly. Your RSP just charges you a single fee without it being broken down into what their costs are.

  • +1

    For their Unlimited plan their T&C's say this in regards to Data And Phone-

    *MyRepublic Acceptable Use Policy applies.

    Not truly Unlimited then? Or standard clause?

  • Hmm looks good but too good. Gonna let the guinea pigs figure this one out then jump on after a few can give the go ahead.

  • paying double the price for the same speed/quota, damn this is cheap as long as it is stable (hardcore gamer)

  • I really suspect that MyRepublic is just blowing a lot of hot air to get attention. There is no way they can deliver the expected 100/40 to every premise including the ones that are FTTN/B/DP because they have to deal with CVC pricing. Internally, NBN are doing very little to try and get CVC to $0 because this would mean Telstra, Optus and even TPG would have to get off their asses and compete with smaller companies. If the big telcos get a hint that CVC will disappear, they will drag out the NBN infrastructure project longer and longer and make the taxpayer or their customers pay for it.

    Their claim, like people have mentioned before, of up to 100/40 is only for FTTP which is a small % of households. For MyRepublic to be very successful, they'd have to negotiate down the CVC to almost nothing which is immensely difficult because of revenue incentive CVC provides. It also hasn't faced a company like Telstra in Singapore or NZ, where it owns a large % of the telecomm assets as well as Foxtel.

    You will be vulnerable to congestion and drop in speeds with FTTN purely because there is copper involved and copper is susceptible to attenuation. There's also peripheral issues such as the electrical box powering the node etc. but I digress. You MAY get 100/40 but that's only if you live 10 steps away from the node or copper pillar, otherwise you'd be lucky to get 25/50/60 etc.

    My hope is that with NBN running out of money from the tax payer coffers soon, and with it having to prove to investors that this will provide reasonable returns, they will bow to pressure and re-think how CVC/AVC pricing works to win over investment money. Essentially, what you would end up with is no boundaries for other telco start ups to come in and compete on even ground with tier 2/3 ISPs, which would then cause a knock on effect that would move up the chain to tier 1.

  • CVC and AVC probably managed by the law of large numbers and distribution of users during peak times.

    If you have enough customers, not all of them will be on at the same time. It's just normal statistics.

    Too bad Telstra didn't think of it.

  • -4

    It sucks how the poor parts of Sydney get NBN over the north shore.

    • +1

      Had NBNco known that they wouldn't be doing FTTP to every household, they probably wouldn't have started with the poor parts. They needed the upgrade first, and desperately. If they were served last, they would just bitch about how those rich parts already have way better internet than me and they get their NBN first. We're just third class citizens and don't mean shit to the people in power.

      • -3

        I highly doubt many of the residents in the poorer parts of Sydney can afford the NBN in the first place.

        • LOL..NBN isnt that expensive..

        • @kickmiass: a month of NBN is a substantial chunk of newstart. Another way to look at it is how many packs of ciggies a month of NBN can buy.

  • This is great, currently paying $114 for 1Tb internode 100mb
    I wonder if they will do static IP?

    • +1

      Gamer pack, static IP plan available for $10 more

      • What's the importance of a static IP?

        • +1

          none really, unless your running webpages or TS servers. If you don't know, you will never need one :)

        • @Coops1: ah okay I used to know a long long time ago in a galaxy far away I have just forgotten haha lol

  • Awesome deal

  • +2

    Will MyRepublic cap FTTN Speeds at 50Mbit max even if you can get faster to your home?-


    "As such, MyRepublic NBN customers on fibre to the premises will be connected at the download speed of 100Mbps; those on fibre to the node will get 50Mbps; and those on hybrid fibre-coaxial (HFC) will also get 100Mbps."

    • Interesting find. Thanks for sharing.

  • +2

    Think about everyone in your neighbourhood, how many of them will be simultaneously using the internet at any one time?

    For certain problem areas they can purchase extra capacity, but for most areas, a lot of the capacity will be underutilised even during the peak periods.

    There might be an hour each day where everything slows down to a maximum of 15mbps, but it is clear that you would probably prefer that to paying for unlimited 12mbps at the same price. The 100mbps plan would allow one to use the extra capacity available as intended and gets around the problems that the NBN introduces that Simon Hackett warned about.

    Really, it's a choice between 12mbps/1mbps unlimited (guaranteed) for $60 or 100mbps/40mbps for $60 (more obviously flexible but not guaranteed, but who cares, if you are otherwise stuck on 12mbps)

    MyRepublic effectively is socialism for the NBN.

    • -2

      Fiber doesn't slow down under load, not any local neighborhood congestion. I still Speedtest 97mb been here for years

      • +2

        google 'nbn cvc' to understand in more detail how peak/busy hour may affect the maximum possible speed achievable from your chosen RSP.

        If the RSP hasn't purchased sufficient CVC and all their customers jump on at the same time during peak hour (after work/school), then it won't matter what speed plan you're on - you'll only get a portion of the available CVC capacity (which on average is between 0.5Mbps - ~2Mbps depending on RSP).

        So its absolutely possible (likely) to get better speed during peak hour using a 12/1 or 25/5 connection from an RSP that purchases sufficient CVC, versus 100/40 from an RSP that does not purchase sufficient CVC.

        (off peak you'll definitely be better off with 100/40)

  • looks good

  • if i have tesltra HFC at the moment will i be able to get this?

  • Hey guys,

    I will need to sign up a new internet connection for the new place I am moving in soon.

    This has got so many positive votes but I have no idea about NBN but I heard generally bad things about it in Australia.

    Sorry but I could not read all the comments, could anyone help me out and tell me if I should just go get something from TPG or this is really a good deal?

    • I suggest you go with an ISP that offers no contract, with no fees of course like skymesh, wait for a few months for reviews about myrepublic. Then jump in if it's good. With my one with optus, it is really good, most of the time it is really fast (100mbps tier 5) but I feel like they shape the speed at night with P2P. I'm paying $90 for 100mbps unlimited with fetch tv plus entertainment channels, oh with line rental as well which we don't use. So basically the same as this one.

      Edit: I get 94/37 normally

  • Why would they cap FTTN at 50mbps??
    Currently on FTTN- http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5779885068

  • +3

    seems like they updated the site

    • You’re in control of the throttle. All new 12-month nbn™ plans get 3 months SuperFast (up to 100Mbps) Speed for free. You can choose which Speed your plan changes to when you sign up.

      Meh, starting to look very average.

    • +1

      Are they serious?

      And so ends the dream.

      How did you get that snapshot? Did they update the site to this, and then revert it back?

    • This link is still active:
      But most of the links on the page don't work.

      • Not working anymore.

  • I pay $85 for Internode at 50/20 as I used to have 100/40 at home for an extra $10 but even with 2 streaming service, downloads and running a TeamSpeak Server, we weren't getting closed to that (except for some more common downloads).

    For this price though, would happily go back to 100/40!

  • -3

    I just went on the website, and their pricing came up

    Saw it was $89.95/month for the 100/40mbps.
    looking VERY normal now..


    • These are NOT active see your own link it is a 'webcashe'. If you go to the live site you will see the current prices. I spoke to them this morning to confirm current prices, … yep $59.99 with $1 modem. This was for both the 'normal' and the 'gamer' packs. BUT they did say that after 12 months the gamer will revert to $69.99 but you can drop back to the $59.99 package with no additional cost. I have taken the punt and logged my interest by preregistering with them. It would appear that the web page allowing you to sign up now has disappeared.

      • Did they confirm if the 100/40 was permanent at those prices?

        • +1

          Yes 'up to 100/40' was the term used in the conversation and on their web pages. This of course does give them an out unfortunately. Note that what is said over the phone is not the same as that received in writing so until the terms and conditions are spelt out and a specific answer is received in writing then it may or may not be true.

          When queried, they explained that the exact speed was determined by a variety of factors including connection type, BUT until pushed very hard they would not concede that the distance from the node (in a fibre to the node setup) would also be a factor. Eventually he did admit that the further from the node you are the slower the speed due to the copper wires, not a factor for FTTP. Luckily I am only 250m from our node so full speed should be possible, also the area is less than 15 years old so the copper should not have degraded much, fingers crossed.

          Another thing worth noting from the conversation which was initialised by me asking what does 'to select areas' mean. the answer was .. anywhere where NBN is available. I was interested to see if they were limiting their offer to say metro users. NOT so!

          I hope this additional information is useful.

        • @Reddog888:

          Thanks for the detailed reply.

          I asked in an email but haven't got a reply, so remain sceptical. The cached page showing varied prices for the speed tiers, and speed boost idea suggest it won't be long term full speed.

        • +1

          @Steptoe: The impression I received was that if you signed up before Feb 2017, and especially in the next month or so, then your plan would be grandfathered and would remain in place. Can't guarantee that but that was the impression I got.

        • +1


          All good. They have replied to my email, confirming what I hoped it would be - ongoing speed @ 100/40

  • Hi all, has anyone received the 'confirmation' email from Myrepublic yet? I understood that if you preregistered you would receive a confirmation email before 15/11 and as time is running out to this date I was wondering if anyone had heard anything further. Thanks

    • haven't received anything since

  • So this thing launches in one day, and no one has managed to sign up yet? I wonder if anyone's had the service installed yet or will get it installed on the 15th.

    If they aren't actually taking applications (register your interest is not an application), it's looking like they can't launch tomorrow.

    • Well yes they can launch as that will simply mean that they are 'open for business'. Apparently they cannot 'sign up' anyone until they are actually trading .. i.e. open. BUT they did say that we would receive communication BEFORE 15th. Haven't received anything.

      No service will be installed until after they open. Then it will be up to the NBN installers to do the work which can take upto 14 business days following MyRepublic lodging the request. Given the number of likely signups on or near the 15th it may take them some time to process the signups, hence even longer to get connected to the NBN. I have just used the $4.90 for 12Gb from Kogan mobile as a buffer in the meantime.

      • could today be the day of contact?

        • According to their Twitter rep, they'll start contacting pre-registered people tomorrow. Tweet

          Edit: Just got an email saying the following and that I can place an order tomorrow.

          Thank you for your interest in MyRepublic.

          Congratulations, we have confirmed that the MyRepublic Unlimited SuperFast nbn™ service is available at your address.

        • @chorong: still waiting for my email…unless the service isn't available at my address

        • @Micoa: They probably only just began sending out emails (I'm connected to 3LON-01 if that helps).
          Maybe see if their twitter account is able to check for you

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