Stickying Long Period Sales to Avoid Duplicates?

I've seen some deals being stickied on the front page so why not this one

As there are some new deals every day, separate deals are being posted daily such as

more are bound to pop up


  • ? I don't think deals get stickied to the front page.

  • we very rarely sticky, one example is when cotd had catchathons, we kept getting dupes because the deal had been posted a week in advance, has not been done since

  • maybe he means, that he sees them on the front page possibly because it's being voted up and is in the top deals bit

  • In certain circumstances we can "sticky" deals on the front page (as shown earlier in CoTD and ShoppingSquare deals). However it's all done manually at the moment. Please contact me if you our a merchant/store rep thinks that a deal needs to be sticky.

  • Maybe the creation of another menu or list like the top deals with the top or common vendors that is static with the names of the vendor but deals can be added and removed commented etc.

    I know the above idea could create a lot of work, though i think is relavant when there are a lot of good deals by one site ie Aldi, DSE etc etc limited to say 10 so as not to leave the main bargain section void of any deals and to be able to not miss out on the more obscure or up and coming reps/stores

    This way the fans of one or 2 places can find it easy to access these areas in a more easy to access form than the wiki

    Great idea for a Post :)

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