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No winners this week?



Closing Date 31/12/2013


No. of Prizes 1

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit
Entry Methods n/a
Prerequisites n/a

No winners this week?

closed Comments

  • Probably been busy watching the soccer!

  • Sorry I am actually on holidays at the moment and don't always get access to a computer (and typing up anything lengthy takes too much time on a phone).

    There will be a bit of change from July onwards and I am still working out the details. More will come later, but in short,

    • I've registered a proper business for OzBargain late last month, and will try to run things more "legit" next year.
    • Apparently running "trade promotion" like a competition of any value in NSW requires a license. So does out regular weekly comp require a license as well from state government? Maybe that guy who runs Lottos.com.au can help :)
    • Registering a license costs. D'oh.
    • Not to mention I have not had a chance to pick our next sponsor. I've quickly scanned through the past applicants, and I don't think I want to promote any of them.
    • I am also coming down to a point wanting to call an end to merchant-sponsored comps. Some in the past are good, and some are just plain trouble. Nor do I want to give people an impression that I am getting kick backs from those "sponsors", or they are getting any privileges here on OzBargain.
    • Hi Scotty

      that guy from competitions website lottos.com.au says thanks for the opportunity to provide some information. :)

      NSW are the most strict on following up issues with competitions.
      They can issue a permit for a business to conduct multiple lotteries during a specific period up to 12 months, subject to certain prize restrictions.
      In other words, one permit can cover multiple give-aways.

      A business can conduct a free-entry trade promotion lottery (aka a chance based competition), where winners are determined by chance, to promote its products or services. A business may be a sole proprietor, a partnership or a company. A business must hold a permit for this lottery.

      A business can also conduct a skill based competition (usually answer a question in 25 words or less) where qualified or expert judges are used to determine a winner. A business does not a permit for this type of promotion.

      Full costs, requirements and the permit application process are detailed here:

      Hope that helps.



      • Andrew,

        Thanks — very helpful. I will definitely need to investigate a bit more after getting back home next week.

        If skill-based competition, i.e. not by chance, where qualified or expert judges (i.e. OzBargain community or moderators) does not require a permit, then it would be the direction in the future I think. Still, it's something I need to work out.

        • +1

          Scotty, as a lawyer who has previously worked in competition and consumer protection law, I can confirm that Andrew is correct, ie you will not need to obtain a permit for skill based comps, only for chance based. The "most popular" comp is safe to continue, the "random" one will need some of the randomness taken out as it currently has the markings of a chance based comp - maybe most viewed/clicks or most commented? good luck working out the other details and enjoy your holiday!

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