Having around GBP25K sent to Aus. Don't want to waste funds doing via the bank

Which are the good on line money changers for that amount? Cheers


  • I use Currency Fair https://www.currencyfair.com/
    They match buyers and sellers and take a small cut.
    You can take the current price or set your own and hope you get buyers.

    In the past I have used Caxtons https://www.caxtonfx.com/ and HiFx http://www.hifx.co.uk/

    Most decent sites will require an account to be set up, bank account and ID verification. This is to prevent money laundering.

  • currencyfair works well. And better than tranzfers.com that was going quite well prior…

  • How does Currency Fair measure up to Transferwise?

  • +1

    I usually use transferwise, its pretty quick and low fees.

  • Ukforex.
    Used them plenty of times

  • Transferwise is pretty darn good

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