How to Get into Coding/Programming

Hi i was interested, if there were any programmers/coders out there in the bargain community, and if so how i should start programming/coding. I want to make heaps of money ASAP, but i don't want to spend $100 dollars on a month on treehou$e. What should i DO, i heard making apps can be a good way to make money.

Thanks bois


  • I want to make heaps of money ASAP


    you'll make a killing

    • except you actually have to know how to code, that's the hard bit.

  • +2

    there are so few coders around anymore so it's easy to bluff your way into a stupidly high salary by just dropping jargon in a job interview. they never ask for proof of your skills

    • Could you provide a list of good jargon, i've been dropping things like android sdk, for a front end dev interview.

      • UI, UX , devops , "the cloud" , SaaS , + select one random tech startup

  • If I was a newbie who never coded before, I'd probably use the free version of this though I don't really see it making you /heaps of money ASAP/ but eh, you never know. Good luck.

  • Do a computer Science Degree and work for steady wages.

  • how i should start programming/coding

    Turn on your computer. Google a tutorial in a language of your choice. Open your favourite text editor. Start coding.

    I want to make heaps of money ASAP

    Then don't start programming/coding. Probably better odds on Powerball.

    i heard making apps can be a good way to make money.

    From who? It isn't.

    Making apps is great at making money in the same way selling fruit is great at making money. I'm sure there are a very limited few who have make hundreds of millions in the fruit business. There are many, many, many more who have made next to nothing or lost money. Plus if you learn to sell fruit you probably don't have to completely reinvent your skillset every few years to stop yourself becoming redundant.

    Selling fruit is probably substantially easier to learn the basics of. I'd go with that.

    • selling fruit

      I get it <taps nose twice> iOS apps.

  • Learning to code takes time and commitment. I've been doing it for half of my life and I never stop learning.

    • What programming skills do you have? And what advice could you give me.

      • I work on the Microsoft stack, so lots of windows programming. One of the best ways for me to learn is to find an application, look through its code and find out how it works. If there's something I don't understand I research the hell out of it.

  • For under $10 you can set yourself up with Arduino. Free development software. Very quick results and you can do useful stuff and have fun.

    • What the fook can i do with an Arduino.

      • What can't you do? Your imagination is the only limit to controlling your environment.

  • Making heaps of money by developing and releasing your own apps needs lots of other skills than just coding. Coding is just the beginning. You should have the skills to generate the intial traffic and word of mouth for your app. Very few people have the complete skill sets to do this. So, they collaborate that they compliment each others skill sets. Like one of the commentors suggested, I have come across so many people who bluff their way into high paying jobs in software development. They hardly know stuff and work in roles that needs to provide technical direction to the team, but they hardly lack the skill. This is the easier way. Providing consulting or working as a developer writing software. Most programming languages are open source. So, they can be easily installed, learnt and used. tutorialpoint, udemy, the official documentations are good places to start.

  • i find this whole thread hilarious.

    programming jobs are ubiquitous and readily filled by whoever will accept the lowest pay for working the longest hours for the most boring applications

    want to make it big? you need to be brilliant at coding, absolutely brilliant. working for a bank or similar. and then, there's always going to be someone in another field working half as hard earning twice as much.

    another prerequisite is to be an arrogant douche, thinking you're gods greatest gift to the company (or freelance) because you can write in a language others can't understand (even other programmers).

    pretty much every area of programming is a fast track to a miserable life with little variation. you think you're being creative but in reality all you're doing is cutting code for the same damn thing with a different facade and little variation.

    oh, and someones always already done it before.

    • I'm guessing you're one of those glass is half empty kind of guys eh?

  • +1

    Wake up in farm crop of human battery cells. Freak out. Get detached by robot for space. Get picked up by surviving human race. Have talk to save the world. Get plugged into computer machine device via neural network slot in head. Experience joyous ride and training tutorial. Become Son of God. You are now into the Coding/Programming. Godspeed my son may there be mercy on man and machine for their sins.

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