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For Lucky Few Tasmanians with NBN Access: iiNet NBN Terrabyte Plans + Free Upgrade to 100Mbps


Managing Director, Michael Malone said iiNet wanted to give Australia a taste of what the National Broadband Band can deliver, for the same price they'd usually pay for ADSL2+.

Mr Malone said the updated fibre plans would be available to new customers from 1 September 2010, with the increased 100mbps download speeds offered free of charge until 30 June 2011.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Shares is twoheadedbabes.com just went through the roof!

    • oh oh twoheadedbabes is down again. All those high speed connections must be hammering it

      • +6

        whats twoheadedbabes

  • +2

    WHAT THE #$%^&^&* HOLY BALLERS 100mbp….im so jealous

  • -3

    i thought the NBN was 1gigabit per sec now not 100mbps? Unless u mean megaBYTES not bits..

    • +1

      That's if the Labor is re-elected.

      Tassie would need to be upgraded to 1Gbps as the fibre is already rolled out there. Remember that Tassie installed fibre with the 100Mbps spec. Mainland Australia will have 1Gbps once installed

      • +5

        fibre is fibre, they don't need to lay new fibre to hit 1gbps - they just need to put in new end equipment (both exchange side and user side).

        labor can't just put 1gbps in, the 1gbps was for businesses that are willing to pay for the extra.

      • Duuuude, the fibre has only been rolled out in a few areas, most of Tasmania still has sucky internet.

  • +11

    **awaits doucebag negative voters who say 100mpbs is slow compared to Japan and Korea* *

    • +25

      Tentacle porn requires massive amounts of bandwidth.

      • -1


    • 100 mbps is one billion times slower than 100 Mbps.

      • +4

        It's actually MB and Mb. B is byte, b is bit. And it's only 8 times slower.

        • +6

          A matter of pedantics: 'mb' is technically millibits (10^-3) and 'Mb' would be megabits (10^6) which is off by a factor of 1 billion.

          However, a 'bit' being an indivisible unit, millibits would be nonsense.

          Yet, 'bits per second' is divisible. Therefore, "100 millibits per second" would be a transmission rate of 1 bit every 10 seconds.

          But that's only if the Coalition have their way tomorrow.

    • I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for too many complaints, given how much better it is than what we have now! ;)

  • "or grab a whole movie in a little under 7 minutes"

    I'm pretty sure my 15mbit ADSL2+ connect can already do this with 700MB xvid's…

    • -2

      Pretty sure they're refering to DVD or Blu-Ray quality DVD's, not VCD.

    • +10

      700mb… 2005 called and wants its releases back

      • +1

        If you're watching media on a standard definition TV, you don't need more than 700MB for a movie (~70minutes).
        ABC's iView is 700MB per 70 minutes. As such, ADSL2+ can download a movie in "less than 7 minutes".

        Also, up to "700MB" was defined as the standard for movies in 2002, not 2005.

        If we're looking at compressed 720p media, it'll take just over 7-8 minutes to download on 100mbit broadband, not "just under 7 minutes".

      • bahahahahaa…0wn3d

    • maybe in a few year time you would still be happy with your 7 minutes…while we & other grab a movie by seconds

    • 700mb movies lol.

      • -4

        lol try 24GB movies.. thats how big the mkv files i download are.. i was uber QTY

  • +1

    So if the coalition wins.., will they be downgraded?

    • +3

      if coalition wins we will be looking towards Nauru to supply blackmarket dial-up accounts, thats how backwards we will be.

      • +4

        Yeah but at least we'll be $43 billion richer. Somehow some bureaucrats decided in their ivory tower that it'd be a good idea to spend that kind of money on my behalf so that some companies can sell a service back to me that i was forced to pay for. And for what? So we can download torrents and pr0n faster? Oh wait, they're censoring that, aren't they?

      • -2


        priorities mate, priorities ;)

  • +3

    That's 50 billion of tax money will benefit some lucky users in Tasmania.

  • +1

    I wish the NBN rollout is happening faster for the sake of those 3D tentacle :D Bring it on!!!

  • -2

    if TONY abbot wins.. say by by to the 100 or 1000Mbps connections! what a dooshbag that guy is

    • +6

      If Labor wins, say bye bye to $43 billion!

      • if Christian Democratic Party wins, say bye bye to Everything!

  • Vote Labor, Vote NBN

    • +5

      Vote Labor, Vote for the Great Firewall of Australia. o_0

  • +4

    I hope labor will win and put this NBN thing quickly, point cook resident(22km (15 min) from melbourne) suffer from broadband for the last 7 years, some of us still using dodo dial up here :(

    • +1

      luck you hey. you'll probaby have to wait another 7 years. you chose a nice place to live.

    • +2

      I live in point cook too. The exchange was apparently built in a way to lock everyone else out of the market - thanks to the company half owned by the government. So you want the same pricks who created that situation for you to look after you?

      • +2

        what? telstra were sold off by liberal, not labor? liberal also plan on not splitting telstra into two halves - thereby ruining any chance we have of non-competitive wholesale pricing.

    • -4

      Vote labor and you will get the same results as with Insulation program and all other stuff that they touch…Perhaps you will get NBN that works worse than dial up

  • wrong post sorry-

  • It's tassie….the lost island.

  • +9

    Why is a deal for Tasmania listed on ozbargain? I thought this site was had only deals for actual Australians. LOL. Just kidding, and jealous. ;)

  • that's it, I'm packing up my bags and moving to Tasmania


    iinet etc etc..

  • so if labor loses, the NBN will stop.

    Tas will have it already, hence the 'mainland' will be the poor cousin of tas!! omg

  • The NBN will never happen. Labor is infamous for underbudgeting its projects, not to mention delaying major projects everyone wants until after the next election - just look at the trains in Sydney.

    I hope Abbott wins, and is then convinced to invest incrementally in a scaled-down NBN. Upgrade the neediest users first (rural/remote and metropolitan RIM users) then the rest. Can't miss.

    • -4

      Considering Labor's record in implementing things, if they win (I hope not!) we will get NBN that works worse than dial up and billions of dollars wasted.

      • -3

        haha so true.

  • +1

    Those lucky three Tasmanian households connected to the NBN.

  • +1

    Only thing I can say is i would like the government to invest more thought into long term infrastructure needs and the idea of NBN is a good one and at least shows some thinking for the future and to improve infrastructure in some way (if not on roads, hospitals etc). But I do admit it might be a difficult one to get right and am not sure how long it will take. The issue i have with the coalition though is their plans / policies for the most part are non-existant, all they have is saying Labor is wrong and offering some variant on whatever Labor proposes. If they had proposed much better thought out policies i would be willing to listen.

    P.S On another note is it Labor or Labour? I never really concentrated on that point till i started typing this post out.

    • -1

      Labor in Australia, Labour in UK. The red head's party has the most votes so hopefully they will get in and bring us the full NBN.

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