• closed

Win BCF Gift Cards - Play Fishing Game



Closing Date 23/04/2017


Description BCF Gift Cards
No. of Prizes 1
Total Prize Pool $1,000,000.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit One per person
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites Account/Membership

It's back :) Bit harder than before! Good luck all!

Skill Required Voucher Value Badge Earned Draw Entries
Catch your 1st inshore fish $1 Gold 3
Catch your 1st offshore fish $1 Gold 3
Catch five (5) fish of the same species $1 Bronze 1
Catch ten (10) fish of the same species $1 Silver 2
Catch twenty (20) fish of the same species $1 Gold 3
Catch at least one (1) fish in each location $1 Gold 3
Unlock and use every lure $3 Gold 3
Catch twenty (20) fish of any species $1 Bronze 1
Catch fifty (50) fish of any species $1 Silver 2
Catch one-hundred (100) fish of any species $1 Gold 3
Catch five-hundred (500) fish of any species $1 Gold 3
Catch at least one (1) fish on five (5) consecutive days $1 Bronze 1
Catch at least one (1) fish on ten (10) consecutive days $1 Silver 2
Catch at least one (1) fish on fourteen (14) consecutive days $1 Gold 3
Catch one (1) fish of every species $1 Gold 3
Catch ten (10) off-shore fish in a row without any line-breaks or spitters $1 Gold 3
Catch a Mako Shark $2 Gold 3
Total $20 42

Related Stores

BCF - Boating, Camping, Fishing
BCF - Boating, Camping, Fishing

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks Spackbace :) looks a lot harder than last time! But shouldn't be too hard to get $5

    • Made it to $6 in less than 10mins! I think it will take a bit longer to get over $6 but i am happy with the win :)

  • Do you guys have problem with the web this morning? It's not displaying the catch. I tried on both mobile and desktop.

  • Lot harder I'm at $10 and number 756 overall , have all fish but mako can't seen to get one any one know best area to catch one ?

    • +1

      York Peninsula is where I got my Mako.

      • Cool will give it a go

      • I am playing in that area for the whole morning. Saw the Mako a few times but it always escaped.

    • Finally I got my Mako, does anyone know the best area to catch Giant Trevally and Albacore Tuna? Those are the two species I am missing…

      • GT Exmouth

        • Thanks, what about Albacore Tuna? Any idea?

        • @Maki:

          St Helens

  • Just so all keen fisherman aware, I'm in it for the $200 species price, caught over a thousand, so hand off my fingermark. :)

    • What area are u fishing in have about
      870 fingermark but not my target

      • Trinity inlet. Where about are you? I got about 40% fingermark over ratios.

        • Daly river what's your ranking
          I get between 40 and 99 depending no when I play

        • 137

    • I wish you luck, if I was to go for a prize I would go for an offshore as looks a bit easy to rig an auto inshore one. 80% of $20 is my time limit.

  • .,,

    • What species are you going for? It says in the Terms you can only make one account.

      • -8

        Hopefully I don't get disqualified for 'illegitimate play' and 'multiple accounts'. High chance I might be because I'm running the bot all day. It's unfair and dirty, but I really need the prizes. Won't say it here in case BCF is watching me lol, but none of the fish mentioned in this page. My advice would be stay away from river fish and go for offshore.

    • +2

      Mate, in my opinion this is not "clever" but a clear attempt to cheat the system. I don't think it will affect legitimate players in this case (for example take prizes away from actual worthy winners) otherwise I'd have quite a few choice words for you right now, but I'm very unimpressed and the amount of negs you're getting tell me it's not just me.

      Suggest if you're going to be a cheat and indirect thief you don't broadcast your antics on a public forum of any kind.

      Also if I ever meet you for real don't mention it to me.

  • +1

    Caught my 3200th Mangrove Jack :)!

  • Alright man but I find it unfair for other players who are actually playing the game a lot. Anyways good luck with what your doing.

  • Where to find striped marlin?

  • Tasmania

  • +6

    Pretty sure the word you're looking for is "cheating"

    • -1

      Certain at least 100 others are cheating. Noway can someone be on all the time unless they are unemployed and fishing all day


      • Yes and because others are cheating you should absolutely join them right? Because that will make the situation much better.

  • Can someone tell me where Blue Marlin is? Thanks

    • +1

      all good, caught one

      • where did you catch your blue marlin?

        • Just got one at Coffs Harbour using a skirted lure :)

  • +1

    Got $17 Credit from BCF today, YEAH. Should I mark myself as a winner?!

    • +4

      I'm only at $13 so far, my 8yo has been 'helping' as he wants to get himself a fishing rod (start them comping early lol)

  • Can someone tell me Where to catch King George whiting?

  • Tasmania with worm lure

  • +1

    Won $10 stopping there it's taking up to much time. 😀 I did go to bcf and got myself a chair so I'm happy.

  • +1

    End up got $19 credit. Purchased $19.96 worth of goods and paid the extra $0.96 while having cashback of $0.80, not bad :)

  • How do i redeem my credit?

    • +1

      The voucher is linked to your BCF account with the same email. It should appear under account credits.

      You can buy something instore or online and the voucher money should just deduct.

  • -5

    Won 2 species prize. Got an email :D

  • -1

    I'm glad your happy you ruined it for many other people >:(

  • +1

    I used my voucher yesterday

  • Won $17 total, I was waiting for this to end so I can mark myself as a winner :)

  • +1

    Won $16 all up

  • +1

    I won $16!

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