• expired

$83 off Entire Range of Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge (S7 from $695, Edge from $765) Delivered @ Mobileciti


Great prices again from Mobileciti. All handsets are Australian stock and come with 2 years Samsung AU warranty. Apply coupon S7SALE at checkout for the discount. Goods will be dispatched the same or next business day. You can also collect from the Parramatta store if you wish (closed for ANZAC Day). A GST invoice is included, and all purchases are TRS eligible. Offer ends 11:59pm AEST Thursday. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Any chance of a repeat of the S8 No VR sale? Missed out the other day :(

    • Yea I missed out as well :(

      Any upcoming deal on S8/ S8+?

  • +47

    Still way too expensive for a now superceded phone that doesn't hold its value.

    • +23

      Not sure why he's being downvoted, he's right.

      • +9

        Yep - fairly expensive considering it's the older model. But saying the phone doesn't hold value - no duh! It's a phone - not a gold nugget!

        • -2

          iPhones hold their value far better.

        • +1

          @JohnHowardsEyebrows: May be Samsung trying to do the same now taken their phones are better now?

        • +9


          That's because Apple users have mental problems. iMacs from 2009-2011 get sold for $400+ even though they are outdated.

        • +1

          @BarneyM8: they are slow useless machines too

        • @DaTa:

          I lost about $300 on purchase value on a 2014 macbook pro that I've had for two years. Not too bad!

        • -1

          @Circly: if you worked in IT and claimed it on tax it would have been a win

      • ? down voted

    • +1


    • Yep, I agree, way too expensive. Spend a bit more and get the S8 on special.

      • +6

        I thought it seemed like a good deal on the Edge, $765 vs $1200 for the s8. What am I missing?

        • Neither price is particularly cheap considering they were both around 600 a few weeks ago from grey market ebay BEFORE the release of the s8.

        • +1

          Comparing current price of S7 against full price of S8? Who buys at retail of $1200.
          Woolies $65 for 24 months was best value for money and cheaper than S7. Its a really good phone and experience.

        • +2


          Actually, the S7 was $494 delivered grey market.

        • +1

          I got an s7 for $600 (grey market) around 6 months ago. So this seems quite pricey.

        • +1

          @Gaggy: I don't think you have much idea of what value for money is considering that you're entering a 2 year contract.

        • @watwatwat: Yeah, I recall it being cheaper. I was burned because the $494 deal came out about a month after the $550 from vaya that I ordered.

        • @Diji1:I do. Taken $25 live connected or other cheap provider month to month plan, you are getting better value. I didnt change my provider in the past even I am not in contract. So I would say good value compared to what is available.
          What value will come in future is getting too optimistic.

        • @Gaggy:

          Ok, so it seems everyone agrees that even for AUS stock, the S7 price isn't that great. What about the S7 Edge (AUS Stock)? I've not seen it this low, but I've only been looking the past few weeks. Is it a good deal? If not, what sort of price would be?

        • @kinglaiho: I never said it was a great price for S7. I was asking why would you buy S7 when you can have S8 for comparable price on woolies previous deal.

    • +1

      if it doesn't hold its value then why is it still expensive?

      • I guess they figure people will be happy to get this phone for $100 less than a month or two ago while the S8 makes its way to market.

      • Almost everybody buying it is ignorant.

    • The S6 and S5 seem to be holding their value pretty well. Also, why are Australian-stock Samsung phones so much more expensive than overseas stock?

      • Samsung doesn't do international warranty

    • s7 will probably drop more when the s8 is in stock and on display in stores.

  • +1

    You guys stocking the Xperia XZs anytime soon or you getting the XZ Premium in and not the s?

  • what is network branding? Does it matter since it is unlocked?
    I am with Telstra. Can I buy the Voda branding one? If so, what do I need to do?

    • If you look at description, Opt = Optus, VF = Vodafone, Tel = Telstra and nothing is unbranded

      • The most expensive ones are unbranded, then Tel, Opt, with VF the cheapest.
        However, my concern is if I buy the VF, what do I need to do since my sim is with Telstra?

        • +1

          Regardless of the network branding, all the devices are unlocked, meaning you can use any sim.

        • @WoodenSpoon:

          But then whats the advantage ofbuying the unbranded one over the branded like voda telstra etc one when its more pricey? Is it worth paying the extra?

        • +3

          Less bloatware using up your system resources and quicker OTA Software Updates.

        • @WoodenSpoon:

          So your saying the unbranded phone 50$ more is worth then the carrier loaded one?

  • +1

    I salute you on Anzac Day, Tightarse.

  • Hey guys did anyone have success using the code of s7sale in the checkout on ebay. It didnt work for me?

    • +5

      It didn't work because this isn't eBay. It's mobileciti

      • Oh omg. I thought it was ebay whoooops. Thanks for that.

        • -3

          Too late now, but you should have used the generic discount code TIGHTARSE.

    • +2

      This deal page doesn't link to the ebay one though?

  • A deal and some stock of this would be awesome!


  • I seem to remember only getting 1 year warranty when I bought the S7 directly from Samsung Au. Is this 2-year warranty a mobileciti bonus, or is it standard and I remembered wrongly?

    • +3

      I remembered wrongly

      Yes. In Australia all mobiles have 2 years warranty (local stock)

      • Oooh. Nice! Thanks for letting me know :)

  • Can someone please tell me whats the advantage or buying the unbranded s7 model vs the branded like vodafone or telstra unlocked? Afterall there both unlocked and hence why the price is different?

    • +1

      Not anymore i guess, the updated for s7 unlocked nougat update came same time when Telstra pushed it's s7 nougat usage.
      Only use is it comes with no boaltware apps from carrier.

  • +2

    At this rate, you should get them on cashrewards, TA.

  • +4

    Terrible price for a now outdated phone.i paid less for my s7 10 months ago for my s7 au stock brand new.

    • Yea, it’s clearly Mobileciti just advertising for obvious easy upvotes. A lot of these power deals lately have been more like Biased-bargains than oz-bargains.

    • +3

      i paid less for my s7 10 months ago for my s7 au stock brand new.

      The Samsung S7 has been available on the Australian market for 13 months. 10 months ago, it was selling in the range of $900-$1100. Care to share details or a link of how you got an Australian stock S7 for under $700 10 months ago?

      • http://i.imgur.com/W8NfqYn.jpg

        My bad it was 7 months ago.
        I think it was a 15% ebay code i used.

        • -1

          am I missing something? it was $799?

        • Not sure why you are getting negged, but here's a plus.
          Valid point and completely agree.
          I don't find this to be too great of a deal. It might be the best local price right now, but for the nearly $200 difference I would have purchased the DWI version for $494

        • +1

          @maverickjohn: it was the price ipaid for my galaxy s7 7 months ago.

          Thats why i am saying this deal isnt very good.

        • @Axelstrife:I'm agreeing with you buddy ;)

        • @maverickjohn: lol sorry thought you mis read my post.

      • He probably means grey stock

  • Just bought 2 S7 edge from ebay 20% for $600 each, $1350 for a phone is way too expensive to me.

  • -5

    Omg old and obsolete stock!

  • I'm still waiting for the S8 (AU Stock) deal under 1K.

    • Opps

  • +5

    These guys don't know Australian consumer Law so if you have a warranty issue you will be on your own to chase it up

    • -1

      Lol. He's back.

      • +3

        Dude one day someone's going to thank me, I'm just giving the heads up of what I went through and several others as well.

        • -1

          There's one Mobileciti post you missed in your never ending fruitless quest here…

        • +1


          I saw that the other day but was too busy to comment on it but hey I will keep helping out my fellow ozbargainers and they can keep negging me

    • Sorry to hear you had bad experience. Why didn't you educate them this law. Sometimes you need to take stand. Else letting everyone know online is somewhat a good practice as well.

      But if I live quite far away from their stores, I will be happy to deal with the manf. directly.

  • Is this the best price for S7E local stock and we've seen in a while?

    • Yea i think so considering its aus stock and not overseas grey import stuff.

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