Help Decide Between Aldi and Kogan TV

Hi all

I have recently bought the Aldi TV that was a special buy last Saturday and have now seen the new Kogan deal.

Can someone with a bit more experience tell me what the difference between the two are as the Kogan says it has a 120hz refresh rate but the Aldi has a 60hz. There are other differences but I was hoping someone who knows a bit more could help me decide.

Thanks !

Kogan TV

Aldi TV


  • I'd not recommend either (Aldi/Kogan) … If you are tight on budget go for Full HD TVs from Good brands + extended warranty
    There is not much 4k content available anyway.

  • Good Lord. Rubbish vs garbage. Take your pick, you'll be equally disappointed in both.

    • Aren't people tired of bashing cheap tvs?

      I mean, your list is totally useless, some people have the tightest budgets and don't really care about hdr and 4k.


  • I wouldn't buy either of those but for what it's worth, my last Samsung TV developed faults, would wipe it's own memory clean everytime you switched it off so all apps had to redownload before you could use them, and my current Sony is just as dodgy. Switches itself instantly back on after turning it off, up to 15 times, screen goes orange sometimes when on the Home menu screen and sometimes the remote locks up and no buttons work for a minute or 2.

    They're all made for 20c in a factory in China so take your pick.

  • How is the aldi TV performing?

  • What are you using it for???

  • Just remember one thing. OLED… it really brings out the blacks.

  • The Aldi tv is good. Colour is great. Good definition and I haven't been playing much but crash bandicoot. Hahaha. Movies are clear although on a black screen the corners show white areas. Sound is slightly delayed to the video and I don't know how to change that. I use it mainly for watching YouTube. PS4 (nothing major just light gaming) and movies. Thanks for the support everyone !

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