• expired

Free Security Engineering Course by UNSW


The very popular deal from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/240223 seems to be back (I stumbled on this and checked it out and it's available now as well). Not sure how long this is available for free.

UNSW in proud partnership with the CBA are releasing a sequence of public courses in cyber security, under the banner of the SecEDU 'Security Engineering Capability' program.

The first course started in 2016.

Register here to participate. Everyone welcome. Just bring your wits, cunning, and passion. And keep your eyes peeled for the McGuffin.

Some courses will requre C programming familiarity, others require no specific background and are suitable for those wishing to increase their understanding of cyber security. All courses require strong analytical capabilities.

These courses are largely the same as the famous UNSW University Cyber Security courses - you are welcome to learn from them and join in the community. You won't get official UNSW credit for them (unless you formally enrol as a UNSW student, and sit the exams etc) but you are very welcome to learn here for free.

SEC.EDU is a proud partnership between UNSW and Commonwealth Bank.

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closed Comments

  • Interested

    • Hillary regretfully failed this course

  • +1

    on-line course ?

  • +25

    +1 for Richard Buckland - that guy could teach public speaking to a mime

    • +2

      Computing 1A legend — didn't know he was still around. I wonder if he still teaches Haskell?

      • +1

        I've just taken the course that replaced Computing 1 - which moved to C a few years back.

        I'm of the understanding that Richard pretty much only focuses on Cyber Security, but is also "Director of First Year Experience" and is working on improving teaching as well I believe.

        • Well, it is where the money is at atm.

    • +3

      Can confirm that Richard Buckland is such a man of encyclopedic knowledge, ability to teach & intellectual horsepower that anyone who has the privilege of receiving his guidance is better for it.

      By chance I had the fortune of being taught by Richard when he was teaching accelerated mathematics (year 10 maths for year 9 students) at SCECGS Redlands in Cremorne. His classes were so inspiring that people I know from that class still remark upon him & his inights some 20 years later.


  • +1

    Does this give provide any certificate or qualification at the end upon completion?

    • +4

      Just so anyone knows, you do NOT get a certificate.

  • Do you attend lectures in some old sandstone hall?

  • +18

    Do you get a .edu email?

    • +29

      Asking the important questions.

    • +5

      Bit like being offered a bar of gold bullion and asking if you get a carry bag with it.

      • +10

        .edu email is more important than the course

      • +22

        He is thinking about free Microsoft software and 10%+ discount most other places.- this is ozbargain after all.

      • +4

        Bit like being offered a free carry bag and asking if it is full of gold bullion

  • +2

    I attended USyd (Science, didn't complete), UTS (Computing - even went back and taught a couple of electives) and UWS (Astronomy) but never Macquarie or UNSW. I had some excellent computing teachers at UTS and I've seen some excellent material from open courses but i have to say this is one of the best I've seen. I only did the first few lectures and got bogged down with other things. I really ought to go back and do the rest. If you're on the fence and have the time and inclination, particularly if you already have a computing background, DO IT!!! The course is entertaining as well as informative and challenging. Unless you already have a very solid knowledge of this stuff I doubt you'll be bored or feel like you wasted your time. I'm not affiliated with OP or the course or Uni.

  • +3

    The first course started in 2016

    I signed up in 2016, and the course started off great, good lecturer… But it never finished - got a couple of weeks in and then they stopped posting lectures. For months, and no posts to say why or what happened.
    Looks like they have started it again a year later, and finally uploaded some more modules… fingers crossed they'll put them all up this time.

    • +1

      Did you make contact with them to ask why it suddenly stopped. Doesn't make sense and seems rather strange?

      • +1

        It was definitely strange.
        I didn't ask myself, but checked the site frequently. There were plenty of comments on the blog asking when new lectures would be posted. The lecturer made a post a couple of weeks later saying he'd had problems with the video editing, and they'd found someone to do it so the next ones would be up soon, but they never appeared, and that was the last post.
        (All last year's blog posts seem to have been taken down now though)

        • +2

          Well that is really unprofessional of them. Kind of sounds like they are vetting people!

    • My course is still active from 2016, and there are now 12 modules. This deal being posted got me off my butt.

  • +3

    This course is taught by Richard Buckland who is an amazing bloke. But yeah this is only a subset of what is actually taught in the course. I good lightweight version of it. Good taster for sure, shame from looking from other comments that the free online course was never finished.

    Note: I'm a CSE Student from UNSW

  • +1

    Signed up for this course back in 2016. The lecturer is great and the course was great for the first 3 weeks. After that the course went quiet for 3-4 months with no new content. Feedback from UNSW was that the editing was too time consuming.

    They have released more now but they are missing parts and no more exercises have been posted. The lectures are still really interesting to watch though.

    Also I found the player on the website to be terrible and found it easier to load up the source video in YouTube and watch it from there.

  • Can someone confirm if the course contains the 12 modules only? from what I can see on the Openlearning site is that there are video lectures across the 12 modules but no exercises, assignments, quizzes or exams. I might be missing something here but this is very timely as I have some free time that I want to utilise doing something productive.

    • Yes there are only 12 modules. Only the first 3 have exercises.

      • +1

        There are many challenges through the leaderboard/war room system.

    • There are a stack of challenges through the war room. I haven't been on in a while, but there'd have to be at least 30 challenges. It is a great course -gets quite difficult (at least for me) about 3/4 of the way through the challenges.

  • -7

    İf I do this course can I get credit for law and be loyer

  • Can anyone please post what the modules actually are?

  • Does it require a HECS waiver to be processed?

    • +2

      I wouldn't think so, if theres no certificate there is no enrollment in the course.

      Seems like they just posted up a few videos from their lecture recordings, and hope you like it enough to enrol in the full degree

      • OK. Thanks mate. I will enroll shortly.

  • +1

    LMAO at whoever posted this in their chat/wall:
    '3n3loops charged. L3D torch3s r3ady. L3t's s3arch for the bugs and ch3ck for the l3aks und3r the floor boards. Hope w3 don't run into the Ud3my ghost or Xiaomi vacuum…..'

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