What would you do? Train station car park full.

Say you worked around 40km away from home. To get to work, you drive your car to your local train station, and ride the train to work.

Say you got to the multilevel car park today and every single spot was taken. You don't have time to go back home and find an alternative way to get to work on time.

So you park just outside a bay, like several other cars have done, and expect a fine.

You come home and no surprise, you have been fined. $110.

What would you have done? Parked illegally too? Called work and tell them you'll be late by at least an hour while you figure out another way to get to work? Gone home and called in sick?

closed Comments

  • +87

    driven to another train station.

    parked away from the train station and walked there.

    I work 25km from my work and drive my car to the train station. I used to go to train station A but the parking there is shite so I drive 2 minutes to the next station where the parking is good and readily available.

    • +105

      You work 25 KM from your work?

      • +211

        sometimes I just can't differentiate between the two.

        at one place, I have to deal with crying, spoilt, whiny, unhelpful, selfish, lazy and childish behaviour,
        and at the other place I have to deal with my kids…

        • +34

          Good save, lol

  • +24

    Seven Hills / Blacktown? lol

    Go earlier.

    • +2

      I do this myself to ensure that I get a parking spot.

    • I live right there and know the pain all too well when catching the train from either Quakers Hill/ Blacktown or Seven Hills anytime after 8am its just pure insanity trying to find a spot and the fact that they're building more high rises annoys me even more.

    • +1

      I used to go to Seven Hills before the big outdoor parking area was built. Just park on the street and walk.

  • +5

    Drive/Walk to a bus stop -> Bus it to the station -> Catch train

      • -1

        OP is looking for options on what he should do when the carpark is full! Your logic is flawed.

  • +10

    bicycle and hire a locker?

  • +15

    Walk all the way to work

    • 40km at 8km/hr?

      • +34

        Damn that's fast, I walk at 4km/hr

        • 4km/h is a bit slow; 5-6km/h is a purposeful walk normally.

      • -4

        Why not?

        • +5

          because in the scenario provided the OP would have arrived halfway through the working day (or later).

        • -2


          Leave home earlier.

  • +23

    Get an uber. Much cheaper than $110.

    • In rush hour traffic an Uber would probably not get you there on time if you had already driven to the train station and seen the lack of parking and then decided to get an Uber, presumably from your home which you had to drive back to before calling.

      My name's Dan Wilson. I run Iowa's largest wildlife preserve.

      • +1

        I just spent 10 minutes figuring out that reference

        • It'll be like a giraffe's night out in Manhattan!

      • +2

        Dan or Don Wilson?

        • Yeah hi my name's Dan Wilson. This number used to be for a… for a… video thing. I got a video from you guys, it's called Dawg Sitter.

        • @DonWilson:

          If Don = Dan, does arctic = boiling?

        • @arcticmonkey: It gave me a great idea. Ya see I run Iowa's largeset wildlife preserve and I wanna produce a video for giraffes!

        • @DonWilson:

          Are there any flight deals to Iowa? Does your wildlife preserve have any discounted tickets??

        • @arcticmonkey: Just imagine how many zoos are in this country! I got an idea, ya see it's like this. We're gonna build all these platforms in downtown Manhattan!

        • +1

          @arcticmonkey: is Don, is good.

  • +5

    I would not piss money into the wind. Ill go park in another area.

    Unless you earn big dollars then can you justify your loss? What will your wife think?

    • +12

      $110 is a nice dinner out with my Wife.
      Wait, I always pay way less then $110 for dinner with my Wife. Heck. This would be 2 dinners with my wife.

      • +12

        Bucket of wicked wings and profit

        • +4

          hummer and a chicken feed

        • +3

          @enforcer: lol I thought of the other meaning for hummer ROFL.

        • +3

          @Slippery Fish:
          Wait, there's a non dirty meaning?

        • +2


          Trent! Give me back my purse!

        • +1

          @j4ck: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      • +10

        Or dinner with 2 wives ;)

      • or 1 dinner for each wife LOL

      • This would be dinner with wife as well as dinner with girlfriend/mistress!

      • Or just one dinner with my two wives.

      • or 1 dinner with two wives

    • +8

      Unless he parked on her, I'm not sure why his wife's thoughts are relevant?

      • Maybe they share finances……?

        • Maybe she isn't stupid and understands that the job that paid him the $110 and a lot more is a bit more important than $110?

        • @MrTweek: Wait do you actually believe copping the $110 was a good move?

        • +1


          I don't know, I've successfully managed to stay away from such a problem so far.

          I'm saying "what will your wife think" should be your last problem when you are desperately trying to get to work.

          I wouldn't get mad at my wife if she's lost and ends up copping a fine because she's not able to find a cheaper way to get to work quickly.

        • @MrTweek: Ahh understood and agree with you there

        • @MrTweek:
          "I wouldn't get mad at my wife if she's lost and ends up copping a fine because she's not able to find a cheaper way to get to work quickly."

          I would.

        • +1


          I'm glad you're not married to me then ;)

  • +25

    Wake up earlier…..

    • +4

      That is the most painful option possible :(

      • It is but if u want a parking with driving around, walking a bit, get there early, I do, 6am for me, but I leave early so works for me

  • +16

    Put false plates on

  • -7

    Look for a manual car left in neutral and push it out of the way?

    • +27

      Did you just forget that handbrakes exist?

        • +21

          Yes they are. You forgot handbrakes exist :P

        • +17

          @sp00ker: Dude, you're wrong - unless the handbrake is worn or poorly adjusted.

          Just admit you forgot handbrakes were a thing :P (or maybe you're basing this on your own car, in which case I implore you to get your handbrake fixed before it rolls down a hill and kills someone!)

        • +5

          @sp00ker: Dude, cars have several orders of magnitude more power than someone pushing them. Basic physics.

          Kinda like why you can push a car on a flat surface but not up a hill, but the car can easily travel up hill under its own power.

        • +2


          You can easily (relative to your strength and a few other factors) push a car in neutral with the handbrake on.

        • -5


          Nope - just use your car to push the other one

        • +3

          A properly functioning handbrake is strong enough to hold the weight of the car on a steep hill.

        • +15

          Girls, you're both very pretty. Lol

        • @sp00ker:

          I think you're a very sp00ky person.

        • -1


          Wow I can't believe how wrong you are, are you 12 years old?

          A handbrake can hold a car on a very steep hill.

          Can you hold a car on a very steep hill? No.

        • -3


          Can you hold a car on a very steep hill? No.

          Temporarily yes

        • @sp00ker:

          Prove it

  • +25

    Drive to work? Parking close to work couldn't be $110/day

    • -6

      Parking close to work couldn't be $110/day

      LOL you've obviously never parked in some parts of the Sydney CBD.

      • +14

        Actually, I have. The casual rates for wilson/secure max out at around $87/day. Heck, even the valet at Sydney airport is only $82/day.

        Put it this way, the cost of a parking ticket has to be sufficiently more than the cost of parking to act as a deterrent. Otherwise everyone would just park illegally and pay the fine.

        • +3

          True ($89/day to be precise).

          I was mostly just making a joke about the crazy price of parking in Sydney. At that same place, 2 hours is a whopping $69.

        • +4


          Interesting - valet parking at the westin only $78/day and that include in and out privileges.

          I wonder if non-guests could use that …

        • @ItsMeAgro: so cheaper then a motel to take the mistress to?

        • Early bird parking is maximum $30 per day and it covers the standard working hours.

        • +4

          @sp00ker: Tell me more about these in and out privileges you speak of!

        • @youknow:

          When a man and women really love each other…

  • +3

    Car pooling?
    Do you have any work colleagues that live around your area and you get along with?
    You can care/share/pool & take turns, go halves with the parking.

  • +7


    • +3

      Drive to clubhouse, park (there will be plenty of security cameras there), get lift.

      But you'll need to dress up like a tart to get the lift.

  • +17

    This used to happen to me sometimes, I had solutions that never resulted in a fine though:
    - Alternate station
    - Park in a residential street nearby with no parking restrictions
    - Park at a nearby park and walk to the station, also with no parking restrictions

    • +6

      Park in a residential street nearby with no parking restrictions

      Councils have gotten pretty an*l about this - restricted parking withing 2km of most suburban stations (in Sydney at least) … any opportunity to make money.

      Parking 2+km away adds at least 40mins/day to your commute, unless you have another last-mile solution like a kick scooter or bicycle

      • +2

        yep did that to my station

        Mon-Fri can only park 4 hours 8am-6pm

        • +6

          It's not really a council revenue raising scheme, it's from the residents complaining that 'their spots' are taken by commuters.

          You'd feel differently if you came home and couldn't park because @OP & friends are still in front of your house.

        • +7

          @D C: I park in my garage.

      • +1

        Parking 2+km away adds at least 40mins/day to your commute

        You walk 1km in 20 minutes? Try power walking in half that time.

        • +5

          Parking 2km away means 4km round trip.

          Most people can walk 1km in 10mins, without a 'powerwalk', depending on the terrain, weather, etc.

        • +3

          @sp00ker: Oh right, good point. I forgot about that.

          And yeah my natural walk speed is about 10 mins but most people walk so slow I have to overtake them. I don't think most people walk that fast.

        • +9

          skipping is even faster

      • 40 minutes? Why are you moonwalking that whole 2km?

    • Wait till someone returns and a spot gets free.

      • +8

        At a train station for the morning commute? You'd probably be waiting > 6 hours.

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