Shopping for a New Washing Machine

Does JB do free delivery, install and dispose of the old machine like Appliances on Line? JB is showing slightly cheaper.


  • +8

    maybe contact JB hifi not ozbargain

    • +2

      What? Apply logic and sense! No way!

  • +1

    Yes to free delivery only if you purchase online.…

  • Thanks Ynwa, Appliance on line is a much better deal and they have a need to protect their online reputation too.

  • +3

    Don't be so lazy and expect others to do the leg work for you - call JB and get the answer from the source.

  • I bought a washing machine a month back listed for $850 on TGG website for $750 delivered & installed.

    • Wow, you mean they plugged it in and connected the hoses for you?

      • They had to bring it up to first floor via stairs.

      • and need to be set level also. They are not plug and play.

  • +2

    Yes JB will do all that. They will also do your first load of washing and hang it out for you on the line

    Just ring and ask for Tony

  • +2

    Does Appliances Online deliver and install kettles as well?

  • i thought appliance online does price match, no?

  • Yes, Appliances on line do price match, but with lots of caveats. What I read is that JB doesn't do the whole setup plug-in and removal. But some of the nicer people in this thread say that they do, and that's what I was hoping for, personal experience.

  • +1

    We stayed at a friend's brand new apartment in Singapore a week ago. She had had it fitted out by suppliers (HN) because she lives in Perth.

    When we switched on the washing machine water flowed across the floor. I pulled it out and found that the outlet hose hadn't been put into the drain - it was still clipped to the back of the machine.

    Point of story: If you have someone do the install for you, make sure you check what they do.

    • +1

      TIP: If you have to pull out a washing machine, put plastic bags under the feet so that it slides easily.

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