Friend Changed DNS Server to Opendns How to Change Back?

So a friend came over and changed my dns server to OpenDNS which blocked a few sites my question is how to change back and what to change back to aka what's the default since I did not know what it was beforehand.. I am assuming it was on the Google public dns but wanted to make sure what is the true default dns.

Funny how reddit is blocked under this open dns I guess that it is a somewhat unsafe site for normal people and newbies.

It is a fairly good safe and naughty parent filter dns don't get me wrong but if I could add exceptions for Reddit and some other sites that were funnily blocked that would be great but I don't know how to so maybe I should just change it back.

Btw is Reddit safe to browse nowadays, I have been for some time and it didn't strike me as an unsafe type warez or virus infested crack site but I could be wrong.


  • +1

    I use OpenDNS and no sites are blocked.

    Either your friend changed the DNS on the router or your machine… Windows or Mac?

    • He changed it on the router and Reddit is not accessible now. I use an android tablet but only I have access to my machine.

      Is there anyways to divvy up the end settings so my device or ip address or mac address can have a different dns server setting or is it only router wide or device specific aka if he changes it on the router there is no way to split it up.

      Still new to dns settings so this will be my first venture and playing around and testing with it.

      • +1

        Just set it to automatically use whatever servers are specified by your ISP.

      • +1

        @AlienC I'd say your friend is signed up to (or has signed you up to) one of these:

        I just use the public OpenDNS IP addresses [ /] and it works fine:

        Could you run an extended test here: and post the results?

        In order to change your DNS at router level you need to access your router via the webpage log in and then there should be an option for DNS. You could try Google's [ /] or your ISPs

        • OpenDNS, LLC Australia

        • @AlienC: I reckon your friend has only put the address in and omitted the On the router their will either be two fields to input two addresses or one field where you can seperate addresses with a comma.

          Alternatively try changing on the device:…

        • @Xiongmao: both address are entered in fine. Honestly I am fine with this change as it seems to be good and safe and block unwanted phishing sites and nasty porn materials but the blockage of Reddit is what is pissing me off atm as I like to browse Reddit occasionally for a number of different reasons namely their /r/Sydney and /r/androidgaming subs among many others as you can imagine.

          I know Reddit has many nsfw subs but do you know if it would be possible from his end to add an exception to on his exception list OpenDNS account of some sort or can I somehow bypass his OpenDNS account and network settings and set my own exception list or is it just a total complete blanket non customizable wide default protection.

        • +1

          @AlienC: open DNS does not block Reddit.

        • @Xiongmao: what about the home security plan for OpenDNS could it be detecting some sort of phishing and blocking it for me?

          I am ruining some anti malware and antivirus software's now on my android tablet in case I received something maliciously recently although I have been sorta kinda safe but trying to rule out the possibilities as to why I cannot access Reddit as it happened around the same time I noticed the OpenDNS settings came in place aka porn website filtering and etc.. however yes it seems to be an independent issue.. Will report back later if I find anything newer.

        • @AlienC: Yes, I believe your friend is signed up to one of the "plans".

          Who is your ISP? Which router do you have… Usually the ip address for routers is or alternatives of: e.g. Telstra is

        • @Xiongmao: ACN Pacific, Netcom Wireless NF10W

        • @AlienC: To log into the modem interface please type into your web browser. Your computer must be connected via Ethernet cable directly to the Home Network Gateway.

  • +2

    Can you access the router via the default gateway ?

    Why was your "friend" messing with your router settings ? And why can't they change them back?

  • You know there is a reset button on your router right? Long press it for 10 seconds and it'll reset to the original factory settings.

    The google DNS setup documentation is here

    • I honestly forgot about that along all the searching. This was a great reminder. Sometimes my brain herp derps.

      • Thanks scrimshaw.

  • Flushdns + ipconfig /release /renew

    • Got instructions to do it on an android tablet or should I just download a cmd config app for android from the Google play store?

      • Turn off the phone for 30s, that should be enough.

  • +2

    Why do you think your mum did that?

    • Because maybe I was banging my Willy too hard or too loud? Haha lol

      No but seriously my roommate possibly did that as he is a purist.

    • Instructions unclear.

      My little eneloops are now stuck in it.

  • Update: I have found that for some reason when I use Puffin Browser on my android tablet it completely circumvents the DNS and etc block.. I can browse everything again.. just have to use Puffin Browser.. Wow this is good news as Puffin Browser is a really good close to desktop mode mimicking browser.. more so than chrome and Firefox on android I feel.

    There is an internet God after all. Praise be to him/her/them/it.

  • I recently tried changing the DNS servers set in my router from my isp's DNS servers to Google's, but when I did so I couldn't browse at all.

    I had to change them back to the ISP ones.

    Do I need to do anything else to change DNS servers?

    • +1

      If you change your DNS server, best thing to do is to flush DNS. On windows that means going into cmd as admin, and running ipconfig /flushdns
      Not sure about how other devices accomplish this.

      A reboot should also be done.

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