One Day Deals - Do I Really Save?

Hi Guys,

I'm new to ozbargains, I guess the reason of me becoming a members is to get feddback on the one day deals and Are the savings real? I’ve been blown away by the bargains I can find each day. Has anyone had anyone trouble in receiving their deals? Which deal sites are trustworthy? Whilts surfing in google I found a one day deal comparison site called, there are so many deal sites out there I am not sure if they can all be trusted? I guess it's good being able to get an overview.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated


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  • +54

    Interesting, you say you were Googleing?

    Whois for,…

    Domain Name
    Last Modified 21-Sep-2010 01:08:23 UTC
    Registrar ID Aust Domains
    Registrar Name Aust Domains
    Status ok
    Registrant RAMIREZ, ERICK A
    Registrant ID ABN 47862756012
    Eligibility Type Sole Trader
    Registrant Contact ID R-000809305-SN
    Registrant Contact Name Ben Martinez
    Registrant Contact Email [email protected]
    Tech Contact ID C-000958054-SN
    Tech Contact Name Ben Martinez
    Tech Contact Email [email protected]
    Name Server
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    Shall we try again Ben?

    • pure pwnage ;)

      dealsguide seems pretty cool though, presented very well.

    • LMAO

    • +1

      I am surprised and shocked at this entirely unexpected development!

    • geegee no rmk

    • Took me forever to see what the fuss was about…but lols~~~ -.-

    • OMG! Epic fail, OP.

      And that's pure GOLD, neil!!!!

    • lol OWNED!!!

    • rekt

  • Lol nice work neil

  • LOL. OP epic fail.

  • Ouch.

  • +3

    That's so amateurish, like those sockpuppets from COTD

  • Geezus, when will this ever end….
    Maybe set up a dedicated section on the forums for businesses to flog their name (which of course we'll never visit)?


  • heheheheh

  • LMAO! GG!

  • +4

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated

    My advice, would be that secondary school teachers shouldn't confuse "advise" and "advice"?

  • LOL
    Goodwork Neil!

  • heh heh….very amusing and very embarrassing.

    But, has anyone actually looked at the website? It's great !!

    • I'll repost what I wrote in Ben's other threads:

      Been using and was happy with their RSS feeds but their links tend to link back to their own site, or pick the wrong city or show up multiple times.

      As for dealsguide, it is missing some group buy sites as well as showing a deal from another city. Also, the RSS feed doesn’t work.

      I think there is a potential here for someone to make a really simple site showing all of the deals with an RSS feed. I guess the work comes in posting the deals that don't have RSS feeds manually. Surely, putting referral links in there would make it worth the while for someone. Now if only Ben didn't make up a ridiculous story and post it 3 times in various threads, then we might have had a serious discussion.

      • hmm….. RSS feeds aren't really appropriate in my opinion.

        a) RSS feed for ozbargain? not much use at all. If it is a fantastic deal, it will have sold out by the time the RSS user gets wind of it.

        b) RSS feeds for the deal sites? again not very useful in my opinion. Would the feeds provide me with all the visual media and info that I need, in order to decide whether or not the deal is "good" or "bad"? Probably not. Ok, I'll know that I don't want to get my legs waxed for $10, so I can avoid clicking on that site. But for many others, I will need to visit the site anyway.

        c) RSS feeds for news headlines ? ideal.

        • Not sure I understand your comment. I'm speaking about a Group Buy aggregator not Ozbargain.

          An RSS feed that lists all new deals from the 10 group buy sites that service Melbourne. Surely, you wouldn't want to check 10 separate sites everyday with each site listing deals at different times/days? I've yet to see any of these group buy deals sell out (a problem in itself).

        • I use RSS feeds + RSS ticker (FF Add-On) for monitoring oZb. This means shortly after something has been posted a ticker appears in the add-on bar and I can see, click on it.

          This way I've gotten deals before they have sold out.

          EDIT : you can change the RSS ticker update time, down to 1 min if you want to get the deals straight away.

      • As mentioned in the other thread, all our <a href="">RSS feeds</a> have now been re-coded so you shouldn't see any more issues :-)

  • even with the EPIC FAIL, I think the post has served its purpose..and pretty good site as well

    • +7

      Yeah, it's an okay site. So why didn't OP just start a thread asking people for opinions on his site. Instead of trying to pass off as a a random person who stumbled upon that site..

      • +2

        because he thought he wouldn't get caught ;)

  • Absolutely hilarious outcome here, totally unexpected HAHAHAHAHA.

    Yea, I too had a quick look at the site and it does actually look decent. What a stupid way to advertise your site/gain publicity though!

    • More hilarious is that it was the very first response. Looks like our mods are good at their detective work :)

  • Neil, What I was trying to say, is that an RSS feed is good for some things, not for others.

    For a site like ozbargain, RSS is no good because it is not quick enough. If the centrecom deal had been a superb bargain, it would have sold out within 30mins and RSS users would have missed out.

    For the group buy sites, RSS is ok but still not great. The RSS feed doesn't provide the user with enough information to make the decision on whether or not the deal is worth mulling over.

    Whereas for the purposes of news headlines, RSS is great and does what it was designed for.

    Going back to the website that martinez123 found "Whilst surfing in google" (ho ho) - it is far more "fit for purpose" than RSS.

  • clandestino, What RSS reader are you using?

    I'm using Google Reader (which shows the title and post) where new deals are posted within minutes of being posted on Ozbargain. Screenshot here So do you just keep refreshing the New Deals page all day?

    As for group buy deals, the description of the deal is (with all the or can be in the post field. But for me I barely need to look at the description if it's a haircut deal. If it's a restaurant deal, I'll read the description and then click through for more details.

  • neil,

    I also use google reader. Your screenshot shows what time google reader received the feeds.. for the 2for1 deal and the plasma, you got them both at 1:22pm.

    But the tv deal was posted at 11:53am and the rugby tickets 23mins later.

    • At 1:22PM it was posted into Reader an hour before that. So 29 minutes and 6 minutes after the deals respectively.

  • This is so funny… Good detective work Neil!

  • Sprung. Are there rules against this on OB?

    • Yes,
      A deal or post generally gets unpublished unless it's a popular deal to continue discussion if they have ordered item. In that case, a note is put on the deal, the OP is put in the penalty box as well as the site if they are a rep. In this case, I think the OP has punished himself to all of our amusement.

  • +1


  • lol

  • Link this page to sockpuppeting at its best in wiki

  • It's got potential but needs work

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