eBay & PayPal Seller Expert Needed

Is there any eBay & paypal expert could teach me how to sell item on eBay and withdraw money from Paypal without getting BANNED/closed account due to risky transaction?


  • I know there are limits to what you can withdraw so make sure you fully verify your PayPal account before doing anything.

    I tried helping to set up a new selling account and PayPal for someone recently, it's like torture every step of the way. Sorry, I'm not helping am I? :D

    • they didn't stated that I couldn't withdraw money during my limitation on resolution centre. yea i m new to Paypal too. I sold a few iTunes cards you know. When i tried to withdraw the money, they email me and closed my acc, due to my account was under risky transaction, bla bla bla.. Am i the unlucky 1 or what? why i dont see other sellers having that tough shit?

  • Sorry no such thing exists, when people become good at ebay and have paypal they realise ebay is holding you hostage as a seller.

    If you do intend to sell on ebay make it a small part of the business, also do not rely on paypal as your one payment gateway, no business would subject themselves to requirements.

    • they problem is most buyer pay with paypal. I did set bank deposit/EFT/ but bloody paypal .. don't know what is going wrong. Things just doesn't work out. Do you guys have any problem with Paypal?

  • +1

    What exactly do you plan to sell? Nothing like, oh let's say, portable hard drives from China?

    • nothing from China alright. Just some random stuffs, old stuffs, new stuffs.. item from Australia retail store.

      • ***** :p
        I'm just taking the piss mate. It could just be me being jaded but random stuffs, old stuffs, new stuffs.. item (sic) from Australia (sic) retail store (sic) sounds pretty suss.

        To answer your question:
        Anybody with significant ebay selling experience could be considered as experts on this matter. We reside upon forums such as whirlpool. Asking polite, well-worded questions on there will provide you with answers. Although, some things can only be learned with experience, often of the bittersweet variety.

        *** = removed not ascii characters (mod)

  • Or u can do whAt I did which was donate money to eBay and the post office by selling an item in total for less than postage. I've chalked that up or down to a learning experience

    • That's why people say you should start the item at a price you are willing to accept, or start at a price that will cover your costs..

      • Yeah thanks. I just was clueless about postage. Was happy to get rid of item for postage costs which were 4.55 for a tiny item that I thought would be a normal letter cost. Oh well.

  • Good luck getting your money! They will hold your money for 6 months, earn interest on it, then give it to you. PAYPAL = SCUM! Google paypal scam, there is massive class actions against paypal.

  • yeah.. i guess i m part of them now : (

    I called them so many times, feels like talking to a machine. suck a D$@k.

    They won't give my money back, all i can do is wait for 180days and they mail about my money.

    real money sucker! charges paypal transaction fee and demand for my hard earn money.

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