• expired

Multimeter - ZT102 - $9.99 USD / $12.78 AUD Delivered @ GearBest


Email only special.

ZT102 Multimeter (aka Aneng AN8002)

I was looking for a cheap multimeter for low voltage electronics and this seems like a reasonable deal. Not recommended for mains voltage. Cheapest price i can see was $8.99 for a coupon code a few months ago. Well reviewed.


Edited: oxymoron posted a $8.99 coupon in comments below. Coupon now expired.

Edit #2: if looking for a more expensive multimeter with better safety check out https://banggood.app.link/JY0wO3nYoJ . http://www.lygte-info.dk/info/indexDMMReviews%20UK.html http://lygte-info.dk/review/DMMUNI-T%20UT139C%20UK.html . Please do your research if you are using 240 volt though, I'm not an electrician.

Edit #3 not expired, see below comments can still buy for 9.99usd via your Personal email link or ozb add.

Edit #4 another coupon HNYear014

Edit #5 another coupon HNYear338 (thanks chibot)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Fantastic deal, got mine from Banggood for $14ish on sale and it is a great multimeter.

    • Now $18.22.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, used 149 GB rewards points and got it for $9.33 AUD

  • +13

    Not recommended for mains voltage.

    That's the understatement of the year.

    • +11

      Not sure why downvoted. People place price over safety. It won't just break kids, your hand goes with it, or worse.

    • +12

      If you are doing anything anywhere near mains, please buy a fluke or similar. Specs of the fuse mean nothing, the construction of the plugs, the board, etc are critical. Checkout EEV blog and some multimeter teardowns if you want to understand why.

      • +4

        As an EE, I'd really only trust Fluke for serious jobs. I'd rather live than save a few bucks.

        • fluke ftw anyday!!!

        • Ehh, Fluke is like IBM used to be in the saying "No one ever got fired for buying IBM".

          Fluke gear is good, I have no doubts about their safety or quality (I own 2 myself), but there are plenty of other reputable brands.

          A Keysight U1241C 4.5 digit meter is rated to Cat IV 600V, and is about 1/3rd the cost of an equivalent Fluke (in my 30 seconds of element 14 research), for example.

          Since this is OzBargain, not OzElectronicsLab though, I will say that the Chinese Fluke 17B is good value (and I lived to tell the tale of using it on 415V distribution).

  • +1

    These are a solid little meter suitable for your car tool box.

  • If anyone finds a deal on some probes with the little retractable hooks or tiny aligator clips or similar please post it up. I saw someone that style of probe with small electronics on youtube and it looked good as it freed up your hands.

    • Just hunt around on Banggood, Gearbest or eBay.

    • I got some off ebay for a few dollars for mine

    • I've bought pairs with the clips and the hooks too from AliEx but go figure haven't used them yet lol. But they are definitely very cheap feeling (i.e. thin leads).

      They make my overpriced Jaycar Digitech DMM leads look decent!

    • Found any good ones?

  • +3

    Looks very similar to a meter I bought a month ago from Altronics
    Which I would recommend


    • It's almost certainly the same meter.

  • +5

    Has a buzzer for continuity testing for anyone who wants to know… had to read one of the articles to find that out!

    • +1

      And its quick too….

    • Exactly what I was looking in the comment for. THANKS

  • +2

    Decent multimeter in its price range, the only way I can find out the charge of my lithium ion batteriies is with a multimeter! Powered by two AAs if memory serves correct, rather than a pricier 9V.

    • +3

      Bought just for this. All my multimeters use 9V batteries and you can bet they're flat every time you need them!!

    • +1

      One thing I've noticed between my two DMMs (one 9V, one 3V based) is the continuity/short test uses the battery voltage as the input voltage. Or at least seems to going from how LEDs light up and stuff.
      If I'm working with ICs or other parts which may get damaged at 9V I deliberately use the 3V meter to test those.

  • i'm looking for multimeter…

  • Can you use this to test computer psu

  • +3

    $8.99 with the coupon Trevgb9

    • +1

      Damn where were you two hours ago :) … Added with thanks.

      • Was thinking the same thing!

        Wonder if GearBest will refund the difference…

        • my order is dispatched, i could get refund but then i probably loose about 50 c on currency conversion charges (I ordered multiple items), probably not worth it to save $1.

        • +1

          @kiwijunglist: Twelve bucks for True RMS & 6000 count display is both a bargain and something of a tech miracle.

          This morning, I trust not, or tomorrow, indeed.
          Fret not, kiwijunglist

        • +1

          @Dne: please don't cry … over $2 savings

    • tried the code but it says it has expired

    • 8.99 AUD or USD?

  • Can you test the amps of USB chargers with this?

    • Yes, but you'll need to cut a USB cable to be able to measure the current.

      This may be a cheaper and more convenient option:

      May be even cheaper on Ebay. There are cheaper models with a single display that alternates between current and voltage, but I prefer the dual display ones. I have one permanently attached to my charger. You can read it from across the room, makes it easy to know when charging is complete, because the current drops to zero.

      • No way I'm using those plug in ones to test USB voltage and current if it's anything like those other ones. When I've compared it to an actual DMM the current draws are very different!

        • +1

          Multimeters often have a big problem with current measurements - it's called "burden".

          Basically, it's how much resistance the multimeter has, on each of the current-measuring inputs. You can measure it by connecting two multimeters together - one measuring current, the other measuring resistance.

          On my Fluke 75, on the 300mA range, the resistance is 6 ohms. So if I put that in series with something drawing 250mA, there will be 1.5V dropped across the meter. For USB, that means there will be 5V-1.5V = 3.5V available to the load. That's not enough for USB devices, so you end up with an incorrect measurement and a non-operating USB device.

          Most multimeters have negligible resistance on the 10A range, but many multimeter leads have about one ohm of resistance, so it's still difficult to measure.

          This may be why your multimeter gives different readings. For accurate readings, you need a precision low-value resistor (maybe 0.1 ohms), and then measure the voltage drop across the resistor with a four-wire "Kelvin" connection to the resistor.

    • Scratch that, today I just received the one I linked to, and it is particularly inaccurate. I have a few of them, different brands, and they agree to within about 2%. But the new one is about 20% low, don't buy the one I linked to.

  • Needed one of these the other day! For $9 USD I'll grab it, otherwise next time I need one I know I'll end up paying way more locally!

  • Grabbed one.
    I use this multimeter for my 240v stuff, been a good meter but no buzzer on continuity tester so this will be nice for autoelec stuff.

  • +1

    Code has expired, OP.

    • Still order it without the code. It's $3 USD more though

  • Avaliable now?

    • Nope

      • :(

        • +1

          Agree :( Wanted one too.

        • @Domingo: coupon code expired?

          Can you get for $9.99 ? to get for $9.99 you have to log out log in and then click the email link in the post, doesn't give you $9.99 price without going directly from the link.

        • @kiwijunglist: Coupon expired and up to $12 USD. Which isn't that much, but 33% more than $9!

        • @Domingo: oh that's a shame. Maybe the code from someone else's email will still give the special price. If you get gearbest emails search for "ZT102" and it will come up, maybe with a different link.

  • +4

    To get the deal if link not working:

    Enable adds. Browse ozbargain. Click on gearbest add that lists the multimeter.


    If you get gearbest emails then search zt102 for latest email only deal.

    • +1

      Great stuff. Just bought by clicking the ad on ozbargain. Thanks

  • Just purchased via link through Gearbest email for $9.99 USD.

  • not a bad meter for what you pay but as title says, don't use it on mains as protection would be terrible.
    Get a BM235 if you're planning on testing mains power.

  • +1

    most people recommend flukes for various reason especially safety which over 100-200.

    • +1

      Also Fluke for reliability. Used one of these cheapies the other day and it measured a battery voltage of 63V. Impossible because the battery max Voltage was 56V.

      Used the Fluke and got the realistic reading of 54V. Threw the cheapie straight in the bin. It had one job.

  • I like the biggish display on this going off the pics but some of the comments seem to like features I'm pretty sure are on dirt cheap multimeters too, like the continuity buzzer.

    But I feel dirty in paying the same-ish price (if not slightly more) for a way more cheap-looking autoranging meter with hardwired probes >_< . Would rather be using this one for sure!

  • Price has increased to US$11.99… :(

    • Hmm still shows 9.99 usd for me. Ask the guy above for his gearbest email link or via an add for 9.99.

  • No AC current (4th hole). Temperature is handy while camping.

    OP lists a UNI-T UT139C. I have this model and it's fine. BUT all other four UNI-T multi-meters in last 20 years have failed badly and fast. Two were so inaccurate I got money back as told it was a known fault. And one the main switch was faulty within months, barely works. Recommend give UNI-T a miss.

  • +2

    I'm starting to accumulate multimeters like I am torches…

  • +7

    Forgive me Father, for i have sinned.

    I tried the link, but it came in at $15.96.
    I tried the code, but it came it at $15.96.
    I searched for the GearBest ad, and eventually found it, but it came in at $15.96.
    I logged out of GearBest, cleared my cache, changed my IP address, stood on my head, and tried again, but it came in at $15.96.

    I am sorry, but i bought it, at $15.96.

    I will be handing in my OB badge imminently.

  • Are there any alternate DMMs which are this style (auto-ranging/big-screen/AAA) where they are 6000 count instead of 2000?

    In hindsight (as always d'oh) I should've picked one of these up when cheap as I'd prob find the 6000-count functionality very handy! Doubt I'll ever use it for AC/RMS that is the focus of all the praise for the price point.

    • My fav which doesn't relate much to your specs, is Holdpeak HP-90EPC (Aliexpress).
      Connects to laptop to monitor/graph signals realtime. 20A, Auto backlight, temp, very fine ranges, freq, cheapest of this sort, and has worked 100% so far. Fan-effing-tastic value.
      I think I paid ~$40 to $45 with cashback and coupon.

    • I don't know what 2000 or 6000 count means, but I thought bigger number is better :D

      • If you own any old meters (or even old calculators) you see the left-most LCD digit can only show a "1". So a meter could show say "0.000" to "199.9" in say the mA scale. If it wanted to show 300, 400, 500, etc. it would have to show " .300" at the A scale instead.

        More so annoying if you have a manual ranging meter and cos it runs over 200mA you have to go change the range.

  • +1

    Just decided to randomly check and it's back at US $9.99 (mobile site incase that matters). Ordered!

    • It works! Just change "www" to "m" for the URL.

  • Just bought one too at USD9.99. I needed this today but i guess i have to wait for 5+weeks.

  • As well as buying for 9.99usd via email link or ozb advertisement. Try this coupon "HNYear014" for 9.99usd.

  • New coupon? Oh ffs…

    EDIT: Hang on, that new code doesn't work for me either! I'm getting just a little suspicious…

    • FWIW all I did before was open this OzB page to read the latest comments (waiting in line at restaurant lol) and tapped Go To Deal. Noticed it was listed at 9.99 still with the flash sale timer. No coupons or anything.

      Wasn't fun trying to buy it over mobile browser though lol. Most of my shopping presets and stuff on my PC.

      • +1

        Just change "www" to "m" for the URL.

        • Yeah, $13.29 still on mobile site.
          Little late for me but…

        • @AngryChicken: "A little late for Lenny"

        • @AngryChicken:
          Says US$9.99 if I change the currency, and Google informs me that "9.99 US Dollar equals 12.75 Australian Dollar".

          I haven't ordered from GB previously, will they bill AU$13.29 or US$9.99 if AU currency is shown? Better if paying in USD if you have one of the better credit cards.

  • Mine just arrived. Ordered 5 weeks ago @ us$9

    Takes 2xAAA.
    Very poor connection on leads plugging into unit. Opened up the case, and it looked ok inside.
    Seems the supplies probes just don't fit the meter. Turn it over and they fall out.
    So not great quality control.

    Am using the probes from my old meter, which do fit firmly.

    • If you've opened it up, could you just close off the connections a little so they fit better? Crush/Crimp them so the fit is tighter? From what I've seen they're just cylindrical contacts.

      • That was my intention, but the contracts are thin and inside a rubber cylinder, which provides the compression when a larger pin is inserted.

        • Thanks for replying, sounds like it may not be the best idea if it's using some sort of compression with the rubber to hold it in place. Guess I'll wait and see what it's like when it arrives, and maybe expand the pins on the probes as that may be easier.

          Not like it will be used on mains anyway, so a little damage can't hurt it (or me).

        • @xS415x:
          I use mine on mains. I avoid touching the unit while doing so (only the probe handles), but the insulation seems OK.
          No great loss if it loses the magic smoke.

    • Mine fit tightly, but the tips are pretty average. Comparing to a $2.75 pair from eBay: here.

  • +1

    Back available at $8.99 USD with code 'BILAKOSJ154'

    • Yeap $8.99 USD with code 'BILAKOSJ154' worked just now. Thanks UC.

  • Anyone got theirs from the 03/01/2018 deal? Or, at the very least, gotten any signs it's on the way? Mine's still listed as no shipping information on GearBests website, and "Collection" on DPEX China's site.

    Getting that sinking feeling I've been "GearBest'd" again.

    • Mine was delivered on 17/1

      • Thanks for the reply, you got yours QUICK!

        Guess I'm putting in a grumpy ticket to GearBest, waiting a few days for a generic response, then starting a Paypal dispute… 26 days with no update in the tracking is really concerning.

        Ahh the live of an Ozbarginer.

        • -2

          Calm down. Perfectly normal. It'll show up in a week or two.

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