Cheap Office/Study Shelving for a Student

I'm a student and I need some storage for my study at home. I've looked around and shelving seems to be surprisingly expensive… even second hand ones on Gumtree.

Just hoping there are some types of shelves that I haven't thought of that would work well. Just needs to fit my printer and books and stuff. Modular shelves would be ideal.

Cheers for any help!


  • +1

    Have you looked through all the free stuff on Gumtree? Plenty of free shelving if you can arrange transport and aren't too picky on style -…

  • +2

    In my day, students usually had two solutions (or a combination of the two):
    - a few bricks at each end and some pieces of timber as shelves
    - milk crates

    • +3

      This is like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

      Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…

      • +1

        Ferry you say, he’ll in my time you had to walk it in shoes made of pelts. We couldn’t afford onions, we had to make do with onion weed - but then we had it tough.

        Then again I also had bookshelves made from bricks, wood and milk crates. Still got one of the milk crates to store cables I will never use again.

        OP - look at OP shops, second hand office furniture places, etc.

      • perfect

    • In my day, students usually had two solutions (or a combination of the two):
      - a few bricks at each end and some pieces of timber as shelves
      - milk crates

      ^ Me!

  • Build your own from IKEA or pre-cut from bunnings?

  • +1

    I use the $12 metal shelves from Bunnings or $40 ones like these. They look terrible in the study, but I don't care as they serve my purpose. I put my books, folders, printers, and gadgets on them. I can adjust the height if i want to put in a taller item. I screw a piece of old timber or cardboard on the sides if I need to close the sides. I hang hooks along the holes on the frame so I can hang bags and shirts and ties. They don't bend or change shape like the malamine+saw-dust board shelves I use to get from Officeworks.

    • +1

      Love your turn of phrase on the Officeworks shelves.

      You could probably make the Bunnings stuff a bit more attractive by painting it up. We use the Bunning stuff in our garage for storage and they work really well.

    • +1

      ohh very nice. I'm sure a few touches here and there could make them look presentable in a study! thanks!

  • Have one of these of gumtree pretty decent to fit my desktop and printer.

  • Ikea or Kmart ends up cheaper than frigging Bunnings, most of the time.

    I just bought a really sturdy desk, on clearance (last one so didn't post) at Kmart for frigging $22!

    Walk through your local BigW, Officeworks, & Kmart & check for clearance.

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