Esky Which One?

Hi, looking for an ok Esky/cooler for day trips. Currently have a Willow 25lt which is ok but looking for something that can keep things cold for 8 hours. Using ice brick/frozen drinks or ice cubes.

It's 10 yaers old, has technology improved?

Maybe 30lt in capacity or so.



  • Have a Waeco 55L that I take out camping. Keeps things cold for 2+ days if you restrict the amount of times you open it. Highly recommended.

  • What's your budget?

  • +1

    BigW have a Willow 33L for $29.

  • +1

    Techni ice make some pretty decent coolers.
    Just came back from camping and had my ice lasted across the week, with every day above 30.

  • Pre-cool it before you full it up and use a larger solid ice brick, not ice cubes. For a day trip an old esky should be fine.

    • +2

      How do you precool your esky?

      • Keep it in a cool place. Load with ice or cold stuff a bit before you want to load in what you want to keep cool. The idea is to lower the temp in the esky so that the warmth from the esky doesn’t heat all the stuff you want to keep cold.

  • I have been watching videos on youtube, American.

    The 5 day ice challenges are cool :)

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