How Much Does It Cost to Charge a BMW I8?

Seeing someone parked in our apartment building's loading dock the other day to use the power point to charge their BMW i8, I was curious how much this is actually costing strata (which we as owners end up paying)?

Apparently owner offered to reimburse strata $10 for charging their car but I was curious if that's more or less than the amount of electricity something like that uses.

(I'm mindful electricity rates vary by plan/etc but just a ballpark estimate)


  • $6.72

  • +6

    i8 has a 7.1kwh battery, electricity costs like what…. 22 cents per kwh?
    So about $2 per charge?
    It can only go about 20-30km on a charge.

    Tesla would be pushing about $20 per charge

  • +3

    The i8 is a hybrid, so the battery is much smaller than a full electric car like the Tesla.

    Drew22 has the right figures in his post. 7.1kwh battery is relatively small so relatively cheap to recharge.

  • +3

    Apparently owner offered to reimburse strata $10 for charging their car but I was curious if that's more or less than the amount of electricity something like that uses.

    Depends on how flat the car is. Just like saying how much does a car cost to fill up with petrol. Is the tank empty or not?

    say the worst case for this car is 7kwh, at 30c a kwh, is $2.10.

    • -2

      I'd almost double that for the inefficiencies of charging. (charger and battery)

      • yeah nah, inefficiencies are nowhere near 50% loss. Lets say 10%, so that 7kwh used is now 7.7kwh, so add a extra 20 cents on to that figure.

  • +3

    Should contact him about charging his car, elon musk just built a battery station in SA using the left over Eneloop batteries I had from dick smiths. Maybe a ozbargainer can help him out.

  • Contact BMW to find out, problem solved :)

  • +2

    tree fiddy

    • +1

      damn it monster, I aint gonna give you no god damn tree fiddy

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