Best microSD Card for Huawei Y7

Tech illiterate here, seeking advice on the best 64gb microSD card to buy to expand storage in my phone.
I found these 2 options which to my untrained eyes seem like they would work:……

Any alternate suggestions or advice much appreciated!


  • +1

    Suggest you try look for Kingston brand ( its good brand ).

  • +1

    You're better off getting a samsung microsd card. More or less the same, I've noticed the feedback recently is better for samsung over sandisk.
    There's often a lot of deals for less than $25. I would avoid a brick and mortar store and buy online.

    Btw the second link is for a standard SD card - this will not fit in a phone.

    Edit: this deal will probably do

    • I searched, but missed this post. Thankyou!

      • You're welcome. The ozb search is very average. I had to sort by post date and I'm here every few hours so I remembered it.

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