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High-end Headphone sale at Headsonic - AKG, Audio-Technica, Beyerdynamic, Sennheiser - ltd stock


Guys, I'm the owner of Headsonic, and I've gotten a big shipment in for Christmas. Most of these will be the best price available in the country. All stock comes with a full Australian warranty - just ship it back to Brisbane and it will be repaired/replaced promptly. Stock is limited to what's on each page right now.

[Audio-Technica AD700 - $155](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/open-9/audio-techni… "Headsonic Product Page: Audio-Technica AD700")
[Beyerdynamic DT440 - $199](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/open-9/beyerdynamic… "Headsonic Product Page: Beyerdynamic DT440")
[Beyerdynamic DT990 Hi-Fi - $299](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/open-9/beyerdynamic… "Headsonic Product Page: Beyerdynamic DT990")
[Beyerdynamic DT880 Hi-Fi - $349](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/open-9/beyerdynamic… "Headsonic Product Page: Beyerdynamic DT880")
[AKG K701 - $349](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/open-9/akg-k701-6.h… "Headsonic Product Page: AKG K701")

[Sennheiser HD280 PRO - $149](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/closed-8/sennheiser… "Headsonic Product Page: Sennheiser HD280 PRO")
[Beyerdynamic DT770 Hi-Fi - $299](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/closed-8/beyerdynam… "Headsonic Product Page: Beyerdynamic DT770")
[Denon AH-D2000 - $299](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/closed-8/denon-d200… "Headsonic Product Page: Denon AH-D2000")

[Audio-Technica ANC7b - $179](http://www.headsonic.com.au/headphones-1/noise-cancelling-25… "Headsonic Product Page: Audio-Technica ANC7b")

-Dimitri (Owner)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks for declaring yourself as a rep. Welcome to ozbargain too :)

    • +5

      Thanks! I'm actually an old-timer here - gotten plenty a freebie over the years. First post though!

  • +3

    i like the website, it's very easy to use and not over-complicated!!!

    • +4

      :D thankyou!

    • +1

      lol, senior citizens use the net too!

  • please give us an idea of how much shipping will be

    • +1

      Free shipping for most items, from what I can see

      • +3

        Free shipping for everything on sale

  • I'm interested in the Audio-Technica AD700, but pricing is nothing special here. It's only $115 delivered from Amazon. PCCG seemed to have a similar deal at only $140+ 2 months ago.

    • +3

      Audio-Technica USA won't support the warranty on a pair sent to Australia

  • +1
    • +5

      True, but unless you are in Melbourne and want to pick up, you need to add shipping (eg $12 to Brisbane) whereas this offer is $155 shipped.

  • prices are better than headphonic but still nothing even close to being special.

  • Are the AD700s sourced from an Australian supplier or are they grey imports like the ones from PCCG?

    • +11

      The AD700s are grey imports - my return policy is top-knotch though (instant replacement with a working pair, full refund if no pair available)

      • +13

        No idea if the deals are good or not, but giving a positive vote coz owner is so "straight-up" with replies.

      • +1

        Thanks for being honest straight up.
        Will consider a pair of these now.

  • Amazon you can get AD700 delivered for round $110.

    • +7

      As above, Audio-Technica USA won’t support the warranty on a pair sent to Australia

  • +1

    I have bought a pair of headphones from this website before. The price was excellent, and even though there was a problem with the headphones I received a replacement within 3 days. the new headphones have been working great for more than a year now.

    You can buy cheaper from America, but then you dont get a warranty. This site is a few $$ more expensive and comes with an excellent warranty.

  • Will you be selling any IEM in the future - Shure, UE, etc?

    • +3

      Nope - sorry mate. They break too often! I was spending all day shipping returns.

      • I really wish one of the canalphone companies would make a pair that are a bit beefier. I love the convenience and comfort of IEM, but even the decent ones (I'm looking at you, UE Super Fi5) have some pretty glaring design faults.

        • Westone make nice pairs of earphones ;) (but they are expensive, but not as much as shures though)

  • I have a pair of the older Noise-Cancelling Audio-Technica ANC7b headphones and have to say they're brilliant! Not sure about the 2010 models, but i assume their better. Highly recommend to frequent travellers.

    tempted to get another pair, current ones starting to get worn out….

    pretty much rivals bose's quiet comforts if not better in terms of noise cancellation, ear cups are really comfortable too, you could pretty much fall asleep on them in the plane.

    • How good are the noise cancelling properties though? This test isn't too kind.. jump to 1:27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQdbcDTiIas

      How are they for breakthrough noise etc>

      • +5

        Youtube both normalises and noise-reduces all audio (brings it to a constant volume) so without a true mic dB readout it's a bit useless, unless I'm missing something. All it tells you is the tone of the noise-cancellation.

        Speaking from personal experience, the ANC7s are next to useless on a bus, but amazing on a plane (which is what I think they're designed for). The noise reduction is considerable - I would put it as perhaps a factor of 5 reduction? The sound quality is also good for what it is.

        I know that I'm selling my own product but Audio-Technica make mics, headphones and amplifiers, and this is a fusion of all 3.

        • +2

          what he said…. hahaha

          yes i primarily use this on flights, and I can vouch the noise cancelling properties are superb in the air.

          I have to say depending on what bus your on, if its like a long haul supercoach i found it quite effective, it drowns out tyre roar and most engine noises, but if its your regular stopping 100 times before your destination bus ride, i'm afraid it won't cut the mustard. This product is probably better :)


          By 'breakthrough noise' if you mean whiny little kids on planes or loud sudden screeching of breaks, this isn't the product for you (refer to product above). These headphones are great at silencing repetitive ambient noise, not sudden shocks, the insulation and closed cup design does filter out some of the 'breakthrough noise' to a certain extent, but not fully.

          The main reason why you'd buy this is for flying, comfort, sound quality, and its bang for your buck, especially at this price. No i'm not a rep, i just love my peace and quiet.

          If you're ever transiting in singapore international airport, they have an IT store there where they have stands with 4 or so noise cancelling products that you can try, Sony, Phillips and some other product, teh ANC7b's was the best out of them when just testing against ambient crowd noise.

  • +1

    Was looking at getting the Audio Technica AD700s off Ebay and taking my chances on the warranty, but with this deal that includes good warranty, I'd sold :)

  • +1

    Unfortunately headphone suppliers and in turn resellers in Australia still don't understand the concept of global currency. Prices are the same as they were when the AUD was at 70 cents.

    It's STILL cheaper to buy AND ship from overseas, and honestly, if your headphone needs warranty before 3 years, you're treating them wrongly.

    Even worse is that it's a catch 22 situation. Sellers need more local interest to drop prices, but local interest is on the international prices.

    Good job for taking the first step and showing that Australians can buy locally without being hit by a 40% fee. I know it's the suppliers' fault but there's not much a single person can do about it.

    • Couldn't have said it better myself.

    • +8

      This sale is actually a bit of an experiment - if I could keep this selling pace up all year, I could make these my permanent prices. Problem is quiet periods - if your margin is small and you're not selling much, you're struggling. Amazon can do it with hundreds of staff working constantly in many departments, but the Aussie market is just too small to sustain cheap specialist retailers.

      My 2c I suppose

  • I'm in the market for a good quality pair of noise cancelling headphones, but want to try them on before buying. Does anyone know of a stockist in Melbourne - preferably near Prahran?

  • How fast is shipping? Say to Sydney metropolitan area?

    • +2

      It's from Brisbane, so a couple of nights, assuming the stars align and you're home for delivery.

      I have a complete tracking system - when your package is sent, you get a link and can see where it is. I use Couriers Please for all deliveries.

  • +1

    man i buy the cheap $10 headphones and they sound amazing to me so these must be like heaven.

    • +5

      You betcha they are! Worst bit is when you get used to good sound, and you get all picky and struggle to go back.

      The cheapest good sounding headphones I have are the Koss Ksc75s for $45. They're as good as my $200 kit speakers - if you want to test the waters, try a pair out.

      • Have you heard of the Sennheiser HD228s? What do you think of them?

        • +2

          Sadly I have not heard these - will have to track down a pair!

  • Any chance of stocking the Denon Ah-D5000 in the future?

    Also a question to the community, which would you recommend?
    Denon Ah-d2000 or AKG-K701?

    • +5

      I tested the D2000s against the D5000s, and the D2000s came out on top. You can read about my experiences here. I've had a lot of requests for the 5000s, but they are expensive for what is purely a cosmetic upgrade, and a slight sonic downgrade, which means I can't recommend them.

      I think the D2000s are better for bassier stuff, and the K701s have a nicer high-end. I personally use K701s in my home-listening rig, because I listen to rock.

      • What price do you charge for the 2000's and the k701's when they're not on sale?

        • +3

          K701s are $399 normally. D2000s varies depending on wholesale price, which fluctuates often (but usually in the ballpark of $350-$400)

  • +2

    That's a pretty reasonable price for the 701s' with a local warranty.

  • Hi Dimitri, please forgive my ignrance but which is better closed or open? Does it depend on the environment? Also, I have a large number of broken headphones around the house. What's the warranty information (in summary). Cheers

    • +1

      Open are better if you want a more even sound, as because of the design of closed headphones the bass will be more prominent in closed headphones.
      But closed headphones do have their benefits, like they don't leak sound into the surroundings as much or at all (depends on make and model), whereas open headphones will leak pretty much anything and everything you're listening to to anyone in the room.

      • +2

        In a nutshell, an open headphone is more ideal, if you don't need isolation from outside noise.

        TnD has covered the important points. The only thing I'll add is that the extra bass from a closed headphone isn't true bass - rather, it is the echo from the back of the speaker. Without DSP you can't make such bass sound natural, and I don't find it pleasing - think of a speaker in a seashell.

        If you want good bass, you're better off going for an open headphone with a strong bass response (like the Beyerdynamic DT990).

        Also the warranty in summary is if the headphone is visually damaged or broken because of something you've done, it isn't covered. If it looks fine but just stops working within the warranty period, it is covered, in which case you send it back to Brisbane and I will replace with a working pair immediately.

  • +1

    Mmmm any chance of Audio Technica AD900s coming into stock?

    • I have to buy these from Japan but there's a margin in them, so let's see what I can do! Give me a month.

  • +1

    I officially bought the last pair of AD700s a few days ago. Thanks :D
    Just a few questions.. (if you don't mind :P)

    1) Any ideas on delivery times atm? cos I know that it's significantly slower due to Christmas and so forth.
    2) Barring getting a sound card or similar (which I am) any recommendations on getting the most out of the headphones or anything like that?
    3) Double question: any ideas on when you'll get more stock in and are you able to price match on request:
    http://headphones.com.au/psingle?productID=178 cos I although their customer service is fine, yours is just awesome :D and I would prefer to refer ppl to headsonic if it doesn't put them out of pocket.

    • Mark, thanks for the support!

      1) Looks like as of right now, the headphones are loaded for delivery to you in Melbourne :D

      2) Really the only thing you need is a decent, clean source. Some pairs with higher impedances require an amp to get the most out of them, but the AD700s are super sensitive, so it isn't a worry for them.

      I recommend an Asus Xonar sound card - the cheapest one is fine. Although I don't own one, I've tried out a friends, and was impressed by both the quality and volume it could pump out.

      I guess the only other thing I can say is don't let your headphones get damp - the drivers are made from paper, after all.

      3) My wholesale price has just gone up a bit, so I might sit without stock for a while, because matching that price would be unprofitable right now. Curiously, he would've only dropped his price a couple of days ago, but now he's out of stock?

      I basically sit without stock until there's a wholesale special, and then I buy an enormous batch, so feel free to recommend me with that caveat. I won't compete unless I can be the price leader. :)

      • 1) Got them today, and initial impressions are good, but I'll wait until I've burnt them in and got a sound card before showing them off :P

        2) Already investigated and I'll try and get that sound card finally bought some time.

        3) :D

        Thanks for the support; tis awesome :D

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