Supervisor Called Me out Via Crew Text

Hi guys, just looking for advice regarding this message and what i should do/what avenues i can take to get the best result for this message from my supervisor.

My brother in law was my supervisor before he took another job a few weeks ago and this guy hasn't been at the company more than a month.

He let the original yard worker go today and offered me the job so i accepted. Received this message that gets sent to everyone in the work crew.

To be honest i am pretty pissed off to say the least, not going to get into a fist fight with this guy either.

My brother told me to just find another job asap and report him to HR. But i'd be much happier seeing this dude lose his job.


Message here:


  • +40

    Listen to your brother dude, you'll be happier spending time on yourself rather than use energy on worrying/caring about this dude

    • +6

      +1 move on focus on yourself.. I wonder if it could be reported as sexual harassment though…

      • +3

        Are you guys serious? Reported, change jobs, ? Wow! my advice to you is to just get over it / ignore it!

        Geez, why take things to heart so seriously when it is more of a reflection on him than you - he can't even use "responded" correctly in a sentence. Follow what the great philosopher T. Swift said and "Shake it off"!

        Whilst I don't condone this sort of behaviour, I have worked in the construction industry for many years and have seen and hear a lot and can guarantee you - This is very common and TAME!! He hasn't even used the C word! LOL!

        He's trying to illicit a response for entertainment because of his own insecurities - Some people are just d!ckheads - if you bite, you can joke back and it may be kind of funny as you go back and forth over some time… but it will go on and on and get worse and more menacing.

        If you report it, he will secretly hate on you behind your back. I doubt very much that he will lose his job or anything serious.

        Just ignore it and he will eventually lose interest and try it on someone else. If it takes too long, maybe say something simple like "please don't call me that" but I imagine your lack of response and keeping your cool will speak louder than a response at all.

  • was it out of the blue?

  • Yeah it was out of the blue, haven't had any arguements with him. Pretty much just cordial and nothing more until now.

    • +3

      I had a boss do something similar to me in public, however, it was public talking not text. I spoke to him a few days later and said….
      "I haven't slept for 2 days because of what you said to me. I didn't like what you said to me infront of other people"….very calmly and very cool. I then used up all my sick leave and left the job (after finding another one)…..I didn't bother taking it higher up the organisation because the bosses boss was an even bigger dick. We all have to work with idiots like this. If the job is worth hanging around, like a public service job, then you can go through the right channels and make this idiots life hell and probably end his career right here from this text. But allus, this doesnt seem like a great job and you seem to be a yard worker. He therefore thinks he can make derogatory comments like "yard bitch"…He sounds like a bully and like all bullies, when you stand up to them, they are generally weak as water and insecure idiots who need to make others look smaller than they are. Every bully i have ever known was deep down a total insecure dick…one bully boss was broke at 65 even though he earned a fortune (he was a gambler) another bully was a cross dresser ladyboy in his part time and when exposed for his unusual private life he hadna nervous breakdown. Your brother has the best advise….take it.

      • +1

        This country has very weird laws, you can't punch someone in the face over something like this as its an assault. But you can easily get away with this kind of crap either from sms, forums, facebook, even verbal.

        Sometimes the only way to deter someone from being a jerk, is that he'll get a punch in the face, or at least in some community you'll get shot at.

    • +58

      Sounds like you are someone who takes it.

      • +18

        he is probably someone who dishes out this kind of unacceptable rubbish

        • +6

          Nah he's a little yard bitch and he knows it.

  • +36

    Honestly don't think he'd lose his job over it, you can talk to HR but I think he'd get a "talking to" which usually means he'll resent you from here on out?
    I'd only be talking to HR if I was on my way out to be honest.

    If you feel like this was meant to be a joke, then maybe you can just talk to the guy and say you wern't a fan of it, and to stop in the future as you feel its demeaning.

    If you feel its more then a joke and you want to play the long game, then log down what he said, when he said it and how he said it, if it keeps going for a few months (and you have a nice log with you) then you may have a chance of getting him fired/company in super trouble for bullying at work, also note down dates if you tried to talk to him to stop (or asked HR to tell him to stop etc).

    Either way I might still be looking at going elsewhere afterwards.

    • +4

      I think it was meant to be a joke, but it sucks as a joke, makes him look like a crap boss and also offended you.

      So I'd raise it directly with him in person - "about that message - I don't appreciate being called that, never do it again".

      He should get the point.

  • +24

    Step 1. Look for a new Job. Step 2. Find a job. Step 3. Report his uneducated bogan ass. I don't see him lasting long there anyway based on his attitude. Step 4. Let it go, Enjoy a better work environment.

    • +1

      You haven't heard of what happened to Mick Hawi have you?

      • He lost his bike… i mean life.

  • +37

    You shouldnt have to take this sort of shit from anyone.

    Get some balls, respond to your crew text and say this is innapropriate, and report your supervisor to HR.

    • +8

      Will see him in about 7 hours at work. Will do it then.

      • +1

        yep report to HR.

        Look for a new job.

        If it continues go to fairwork.

        This is basically workplace bullying/harassment. If HR don't do anything about it. They will get fined by fairwork (not sure if you get compensation).

    • +2

      Ask him to not call you those names, pretty easy really.
      If he continues to look at your options.

    • +1

      What a comment. You think being a month in he's on probation?

  • +2

    "Dont you dare speak to me like that"

  • +15

    Reply with "How about this yard bitch cuts you up and dumps you into a river like the worthless piece of trash you are." Guaranteed results.

    • +43

      *Not necessarily positive results but results nonetheless.

    • +5

      I wonder if OP wants to get fired too with that kind of response?

      • +3

        "Going out in style"

  • +27

    or simply say to the supervisor "I don't appreciate being called a bitch". You've made your position clear. if he has respect for others then he won't do it again.

    obviously keep a copy of the text and report it to someone higher (and ask them to make a note of it - all official) but ask them not to act upoon it as "you have discussed it with the Supervisor".

    if it continues then you have the text, you have the report and you have the ongoing examples. balls in your court.

    • +5

      Agree, call him out on it now, otherwise he will keep doing it and get worse. Be firm but polite. If he continues then report him. That is harassment

    • +1

      You shouldnt have to ask not to be called "bitch" - it's inappropriate to call anyone this… male or female.

  • +19

    Sounds like the new supervisor is pretty insecure and is trying to 'be one of the boys'. That kind of language you can get away with with someone you have known for a while but not when you have just met. As others have said, just have a quick word to let him know you don't appreciate it and see what eventuates. If that is his only flaw then it might be easily solved.

  • +2

    Hi Jack

    • +1

      Found the supervisor

      • +1

        No, he didn't put the other words.

  • +37

    I understand your anger, he sounds like a complete moron, but I think he was just trying to be "one of the boys" by a really stupid attempt to be funny. I would have a quiet word with him and say that in the current climate he might want to be careful about what he posts because someone could go to HR with the message and he would be in trouble. You don't have to imply it will be you just that this sort of post exposes him to disciplinary action. If you play it right he will think you are on his side so he will stop the behaviour and be indebted to you.

    • +2

      Correct answer. Username checks out.

      • +2

        Agreed - in all likelihood this is a nervous new manager just trying to fit in / be funny in a clumsy stupid way.

        Just confidently and calmly let him know you don't want him to text stuff like that, and take it from there. If he continues then report or whatever. Give him a chance to correct his mistake, and realise things over text do come out the wrong way.

        If I were in your shoes I'd react a similar way, but from a distance it's easier to see.

    • +1

      Yeah the boyz! Get around im! Up the pies!

  • +6

    I take it yard bitch Jack isn't your full name then?

    Just let him know you don't appreciate messages like that particularly when it goes to others as well.

    If it continues build up a arsenal of evidence then sue/threaten to sue for harassment unless you are paid damages

  • +12

    Step one, ask where is the appropriate place to dig the 1x2m hole.

    Step two, when he enquires what the hole is for say the last person in that job also called you bitch

    Step three, start leaving dead animals on his car every day

    • +16

      Can we just leave the animals out of this?

      • +5

        Where would you prefer to keep the dead animals?

      • Roadkill

  • +6

    Nah, just another auto-correct text by phone

    don't be too sensitive

    • +8

      Yeah he meant to say "biatch"

    • +9

      hmmmm, I don't think you really understand what is important to employers anymore. "Tough and ruthless" employees are no use if they attract lawsuits or a high turnover of staff; then they are just liabilities. I'm pretty sure if senior management saw this SMS this guy would be out of the door so fast it wouldn't hit his backside on the way through.

  • +5

    Write back - Got the message c@#t supervisor b#@+h. Just play him at his own game and if he doesn't like it tell him stop doing it to you then.

  • +3

    Force him to go to HR. Just don't do the task asked in the message. When HR comes to see you about disobeying an instruction show them the message.

  • +3

    My boss and I know not to leave a written trail when communicating with less than savoury words in jest. It would not be uncommon for us to call each the c word out of earshot from other workers. I would aim to be above reproach and leave calling the boss names out of any written correspondence, but by all means test the waters and see if he’s just joking around or he’s serious - call your boss a d - - - head or c - - t to his face to gauge his reaction.

    • -2

      Or call him a niggard

  • +16

    Dont respond. When/if he asks why you didnt respond, just say you didnt think he meant you, as you aren't a yard bitch

  • +1

    How did it go at work today?

    • Meh, supervisor wasn't at work as usual so i just cruised along… got a few yard bitch comments from the other guys but dismissed them. Only got 3.5 hrs sleep last night so was pretty tired.

      • +9

        Whilst it’s fresh document what was said by who today.
        The damage has been done and I’m afraid you’re going to have to escalate it.
        If he is going to apologise it needs to be done in front of the others in the team.
        Don’t stick your head in the sand, be positive and on the front foot.
        It’s workplace bullying plain and simple.

        • +2

          Cheers for the input. I'll have a conversation about it with my supervisor and the repercussions of the message…

        • +6

          You need to have a witness to the conversation and you need to tell him that you are taking it up with HR and the reasons are the repercussions of your work colleagues calling you the name after his message. The once good relationship with your work colleagues has been affected, it has affected your ‘Wanting to work for the company’ stressing you enjoyed the job until his text changed everything. Make it BIG!
          Take copies of the text and who it was sent to in case he goes off the deep end ala ‘What text? then when you show him he takes your phone and deletes it.
          With a witness it’s not your word against his.
          Make some notes tomorrow on what you are going to say.

          Quite often bullies don’t even know they are doing it, they’re just arseholes and think that everyone else is below them.

          You’ve got this.
          Get some good sleep.

        • @Jugganautx:
          Is there a happy ending?
          Your killing us here, we’re like ‘Go Jack’ cheering you on not ‘Go Jack’ go away lol.

      • If you were on otherwise good terms with the other blokes you should've said you weren't a fan of that at all, as part of the whole giving him one shot so he doesn't do it again. They may not listen but again that just tells you who really is a "mate" and who isn't.

        I'm with the people here who basically say if this is all still new, you gotta let the guy know (directly or indirectly) that you didn't quite like his joke and you can see from his reaction or if he does it again or if suddenly resents you every day, same with the other blokes.

        Getting OT but I hate this PC world where part of the contributing factor is people all just keep black books on things and just go whinge on social media … or OzB forums. I'm not saying the joke is harmless or acceptable to begin with or that the guy's a top bloke, but just don't assume.

        TL;DR, agree on the front foot and actually say to stop it, if not you know they really assholes and it's not just a poor taste joke. Doing nothing has no winners. You're already out for the guy's job which says a lot.

  • +3

    It would have been bad enough if he sent it to just you but to send it to the group…. bloke is a first class bell end

    I think this will end up at HR one way or the other and he will blame you regardless although he sent it out to a group.

    The only way not to get dragged down is to give him the rope let him hang himself take the high road,

    For shits and giggles I'd print it out at home crop the image so he doesn't know who's phone the capture came from and pin it to his PC screen in the office before he got in.

    • +3

      I am starting to think he offered the role in the first place just to disrespect me in that message.

      What i thought to be a good thing turned sour and now i don't even want to do the work if im going to be slandered for it.

      • +2

        It's the weekend, hard as it might be try and do something to clear your head and get some sleep.

        Write everything down so you can try to forget for now.

        The bloke has no recourse for this he can't even plead ignorance. the dynamic changed from what he thought may have been banter to outright bullying the minute he sent it as a group text.

        Nobody will take his side on this one he has no leg to stand on. Not sure of the size of the company or if you have a real HR department but you have other avenues too just don't respond in kind

    • +1

      For shits and giggles I'd print it out at home crop the image so he doesn't know who's phone the capture came from and pin it to his PC screen in the office before he got in.

      As if he isn't going to know who it was?? This is horrible advice…

  • +2

    The company i work for is multinational with 35,000 employees.. they do have a HR department i'd assume. But if i did actually report him i'd just go straight to the state general manager… I've met him a few times and he doesn't take this sort of thing kindly.

    The head office is in WA but we have an official office here in Adelaide albeit a small one. Its a tight knit group. Only about 8 people.

    • +4

      Excellent, yeah i think i know enough now so scratch some of the advice above including you're brother in laws

      There will be formal policies in place to deal with situations like this and they need to be accessible to all employees at all times. This is your Mission on Monday or you may have most of the documents in your employment contract.

      They will have HR department (Avoid them like the plague the sole purpose is to protect the company not you)

      Also another called group called people These could be in the form of Occ health and safety, Site Medics, Peer support these should be your first port of call Company Medic is the best one because not only will they assist you, they have no obligation to answer why they may have deemed you unfit to work for the day or week. Their one and only priority is people.

      On your company intranet you will be able to find all the policies and hierarchy of and courses of action.

      Sometimes going straight to the state manager can put an end to things in a bad way as he will go to HR and the not fun, fun starts.

      I am starting to think he offered the role in the first place just to disrespect me in that message. a role change normally goes through HR and a job description is provided

      The guy is reading from the wrong book and everyone is accountable

      If you could direct message me i could give you a much better run of it. potentially even give you some people to try first. (based on the type of work and some other comments made through this thread)

    • ,

  • +9

    The fact that others in the company are now calling you that reiterates the original statement was harassment and the continued comments are bullying, as a direct result of that comment. Definitely go to HR, avoid the supervisor altogether. You should not tolerate any of that in the workplace. Keep notes of who calls you that too and if anyone else around hears it ask them if they would witness it to HR as well (if required).

  • +20

    this is bullying, plain and simple

    don't accept it under any circumstances. go to HR & make a stand - if they do nothing it's not worth staying anyway.

    this is 2018 FFS!

  • +15

    Ask him to explain what he means by "yard bitch" via a reply text. Let him dig himself a deeper hole before you report it to HR.

  • If hes only been there a month he is on probation so he would be out the door.

  • What did he call the previous "yard bitch"? Unlikely and still unprofessional, but perhaps it's the role and not the person?

    If he didn't call the previous person "yard bitch" in group SMSes, then probably save those too as evidence you are being targeted/the guy is a douche.

  • +6

    So… where did you get better advice, Ozbargain or Whirlpool?

  • +12

    Everyone Suggesting Going to HR needs to understand the function of that unit in Large corporations, Multinationals etc.

    The number one priority is protecting the company they don't care about your welfare until they are instructed to by further up the food chain.

    That statement came directly from the mouth a someone i know well who has been in charge of HR for a number of companies who are major multi nationals

    • -3

      You've said that twice here now, yes, their job is to "protect the company" - from lawsuits, such as from employees who have been bullied.

      They will usually do this by intervening to stop the bullying (some training, a meeting, maybe firing the bully).

      Unless the bully is in the inner circle with top management, HR will very likely take OP's side in this.

      • +3

        They won’t take anyone’s side except the company.

        You’re right about protecting the bully, they wouldn’t bother with a low level employee like the manager here. But that doesn’t mean shit for the OP.

        HR are not his friend, they aren’t going to pick sides. To do so may be admitting to bullying.

        • Exactly and the shit thing is he could come up with a few other documented observations to save hit ass then your being seen as a liability too.

  • +4

    Yes HR protect the company but assuming he is on probation they will be pretty likely to fire him, especially as he is NOT some valuable asset to the business. HR waters get murky if it's an accusation against a top performer or a whole culture or department which they can't deal with easily. With that kind of evidence I'd be reporting immediately. And looking for a new job if they do nothing.

  • +13

    Rename his title to Foreskin instead of Foreman. The rest of the crew will catch on pretty quick.

  • As screwed up as it is some people will treat the person they offer a job to as if you are their possession. Essentially carrying the notion that you perpetually owe them. Seen this numerous times in corporate.

  • +1

    Any specific reason why he is targeting you over the other guys or is working in the yard just considered a lowly position?

  • +1

    If he wasnt at work today is it possible that one of the other crew have his phone for the weekend?

    Could be somone else trying to wind you up, especially if they are disapointed that you got the yard role.

    Just a thought.

  • +1

    Hey, I sense malice there. Why single you out as yard bitch and not the rest.
    And then implying 'yard bitch that you are' - that is targeting you specifically. I think it's got something to do with the fact you are the previous boss' bro- in-law. Just trying to show you where you stand as far as he's concerned? I bet he would not be calling that to a woman! I'd report him. Unless of course you want to speak privately to him first and tell him that was not funny and never to do it again.

  • -1

    So a true Alpha would take this (profanity)'s job, then (profanity) his girlfriend. Are you up to the task? If a moron like that can be your boss, you can also do that job.

  • +1

    This dude is toxic. He's probably the type of person who takes the piss our of his 'friends' as well but backs it up with 'OH IT'S A JOKE BRO'.

    Less than one month on the job, takes the piss out of the people who reports to him. This is not the sort of person you want to work with.

    Time to start looking for a new job.

  • +2

    Don't say anything, believe it's not said about you , be naive , let the idiot did a hole.


    Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms """""a person's reputation; """""""" decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.

    The Person and company, you should look for another job , but the idiot will be fired before you. The company has failed to protect its employees.

    Let's hope there is no "cok " in the company

  • -2

    Is this your first job working as a tradie/labourer? This is how they all talk.

    Just call him a (profanity) the next time you see him and you will be best friends for life.

    • +5

      Yeah, but (I assume) they all talk like this to everyone equally, not single out one person. And surely you would keep it all verbal, what idiot does it in writing?!

  • Maybe talk to your union. They should be able to assist with some appropriate advice.
    That message certainly is not acceptable (for someone you hardly know). Could be OK for a good mate , because good mates can take the piss out of each other, while still knowing its all with good intent and you all still like and respect each other.
    If you could somehow investigate whether he has something against you, or meant to be prick (which is how he came accross) . By "investigate", I mean, for example, maybe you could have a chat with him alone, and take note of his demeanor towards you. He might just be playing up to 'the boys' and actually having nothing against you at all. This doesn't excuse his actions, however if he had no ill intent, then it is not as bad.

  • +3

    He let the original yard worker go today and offered me the job so i accepted

    SO old yard b!tch was sacked, you accepted the role, now complaining about being called yard b!tch?

    Have you ever referred to the other person as yard b!tch? Did others referr to the old person as this?

    If the answer is yes, then really I don't see what your issue is about.

  • I have a feeling that he is threatened by you in some way based on his demeanour

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