Is There a Problem with Using Olympic Rings on a Balcony Beam?

I live on the floor below the top floor of an apartment. Recently I got a pair of rings to exercise on the balcony. I hung em over a wooden beam that supports the shade (it's kinda like a pergola).

Just yesterday, my neighbour from upstairs complained to my mum that I could make the whole thing collapse with my body weight so I should relocate it (but IMO it's the only appropiate place to hang it for my apartment) I reckon it's an absolutely ridiculous idea; the beam itself is over 25 cm in width and 4-5 cm thick and I'm a teen who's just over 60kg. Heck, I could even get Yao Ming to swing on it vigorously without causing much of a tremble to the structure. Should I just tell my neighbour to stop bothering me? I'm a tenant and he's a pretty big person in the owner's association, so I don't wanna head on confront him and piss him off. I've been quite a maths+physics whiz in high school so I've even thought of doing some research and calculations to provide that d..khead with some architectural evidence . That's how pissed I am.

tl;dr: Neighbour orders me to get rid of my olympic rings from a thick wooden beam because he reckons it can't handle my weight of 62kg. What should I do?


  • Dangerous
    Relocate to their apartment

  • Man y u gotta dissYao Ming like that? How is he meant to maintain his playing weight now his peak b-ball days are passed him?

    • a 2.3m skeleton on its own is heavy enough

    • btw only mentioned YM cuz he was my childhood hero #onlyrespect

  • I understand you want to do ring exercises at home but maybe this isn't worth fighting for. I would look for a tree at a park or have a pull up bar/dipping station on the balcony to hang the rings.

    If he is higher up he can pin you with things related to balcony (maybe common property) and cause more headaches than peace which I'm sure your family would rather not deal with.

  • Where did you get the rings? Serious question.

  • how did they know about it ?

    you breath too hard like uhhh..ahhh..uhhhh..oohh ? Just tell them you're doing something else.

  • The weight changes with the velocity it travels at. That’s why we wear seatbelts.
    That sort of construction is not meant to swing off, it’s meant to stay still with downward pressure only. It would be different if it was just still weight hung off it.
    Upstairs dude might be annoyed by noise and vibration as well, and probably pays strata fees for the upkeep of the external parts of the building.

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