Inflatable Pool Filter

Wanting to buy a small inflatable pool. The one I looked at had no filter. I don't have a nearby power point so what is the cheapest way to buy a pool filter? Are the solar ones any good? Someone said you can buy from pet stores.


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    I'm confused….. (sorry… was thrown a bit by the pet store and pool filter…)

    You want a small inflatable pool? How small is small?

    Just find one that has a filter included and run an extension lead and plug it in for a few hours every day.

    • +1

      The size of the 'small' pool will determine if a filter is needed at all.

  • Don't forget the pool fencing.

    • +1

      hah funny you should mention that, the neighbours had a small inflatable pool but it was over 1ft high so they 'had' to get a fence around it. No worries, they were happy to do that so they priced it all out no worries. Then they found out that the local council scum said they also had to get a permit (paperz muzt be in order!) for the small fence around the the pool and ze permit was more expensive than the actual pool. So they said ****it and deflated the pool which had bought them much pleasure over the last summer. The Mafia have more scruples than the government.

  • +1

    don't bother. chlorinate it, use it for a week, empty then refill.
    Water is $2/1000L - I suggest you could refill it 10 times and still be better off than getting a filter (plus you have the additional cost of disposable filters).

    otherwise, wait till end of season sales (probably already on or finished) and buy a whole new pool with filter for around $30

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