Flight Centre delayed tickets - Price match

Hi Ozbargain family,

Happy Easter!

I went into flight centre with online prices for price match.
All went fine and they charged me for 4 tickets.

They advised, since its price beat it would take 2-3 days for the E-tickets to be issued.

It has been over 10 days now and I am yet to see my E-tickets.
I spoke with the rep yesterday and she advised there was no ETA on when the price beat would happen or when my tickets would be issued.

However, I need not worry as tickets have been blocked and I will get them eventually.

Is this normal practice?
Do I need to worry about anything?

Thanks in advance!

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Flight Centre


  • Don’t commonly use flight centre, but last time we did as we were do a multi-family trip and was easier for logistics and leg work, it took 3 weeks for all the ticketing to be done from the day we confirmed and paid for the travel.

    I wouldn’t worry, unless you getting close to the date of flying.

    Why did you book through them anyway? Don’t they only beat by $1? I wouldnt use these guys just for simple flight bookings (given the leg work you already did to confirm the price, might as well just clicked pay?…).

  • Cheers, I had prepaid visa cards so had to break the payments.
    Wonder what about seats etc. Dont want to be in a position where I am missing out on seats.

    • You won’t be able to select seats until you have the booking number for the airline… but now a days you pay for seat selection anyway. So just arrive at the airport and kindly ask for better seats if they don’t suit where you want to go. Otherwise just call FC and tell them you want seat selection and pay whatever their premium will be.

      Airport option means you don’t pay.

      • We are booked with Singapore Airlines, which means we can choose seats even in economy. Problem is I dont have booking ref or E-ticket to be able to do that.

  • Some friends and I book a 1 month European holiday with FC 6 months in advance. They said they don't give me the tickets until 1-2 weeks out. Some excuse about flight or hotel changes, or something.

    • Not sure why this is the case. I would think perhaps Hedging/waiting on better deal from the Airline, etc.

  • The last time I used FC (for a straight forward flight booking with price beat), I got my ticket pretty much on the same day or the day after. Mind you, it was a while ago.

    • I used them a couple of years ago and I got the tickets same day.
      Not sure what's up..

  • Hello guys, I would like to report that I have finally managed to get my tickets today at 7.43pm
    This has not been without lots of further pain and time wasting.

    I will be posting further details on how I managed to get these tickets soon.

    long story short, stay away from this dodgy practice.
    No wonder they got slapped with a huge fine today…

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