Bluetooth Anti-Loss Trackers: Are Any Actually Good?

Hi all

I've recently lost my wallet and spent ages finding it (which I did thankfully!) and realised how useful it would be to have a bluetooth tracker in it…that is until I've read the reviews online for these products (Tile, Nuttag, Trackr etc.)

Has anyone had a really positive experience with one?

Constant issues I've read are of drop outs, battery drain, alarms randomly going off etc.

Would love to hear the ozbargain perspective. I trust this community much more than facebook/product review. Cheers!


  • Received a couple of Tiles as a gift and they've been great finding my keys, wallet and phone. Only drawback is that the batteries only last a year so it's best to buy a solution where these can be replaced.

  • +2

    I think most people expect them to give a magical pinpoint accuracy to EXACTLY where they are when they're only using Bluetooth which has a limited range and no GPS.

    • This….. Yep, Its bluetooth, not magic.

      • Everyday people don't know that unfortunately. If the Bluetooth tracker can tell me which room I left it in then that's a massive help!

  • Have the super cheap Nut trackers on my keys. These things work a charm when you lose things in your house. They're not helping you much if you lose your items when out and about.

    • Super cheap is good! Where did you buy them?

      • Got mine on Banggood for $9 on special. They’re $14 at minute.

  • I mainly just a use a phone wallet type case and keep most of my membership cards and credit card on the phone case. If I need to find it I can just ask Google to find my phone or use my watch.

  • +2

    Tile were useless for finding anything based on the location, it was always inaccurate. I put mine on my cats' collars for when they went outside. They once showed one being on the other side of the highway around 800m away even though it was actually only 10 metres away. They were good, however, for making an alarm, this would make it possible to find stuff in the house, and I trained my cats to come back inside when I turned the alarm on.

  • I found them to be pretty good as long as they were in range of wifi signal.
    The app told me my wife's handbag was at the daughter's house no problem.
    At home worked fine as long as I had someone with ears (I'm a bit deaf) to hear it beeping when looking for something misplaced.

  • I bought a TrackR. The idea is that it goes in my wallet like a credit card, and it links to my phone via Bluetooth.

    Sometimes it doesn't go off when the device and my phone are separated, which is kind of the whole point and therefore an immediate fail.

    But it also "false alarms" all the time when my phone and wallet are well within a metre of each other. For example, when my phone is on the desk where I'm seated and my wallet is in my pocket, or when I'm driving my car with my wallet in my pocket and my phone in its holder on the dash.

    Basically, the idea sounds great, but the actual device is totally useless.

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