Light Grey or Black Pram

Hi Forumites, Can anyone who is experienced with children and has recently purchased a pram advise whether it would be best to get a black pram or a light grey pram in terms keeping the thing looking clean. We have figured which specific pram to buy, but it comes in 2 colours. Wife likes the light grey but is concered it will just get visibly grubby in a couple of weeks use with unwashable stains etc. Cheers for the help !


  • +2


    • Cheers !! Id agree, most logical choice. I think shes hoping somebody will come along and talk about a great experience with grey. Wont happen though !

  • -1

    glow in the dark

  • +16

    Good luck making life decisions for your child if you can't decide which colour pram to get with only 2 options

    • harsh but fair !

      • +5

        'turn gay'

        WOW - you really need to learn some parenting skills….or life skills

        your job as a parent is to nurture and guide……..such that your child/ren make informed and safe life decisions….even if they choose to 'turn gay' (whatever you think that means)

        • -1

          Obviously, I cant choose a pram lol

      • How do you encourage gayness?

        Asking for a friend.

        • By playing with his willy

        • @Suspect420:

          I think he'd need to be just a little gay already. Maybe thebilly can chime in with his wisdom.

  • +10

    I have a dream that my little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their pram but by the content of their character.

  • +1

    Had a cheapo that had white and blue squares. Ended up being more of a brownish and blue.

    Go with dark colours only.

  • +2

    A busy pattern is great for hiding small stains.

  • +2

    So in summer you are going to put your kid in a black pram that absorbs heat, WTF go with light gray or a lighter colour it will at least reflect 20% of the radiation or more. Cannot believe all the folks that do this…. even worst than buying black cars… oh but wait they have air conditioning. Prams don't…. then they put a cover over the whole darn thing and wonder why the baby is upset. Sorry trained as a climatologist. No apologies for these idiots ask your parents who rode you around in a nice open plan pram usually in light colours.

    • Just the response my wife wants to hear … I still feel black though

      • +1

        Haha my wife hates it when I bring up the climate thing! Throw a white cloth over it in summer and that is what I call a truce…

      • Get black cover with tinfoil to reflect heat also stop the brainwashing radiation from those satellites
        BTW what ever happened with your termite problem you never updated the thread?

        • BTW what ever happened with your termite problem you never updated the thread?

          Ended up buying it and negotiating the price down to counter future repairs. However it has been fraught with issues, if it isn't the termites, it's the banks or lawyers and contracts. Geez. Kind of wish I didn't go down the slippery slope !

        • +1


          Yeah hindsight is great but just fix it flip it and move on I guess

    • even worst than buying black cars

      The colour of the vehicle make only a slight difference in the interior temperature.…

      go with light gray or a lighter colour it will at least reflect 20% of the radiation or more.

      Do you’ve any published data to support this opinion?

      • Yep google Max Planck and surface reflectivity or this… why black absorbs more heat.

    • black pram that absorbs heat,
      Sorry trained as a climatologist

      You should know as a scientist that comments like this is misleading. People that don’t understand light, wavelengths and heat may think that black objects like the pram absorbs heat from the sun.

      • Yep google Max Planck and surface reflectivity or this… why black absorbs more heat.

  • +1

    Black with a grey roof if possible

  • +2

    Once you've gone black…

    Anyway, get whichever one is on sale. Honestly by the time you're onto your 2nd kid you couldn't care less if there's a stain on your lovely pram.

    "Is that vomit or banana rubbed into the pram?"
    "Who gives a f$%^, lets just get home, I'm tired"

    • Exactly how I feel already

  • Soon you won't give a crap about stains as long as you can get junior to stop screaming for a few hours and you can catch a nap. Give your wife what she wants, you won't care shortly.
    Also you won't need a pram until at least 6 weeks in and they've had their vacs (before then they shouldn't be mixing with the great unwashed public), and even then you won't want to take them on any extended trips (they need something so often and it is awkward to work it out in public while they scream so it isn't fun and you get put off doing it after your first attempt), so capsule and ergo carrier will do for the first few months. You can leave the pram-buying decisions until later when you know more about what you need and what your life is like.

  • Whichever is more visible in public/traffic. Safety is number 1 priority.

    • +1

      Not a bad way of looking at things, didn't think this

  • Wouldn't matter! Both will get grubby and dusty with use. Most prams have washable covers and seat area which can be put in for a gentle machine wash. Make sure your pram has washable cover and seat liner. You can also buy padded seat liners in all sorts of prints and colours. I've a beige pram and black stroller and over the years I've had to wash both of them equally. So let your wife pick what she wants.

  • Another vote for black. Have had 2 black and one grey pram, and would pick black every time. Grey shows the stains of the coffee you will spill on it as well as from the kids food and drink.
    Sensible compromise would be to get a cheaper grey pram, realise how quickly it gets dirty then buy the one that you wanted in black (but this depends on how much you want to be right vs. happy)

  • Pink for boys, blue for girls, grey if you dont know, black if your baby is driving you mad

    • And I'll take plenty of photos as evidence for when they turn 18

    • Pink for boys, blue for girls

      Careful, that might be how you make someone "turn gay".

      • So grey if you dont know

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