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$0 eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream - Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night

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By Ira Milligan, 393 pages, published March 20, 2012

Amazon's Description:

Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night not only provides insight into your dreams and life, but also includes a comprehensive dictionary of dream symbols!

You will be guided through the complex world of dreams by a minister with decades of experience receiving, understanding, and interpreting dreams of his own and for others.

Through Scripture-based meditation, much can be understood about your dreams; but many Christians don't know how to meditate. This problem is addressed in three different ways:

Specific, detailed directions are given on how and upon what to meditate.

  • Personal examples of dreams from the author's own experiences.
  • Practical dictionary of symbol definitions is included.

This book presents both normal and not-so-normal dream situations. You will learn that to apply only one type of dream interpretation to all dreams is restricting each symbol to only one possible definition, which is incorrect. And you will learn how to tell the difference between a dream from God-and those from evil sources.

eBook is free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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closed Comments

  • +9


    • +2


    • +4

      I am looking for an ebook on deciphering the readings from alien anal probes inserted during the night. The aliens also left me a 2000 year old ebook they swear will give me the meaning of life. Unfortunately the batteries on the alien ebook reader are going flat and my eneloops won't fit. Perhaps I can print it out before it goes flat?

      • +2

        Have a chat with Mr Cruise, I believe he knows somethign about this.

      • deciphering the readings from alien anal probes inserted during the night

        The Very Reverend Tightarse can help you with that.

    • Understanding the Dreams You Dream: ……what about wet ones? I remember one when I screamed 'Gawd, oh Gawd' and woke bolt upright. Truly a religious experience.

  • +3

    Lol what?

  • +5

    Great deal! …if you want to reduce your intelligence

  • +6

    [citation needed]

  • +9

    Hearing voices = schizophrenia..

    It is NOT a religious experience.

  • +4

    What if you only hear laughing?
    All good or should I see my local exorcist?

    • +5

      Turn Alexa off.

  • +8

    Disgusting. Would be healthier to get a "free" used syringe from underneath a rail bridge. Pure filth.

    This trash will only encourage mental illness & fuel delusions.

    • +5

      So… how do you really feel about it. Don't hold back…

      • Oh you don't want me to do that…

        • That's okay. I've got the popcorn and a comfy chair.

      • I think it's the voices speaking

    • +1

      Warning : DadJoke
      I always wondered why you found syringes under there,
      Cause the gym junkies are in training.

      • Rail bridge ,
        in training.
        Get it. ha

        Slow clap


        • +1

          I arrived late, but here's 50c.

    • This trash will only encourage mental illness & fuel delusions.

      It certainly has fuelled excessive hyperbole. 😉

      • That's right , throw the dictionary atim.

  • +2

    Wish i could downvote this without violating guidelines

    • +1

      Can you downvote a book claiming to be based in facts when it is not? This one for example could make people take actions (or lack of actions) in the real, waking world and therefore could be dangerous - leading them to make invalid decisions on their careers, family or healthcare. This is dangerous and potentially deadly as the number of 'true believers' who opt out of medical treatment show. It gets a downvote from me simply because it makes claims not based in reality that could hurt people, rendering it no better than a book of fake cancer 'cures'.

      • I'd love to downvote, because you're right - it is dangerous, and it will only make stupid people stupider and more volatile. But this is OzBargain, where even snakeoil can be had for cheap. It's not the philosophy or the obscene retardation which permits the vote, it's the bargain.

        Even if $0 is greatly more than this trash is worth.

        • The voting guidelines clearly say that negative votes are allowed when products do not work as described:

          "Major issue with product in that it doesn't work the way it should."

          Can anyone prove that ANY religious claim meets this burden? This 'product' does not do what it says on the tin. It is defective and can therefore be given a negative vote.

          Otherwise it would be valid to post links to 'Discount entrail reading - byo goat or chicken' and 'Madame Starbuckia: Cheap coffee ground analysis and prognostication'.

          Superstitious mumbo jumbo should not be tolerated when it makes claims to be based in fact.

  • So there are 7 virgins! Well at leasts that's what… oh never mind.

    • +8

      I thought it was 72, and when you meet them you find out they're virgins for a reason.

      • +1

        your comment and that smile .. bhaaahahaha

  • +2

    Its this crap that discredits belief in God.
    Any real Christian will know that belief in dream interpretation is superstition and not at all linked to the supernatural.

    • Ah yes, the Christians who agree with you being the 'true' ones. There are tens of thousands of denominations, each with their own interpretations of what their 'god' wants. How do you determine which amongst them is 'true'? What tests do you suggest? Perhaps you could explain how you know the mind of god? Better yet, demonstrate such an entity exists first and then move on from there. Christianity is as much a mythology as the pantheons of ancient Rome or Egypt and certainly no more profound or valid.

      • +2

        You sound butt hurt dude. I wish you didn't care so much. I actually feel violated by your evangelism

        • Nah , Christians are against the
          butt whole violation thing

        • -1


          Catholics aren't.

    • +3

      I dunno about that claim. Look at Abraham. A "Voice" told him to kill his son.. and later told him to collect foreskins instead. Clearly father of the religion and revered by all believers.

      • .. and later told him to collect foreskins instead. Clearly father of the religion

        Father of religion and coin purse salesman

  • +6

    10% of my salary isnt a bargain. nice try god

  • The real Key to Hearing God's Voice in the Night is hallucinogens.

    There, saved you a download.

  • +1

    The voice in the night as I was falling asleep asked me if I had remembered to take out the garbage. 😉

    • Your wife is God?

      • +2

        Fortunately I woke up from the nightmare. ;)

      • +2

        an Old Testament angry god.

  • The mere thought of this put me into a dreamless deep sleep.

  • Australia. The least religious country in the world.

    Ye godda love that!

    • I think that some of the Scandinavian countries are less religious. Yep, just did a quick check. According to wikipedia 68% of Australians say religion is unimportant to them, placing them number 12 in the world. Sweden and Denmark are above 80%. Hopefully we'll improve.

      • +3

        Sweden is currently getting a lot more religious.

        • +2

          Sorry, I forgot to add that this is if you take away the immigrants.

          But it may not be no.1

        • +1

          But they are the future of Sweden…

          And it's all going just great… really great… it's all fine… no problems at all…

      • until recently the scandi govts used to bank roll their national religions!

        In Europe they still have church taxes - imagine having that here.

      • Wait… serious question… does that mean we could potentially lose religious holidays?

  • +1

    Apparently there are 82 some odd original commandments.
    Like not eating clams on a Wednesday or somesuch
    And no foot massages for the neighbours wife
    Very specific some of these
    Obviously some are a little out of date like
    Thou must always. be kind rewind
    Return thy neibours headgeclippers lest ye need to borrow something else

    praise Jebush

    • +1

      And not coveting thy neighbours ass as well. Praise Jeebus.

      • Cofefe !

      • how about her cat?

  • Thanks Mate!!

  • Came in for the comments. Did not dissapoint.

  • +3

    God's voice is back up to $9.49. He giveth and taketh away it seems.

    • +2

      I might buy it at that price if they include 6 steak knives, guaranteed eternal salvation with no bait and switch (to the other mythical place in the basement) and free no questions asked paid return postage for a full refund.

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