• expired

Free Listing on eBay for Items 99c or Less for This Weekend Only


Just received this email from ebay
Free listing for the weekend on items starting at $0.99 or less, i know it may not be much but it's still free*
*Listing only
"Dear user,

We all get gifts that just aren't right, it could be the size, the colour, or the gift itself. This year, leave your gifts in the shrink wrap.

From 8 - 9 January 2011, you can list your Brand New unwanted gifts for FREE starting at 99c or less.

Use the money you make to buy yourself a Brand New gift that you really want.

Clever you"
SAME AS THIS OFFER….http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/31049
i listed as freebie because LISTING fee is free for items starting at less than 99c or less, even though it's not not much it's still free

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closed Comments

  • Got the email too, but I think this is like their other promos where you have to receive the email to qualify.

  • Doesn't work. T&C says it's linked to the userid the invitation was sent to, i.e. you.

  • I never receive these free listing emails. I have a few items I want to list was wait for the free listing promo.

    I see that this only applies to the person it was sent to.

    • Who is eligible for this promotion?

      “Qualifying Sellers" for the purpose of this promotion are sellers who are validly registered members of any eBay site with an Australian registered address and who receive an invitation by email or message in their eBay.com.au My Messages account

      The invitation is linked to the USER ID to which the invitation is sent by eBay. Qualifying Sellers must list using the USERID at the top of the invitation.

      I got one on a Posting ID (which only bought enough to get past posting limits)… and none of my selling IDs

  • Neg because you have to receive the email for it to work.

  • +3

    These promos usually make for a great buying opportunity, since the newbies list valuable yet common stuff at 99c starts. Since there is no BUYER promotions, there's nobody new to bid the items up, so they sell really low.

    For me, these promos are a reason NOT to list anything - the spike in cheap items kills profit! IMO it's best to take a 1 week selling vacation when there are free listing deals.

    • it totally depends!
      i have a few items which i nearly want to chuck into the bins, because i dont see any value of them to me. however, i do know some people may want them. so now it is perfect time for me to put them on ebay.

      not everyone on ebay is like you , a trader who looks at only profit.

  • +3

    I used this last time to sell some junk and it being my first time selling 99c auction I didt know Paypal charge 68 cents for the privilege to receive the money waste of time….

    • +1

      That isn't right….
      PayPal charges 2.4% for the first $1000 and a 30 cent transaction fee, so that would be 32.376cents lets just say 33 cents. But I know what you're getting at, it's an arm and a leg. eBay takes an extra 5 cents on top so all up if it sells for 99 cents, it's 38-39 cents in fees.

      if it's 68 cents looks like ebay charged you the 30 cents for the listing….

      • +1

        I would suspect their item sold for $12 so .68 was the final paypal fee due.

        While I dont like paypal either - you have to respect that they act like a psudo bank and banks dont work for free.

        • for them junk i sold on ebay. i either charged higher postage or ask for cash only for local pickup to avoid the paypal fee.

  • +1

    Yeah Feebay can shove their 99c listings.
    They just gyp it back in dodgy Paypal fees and you end up giving your stuff away for next to nothing.

    Might as well give my stuff to the Salvos, at least it will do a tiny bit of good.

    Just checked: Ebay are scabs

    We still are paying 59c for a thumbnail photo in Oz when it's been free for the USA for ages. So expect NOThing, perhaps as little as 10c if your items sells @99c and the seller pays with Paypal as it will for many.

    • So don't pay. Start an account, buy a buch of 1c items to get some feedback going, and then start selling. When it comes time to pay ebay fees, conveniently forget. Restart the whole thing with a new account. You still end up paying paypal fees.

    • Gallery is free on the US site because they pay DOUBLE or more the Final Value Fee there.

      They pay 9% flat (irrespective of the value) for auctions, and up to 15% for Fixed Price


      We pay 5.25% for the first $75 then 2.75% for the rest up to $1000, then 1.5% for the remainder


      So, don't talk through your arse… and be very careful what you wish for.

      • +3

        Bugger the gallery, just learn some HTML Img src codes and spruice up the description page with images hosted off site. I just use Whirltools, quick and simple.

        Of course, some good formatting and layout works too. You'd be surprised how many more interested buyers you will get if your description page is well laid out.

        • Yeah scrimshaw, I do that too.
          It's the little thumbnail in the search listings that I was whinging about. I believe 59c per is unreasonable given they are free in the states.
          You pretty much must have a picture to get any attention.
          Good point re HMTL. Particularly easy with photobucket, you can just copy the codes for each picture.

          Didn't know the US pays so much more for the final value fee, llama so valid point (rudely put).

    • If you have heaps of things to get rid of, you should just sign up for an ebay "store". $9.95 per month and fixed price listings are 40c, you get the thumbnail pic free as well as the photo gallery. You also get 30day listings which normal accounts don't get. If you're listing 15+ items it more than pays for itself. You have to list twice at 14days to get the same timeframe. At the end of the month, cancel your store subscription. Easy as.

  • I received that email but it doesn't work :(

  • I don't trust listing items at 99c. you never get what you expect..

    I was considering listing my iPhone 3G 16GB because they still go for around $450 but I don't trust putting it at 99c starting, it could only sell for $100…

    • +2

      You can always put it as 99c but with $449 shipping ;)

      • +1

        Hate that as a buyer. It gets me so excited when I see 99c next to an iPhone or iPod, then i see a 1 billion $$$ shipping fee.

      • +1

        True, but with the feedback system one criterion is "How reasonable were the postage and handling charges?". If you respect your feedback rating as a seller, this could hurt it.

  • just got the email…

    • I didn't. :( Does anybody know how they pick the people who get this offer? I've never sold but I thought I'd give away an item or two. Not sure I want to pay 30c to do that, but for free…

      • maybe you have to wait because mustkill got the email "just then"
        idk if i should delete this or not?

      • +1

        I have 2 ebay accounts (1 for buying and the other for selling).

        My Selling account got the email but my Buying account never got such 99c free listing promotions.

        I guess what they do is they filter out the people who use their accounts only to buy and not to sell, or perhaps only people who have sold a certain amount of items are eligible.

  • oops sorry guys, thought it was a "all-user" thing
    should i delete this?

    • Not sure why you are getting so many negative votes. Free listing is, well… free. Yes, eBay has other fees… but free listing fee is better than paying listing fee.

      My main gripe is 99c listings attract dodgy bidders (or people who just bid on the items without any intention to pay).

    • agree this should be deleted. A bargain should at least be available to everybody not just the person who posted the bargain or a selected number of people.

      This can be at least posted in the forums as a remonder to everybody to check there ebay messages to see if they have been offered the free listing.

      • i would really say so
        i.e. CLOSING DOWN SALES, in-store sales at a particular store that is not available in other state,
        for example, The free beerhttp://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/37378><http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/37458, not avaliable in NT or TAS as seen herehttp://upload.ozbargain.com/2011/01/07/5165_vb_free_beer.png, but still it was posted because it is a BARGAIN
        a bargain doesn't necessary need to be avaliable to everyone, it is just useful to know if you are planning to do/buy what is shown

        • This site helps making bargains aware to a larger group to people who may not already be aware. With this offer, everyone who is eligible has already been advised (via email), and keeping it here may attract more negativity toward eBay and this 'bargain'.

    • It belongs in the forums if you want to provide a public service reminder. It's not available to everybody. You don't even know exactly how many people got the freebie. Maybe they only picked people with four letter names. At least with territory limited offers it's pretty clear and can be stated in the title.

  • are savings of like $2-$3 really bargains?

    • -1

      ….30cents, bargain is a bargain, freebie is a freebie, would you rather pay 30cents or 0cents
      your choice

    • hell if you're listing 30+ things like I just did, it's a nice saving. (especially when you're not sure if the items will even sell.)

  • ebay/paypal are the poster boys of corporate greed, only the big banks come first when it comes to exorbitant fees, double dipping charges etc and don't get me started on paypal, well maybe just one gripe i've had for ages, paypal is a SCAM when it comes to buying in overseas currency, they keep saying it's free for buyers, free my frickin' poop deck! the ozzie dollar is about $1.01 US now, but when you go to pay, is paypal converting at $1.01, no! try 97 or 98cents, nice litter earner there! and before someone says "yes but all currency conversions have fees like on a credit card" true, but banks state that upfront, instead paypal say 'come buy on ebay use paypal and it's free'! GGRRRRR

    • no one gives you the true exchange rate. It's always a little advantage to the exchange provider you use. Its just like RBA "cash rate" is at 4.75% yet a home loan is at least around 7% and term deposits are around 6%.

    • yeah bloody annoying me.
      the other day I bought something, with the currency convert it was about $4 higher than it was supposed to be, which also caused the payment to go through eCheque (I had about $1 less than what it was)
      so I had to wait an extra week, and I ended up getting a $10 overdrawn fee from my bank.

    • Mate if no one got a profit on currency exchange no one would be willing to do it for you.
      A 2.5% (that's roughly how much PayPal's rates are lower than the actual market rate) is actually quite good considering some places and some banks give you a rate that's 3% lower than the market rate and then charge you a conversion fee for exchanging a small amount.

  • Does anyone know if using Turbo Lister affects the free listing? When I use it to calculate costs, it includes the 30c listing fee.

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