Cheap flights to Japan (from Brisbane / Gold coast / sunshine coast)?

Hoping to take a trip to japan early this year (late feb / early march)
Anyone know of any decent deals?

Thanks for looking


  • Cheapest I could find for early March was Air Asia for approx $900 including taxes, baggage and food.
    The connection to Tokyo though requires an overnight stay so you need to factor hotels into your cost.

    But for an extra $200 Korean Air will fly you to Tokyo from Brisbane. Dates were March 2 - March 15

    Hope that helps.

  • Sale just ended last week. Was around $438 return from Sydney to Osaka.
    Would have been cheaper from Gold Coast.

    • doh!
      Which airline was that mate?

      • Pretty sure that was Jetstar.

        It's about 1k with Jetstar including taxes and baggage.

        • Yep was Jetstar. Been with them last time to Japan and was alright.

  • -1 is pretty good for finding flights, cheapest I could find was 422 feb/march though. I do Oz>Japan>Oz once a year or more year (Japanese partner) and I was surprised how the price was creeping up for 2011.

    Here's a terrible thought though.. I'd bet that airlines flying out of Brisbane are going to cutting prices left right and centre to fill seats in the wake of the floods so you may still be able to hang on for a cheaper flight. I'm sure that I'd prefer not to be benefiting from all the misery that's going on round there though…

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