Anyone Here Done a Working Holiday Overseas?

Hey all, anyone here worked overseas under a working holiday scheme? I'm currently in tech and want to try my hand at working abroad. Looking to find out if it's possible to land a decent role overseas (not concerned with pay, just looking for a new working environment).

I'm aware of the typical "work at a ski resort in Canada" type of gigs but am wondering whether there's any chance that I could get something in a professional firm while under this visa arrangement.


  • Have a look at volunteering opportunities. They are usually in developing countries, the pay is basic, but very rewarding.

  • Yes, I did two years on a youth mobility VISA in the UK.
    I managed to get a few contracts in the same area as my profession; decent roles and decent pay too.

  • +2

    I did the teaching English in Japan on a working holiday. Easy and fun work but you can forget about being promoted as they usually only look at Full time Visa to promote to non teaching roles. But usually its the Full timers that want to go down to being part time as it get pretty monotonous after not to long.

    • did this for 4 years. it was good.

  • +1

    I haven’t but a heap of friends have done the working holiday in the UK or Canada in their actual field.

    Know a couple who got sponsored to stay as well.

    Just check what the visa requirements are but you don’t have to work at a pub. You can use those visas to actually move.

  • If you're under 30 UK's Youth Mobility Visa allows you to work in any field

  • I did 2 years in UK and 1 year in Canada, worked contract IT roles in both. Getting an IT contract in London was easy but a lot harder in Vancouver. Mind you, this was back in the early 2000's so a lot would have changed since then!

    • Cool! For both cases, did you get the job before you landed or the other way around?

  • I came to Australia on a working holiday visa in June 1980. I am still here - legally I might add.

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