Why Do People Damage Others Cars in Carparks & Drive off Anonymously?


This question is somewhat redundant - as I am old enough to know an alarmingly high % of people are just ratbags - but please consider it a process to check my train of thought & also as a bit vent. Perhaps it makes just one person second guess acting in the same manner as this person did - if so great.

Cut a long story short - I parked in Bunnings the other morning and came out to find that someone had really badly smashed up my passenger side by either a very powerful door opening or driving into it. I'm sure we've all found the smaller 'someone's opened a door into my car' marks on our vehicles before but this was several levels above this. ~30cm long, 20cm high - the paint was largely taken down to bare metal and the panel was noticeably pushed in.

Suffice to say no car was there - it was clearly white (as there was a massive amount of white paint left on my car) - there had been a white tradies ute parked there when I pulled in. Even though it'd have been near impossible to prove even with the other cars plate, my dashcam's mSD seems to have had a failure as I can't retrieve the files.

Just also worth clarifying - alas we're not wealthy, our car isn't expensive - it's a 2004 Corolla that we've taken pride in maintaining well. It was parked perfectly centred in it's parking spot, so wasn't like I was 'squeezing' the other car etc. Not that I'd know if comprehensive insurance would have been viable but as my wife and I haven't had an at fault accident in 45yrs+ driving we only carry 3rd party property insurance - so thats a non-factor.

Normally I'd have been irrate - but this damage was so much worse than before I was kinda left speechless at why someone would do that and then simply drive off.

I can honestly say I've never damaged another persons car via my door etc in 20yrs+ of driving - wondering what the mindset of the people who do this is (I'll assume folks here are NOT the types to do this so will have to theorise/guess).

I know it's a sparrow's fart in the storm that is the modern world but if thats the type of actions we're doing to others - as I'm sure it wasn't even a 'thing' to the offender - it's not a great state of affairs.

I really do wonder if the shoe had been on the other foot and I'd done it to the offender's car, would they have been just as 'ok' with it?

NOTE: Please note in advance that blatant trolling posts will be flagged to mods for review & possible removal. Thank you in advance


  • +11

    because they can?

    • -6

      That's not the point of OP's question?

      • +6

        how is it not the point of op's question? Op asked "Why Do People Damage Others Cars in Carparks & Drive off Anonymously?" and the answer is, 'because they can'

        • -3

          Smart ass.

        • +2

          It's a childish response to a serious question.

        • @Lorindor: It's not a 'childish' response so much as it is an overly literal interpretation of OP's question.

      • +4

        Well, "because they can and they don't want to pay for the damage." I felt the second part was obvious and implied.

      • +2

        With all due respect @waterbottled is correct - whilst literally that may have been the answer to my question my post was as stated redundant - implying I know the literal answer.

        I more want to raise the question of personal integrity and the basic respect for others within society. I'm not religious at all but a basic thread of most religions is essentially,"Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

        I was and am seeking to discuss this and hows its seemingly very selectively applied in society only when it suits people.

        Unfortunately actions like these run the risk of becoming a slippery slope - with it being very easy for the victim to fall into the mindset of "Someone did it to me, so if I do it to others it's justified" - thus a vicious circle as such affecting many others.

        I'll stress I strongly disagree with this mindset and won't be subscribing to it.

        So yes it wasn't literally asking why did they do it but moreso hoping to discuss why do people act this way and feel it's acceptable and is this ok with everyone else.

        • +6

          People are hypocrites — very loud when espousing virtues, very quiet when exhibiting them.

        • +1

          @supasaiyan answered the "why don't they leave a note" part. The "why would you damage someone else's property" remains unanswered". Careless and negligence might account for small door dings, but not the damage done to your car.

          It will be interesting to see how our society develops. I can see a future with total disregard for other people's property with lots of door damage in car parks… maybe even a bit of vandalism just for the fun of it.
          We don't seem to be heading in a better direction.

        • -1

          @Scrooge McDuck: Some people are hypocrites not all as you imply.

          And whats more some people treat others as they'd hope to be treated themselves.It comes across to me much as the quote in Animal farm,"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." In that some people just think they're 'special' and can do as they please - whilst others need to always ingratiate them.

        • -2


          Some people are hypocrites not all as you imply.

          People are pedantic.

        • @Scrooge McDuck:
          Holy crap, and you went to some one's channel, irrelevant to the topic, to create a race issue, with mob mentality, to create an aggressively mob.

          You are a hypocrite.

  • +13

    Sorry to hear about your situation. My take is that is because it costs money to be honest in this situation.

    • +11

      The important part is that it doesn't cost MORE money to get caught doing a runner.

      If you do a runner and don't get caught, then it doesn't cost you anything. If you do a runner and do get caught, then in my experience you're only forced to cough up what you would have had to pay anyway (no extra fee or fine imposted) so there it no downside to being dishonest. Even if there is an extra amount for getting busted, it has to be high enough to stop people willing to risk it, which is never is.

      Source: two friends who have caught people doing a runner and the cops didn't care a wink and told them to let insurance handle it.

      • Depends on how serious the damage is? I'm not sure if "hit and run" laws apply to 'mere' property damage (to a parked car) as opposed to personal injury or an accident in traffic.

        • Cops won't usually get involved in accidents unless there is serious property damage (car written off), or someone ends up in hospital.

        • +2


          I was the victim of a hit and run car accident, It wasnt a lot of damage, just my back bumper and side panel as well as my tail lights etc. I chased the car down till it got stuck in a dead end street. Took several minutes as the guy was trying his best to get away and was on homebush bay drive initially before turning off it into side streets and then a dead end street. It was a long chase.

          And when i parked him in and got out of my car, i was shocked because it was a young asian guy who got out and his dad was in the passenger seat with his mum in the back seat…. I had been expecting a guy by himself or with a couple of other friends, not his parents…… And either his parents had told him to drive off or not really cared either way that he had driven off.

          I was quite nice about it and just asked for his details so we can exchange information. His dad offered to give me 200$ on the spot for repairs but i knew it would be way more than that and i had full comprehensive so would leave insurance to chase them for the damages.

          His mum said thank you as i got back in my car to leave and thats when i realised i should have been angrier and said why did you drive off or leave instead all i had done was just point to my damage and ask for his details. I am not sure if i was in shock about the accident or surprised that his parents were with him during the whole chase.

          I called the cops after about the hit and run and they werent interested at all. I find them quite useless in most matters i have called them about except of course if they can make money out of it sadly. My house got robbed and we knew who did it basically and thats what the original cops who came to the house as well as our insurance and security advice / repair people said too. The cops said they will call back to get the details on the culprits and never did.

          We have had cars park in our driveway and block access for us to get in or out and every time we have called cops, they say they will get it towed or call the occupant to move the car etc and never end up doing it and once we called back a few times as they kept saying they are sending a car over but never did.

          But yet they seem to have plenty of time for handing out tickets.

        • @sheamas88: To be fair to the Police they are massively overworked and unpaid for the nature of their work.

          It used to be the case they'd attend every accident where damage was above an estimated value &/or anyone injured (very open to interpretation e.g my neck is hurting).

          When I was sideswiped by a driver a few yrs back (proven via insurance to be their fault even AFTER they completely and utterly changed events of what occurred) - the Police didn't even get out of their car - just paused, asked if anyone hurt and then drove off.

          Impossible to blame them - but alas it ends up essentially forcing people to have to be insured (I've been through the nightmare of being uninsured and the 'non-at fault' party in a crash and getting it sorted is like pulling teeth) and also to parties blatantly lying about what occurred as while sometimes their may be damage to show what occurred (what saved me in the sideswipe who lied) other times it's based on honesty e.g one party not indicating before changing lanes or claiming the other party was driving aggressively).

          And sadly as we've established we know how relying on others honesty all too often works out. Hence I've a dashcam - far from perfect but can take a lot of the she said, he said out of any incident.

        • @sheamas88: Or suspected DUI

        • @Nikko: I agree, it's not a case of the police just being lazy, it's a matter of resources and legal technicalities.

          I do think that changes should be made due to the prevalence of dash-cams. If you can provide footage of someone doing something CLEARLY illegal, then the police should be able to act by issuing an infringement and then leaving it up to the courts to decide. In QLD they already have this, but it's dedicated to "hoons". If they can do it for hooning then they should be able to do it for other infringements as well.

  • +5

    People are selfish, the person who hit your car probably didn't spare a thought for you.
    They were thinking about avoiding the cost and trouble of being honest.

  • +2

    yep, scumbags

  • +3

    This incident reflects the erosion of two of the major pillars of human character - respect and responsibility. It could have been worse….thy could have left a blank note under the wiper, demonstrating that their honesty pillar was also in pretty bad shape.

    • Yeah. See the post about "I bought the wrong size shoes so I want to exchange them as "not fit for purpose"" post as an example of complete lack of personal responsibility.

  • +1

    have 2 cars

    1 beaten up shitbox for daily

    1 pride ride

  • +2

    Because paint and panel work is effing expensive and a lot of people's excess is pushed up to $1000. So it'd minimum cost them $1000 to own up. And a lot of people are c**nts.

  • +1

    because there are alot of shitty people

  • +8

    Sorry to hear that OP. See if Bunnings has CCTV coverage of the carpark, or AT LEAST of a part of the carpark that leads to the exit - and check for utes/white cars with damage that matches your car. If you car has a lot of white paint on it, the car that hit you is going to have a lot of [your car's colour] paint on it too.

    • Appreciate the suggestion but already looked into. No CCTV at that Bunnings. As stated in other posts even if I did like the proverbial needle in haystack find the offending car, I'd have zero leverage to compel them to right their wrong.

  • Because they can and they feel that they could get away with it or witnesses won't say anything.
    I usually arrive at the car park a bit early so that I can nap (and avoid peak hour), witnessed a lady reverse into another car, drove away and parked elsewhere and went back to look at the damage she's done to the other car.

    I left a note w/ all my contact details and the car who hit them, but I think the owner didn't take it further.

  • +1

    This happened to me two years ago, at bunnings narellan car park. I have parked away from rush, where no other cars on either side few spaces apart. My ride was shining new, and only few days I had it. The tailgate was smashed, possibly by reversing a tray-ute, and abundantly evidently by a tradie. No one was around, and nobody had seen. Since I have parked away from bunnings building (as extra precaution to keep it safe), there were no cameras and no witnesses. I had to replace the door at a cost of 6K.

    Taking my complaint, the police officer said they regularly get such complains, and its extremely common place at Bunnings and other car parks such as malls and railway stations. Officer continue saying despite their advise, bunnings keep failing to install cameras in their car parks.

    Since then, when I go to bunnings, I always park close to the main entrance, so if some douche cannot simply slip away, there will be some witnesses, at least some hope. I do the same in any parking spot now, park close to where people flock most. I also fixed a dashcam for obvious reasons.

    • +2

      Officer continue saying despite their advise, bunnings keep failing to install cameras in their car parks.

      Installing and maintaining a heap of cameras in a car park is not easy, cheap, or worthwhile for a company.

  • +1

    you could try hanging a pool noodle that is split in half and hang it from your windows along the length of your car… ive seen it on a couple of occasions

    • +1

      or get a cactus from citroen

      • Yes! My wife has one of these. We were coming out of Bunnings the other day and the people getting out of the car next to ours were staring hard at the airbumps and ironically were actually really cautious about opening their door into it, as they thought it was an expensive extra to the car…

  • Ratbags, agree.

  • I think ppl have no sense of responsibility anymore, its a "who cares stuff you" attitude these days, While I don't expect the "good old days where you could leave the house unlocked and your neighbours would look out for you" I still feel ppl should do the right thing.

    Sadly with the continued trend of poor parenting / upbringing, no morals or consequences for bad decisions/behaviour and such we are experiencing these days it's just a "Get outta my way, I'll do it my way" attitude by most.

    And sadly Tradies seem to be the worst, it's almost as though they are exempt from road rules, (Parking, Speeding) or consequences just because they are "Professionals" or in a rush?

  • This belongs up there with the 'Why are people so agressive on the roads' thread from a couple of weeks ago.

    Pointless thread is pointless, some people are just dicks, move along.

  • some (profanity) hit my car whilst it was parked out front of my house last month.

    I was in the front room, heard a "BANG", ran out and didn't see anything unusual. walked towards the rear of the car and saw on the right hand side back quarter panel a reasonable dent and scraping (about 50cms long and 15 cms high). there was remanents of the other cars left hand mirror. up the road. they were long gone by the time I ran back inside, grabbed the keys and ran back out.

    my theory - the dude was texting, not paying attention and veered to the left and hit my vehicle. there are lines on the road. my car was parked with it's wheels against the gutter and with approx 50 cms between the side of my car and road lines.

    arsehole just drove off.

    red car, missing left hand mirror, scrape on the front left quarter panel, possibly a 2002-2004 Ford Focus (basd on the part number of the left hand side rear vision mirror)

  • I would consider changing your schedule to reduce your risks, both parking and driving. Mid mornings on weekdays you can park 5 spaces away from anyone, never reverse and the roads are empty. The chances of this happening are much lower.

  • +1

    It's because insurance is a scam … realistically, there's probably $500 worth of damange, if you had the car repaired privately using parts from a wrecker.

    Because someone else is at fault, you'll go through their insurance, because it's more "convenient" (I use inverted commas, because dealing with insurance companies is rarely convenient) … The repair bill will invariably be jacked up to 5k and the at-faults premiums will probably be up 30-50% next year. Much more than the cost of the private repair.

    Insurance is the real reason people are dicks about owning up to damage in car parks.

    Yeah, I know insurance serves a purpose with catastrophic events, but it just makes everyone worse human beings for low value events.

    • This.

      My wife left a note for a very small scrape on car parked on the street.
      We have had similar repairs done for 250 at a smash repair and was happy to settle with the driver for even up to our $800 excess, we just asked for him to get quote from a smash repair.

      He refused and claimed it via his insurance.
      After towing (The car absolutely didn't need towing… it was from his house from a totally different suburb) etc it cost us $1250 and left a really bitter taste.

      • +1

        meh, your wife hit his car

        You (profanity) up his life and schedule, I'd use my insurance as well as i don't need another headache to deal with. Not to mention missing work hours needing to get quotes, loaner vehicle, and all that jazz

        I pay for insurance for a reason and the main reason is so i don't need to get money off of people, negotiate, get quotes from random places, argue prices, etc…

      • I mean, unless you're a mechanic and inspected the damage, you really have no idea how much repairs would cost. And that inspection itself costs money. I'd do the same in his situation, and I'm fairly sure that's the consensus advice on OzB too - get their other party's details, claim with your own insurance.

      • Mechanic? It was just a paint chip.
        I've taken cash and sorted it out myself when it has happened to our cars- but then I'm the type to leave a note too

        Anyway, point noted.

  • +1

    Because people are cnuts. Common courtesy/manners/patience are running at record low and probably $ is a bit tight - either not insured (self insured…lol) or financially stretched and can't afford to take responsibilities of their own fk ups to either pay for the repairs (for the self insured) or excess (for the insured).

    It's got to the point that I don't take the nice cars out to places that I know probability of no fks will be given is high - Bunnings, shopping centre, parks etc. Let's not forget that involves registering/insuring/maintaining a separate car to avoid the scums of the society.

    Come to think of it, people just see cars as appliances these days which may explain the no fks given attitude. It might be an appliance to you but it's a pride and joy for another.

  • +1

    Firstly, thanks for the replies.

    Secondly, as many have noted - and I did state in essentially my opening line - that the question was somewhat redundant (which without being a smart arse implies that it's not seeking unknown info but rather that I know why people do it - so yes, as some have said because they can) and yes sadly people seem to find it incredibly easy to knowingly damage others property and evade any ownership for this if they feel they can.

    This is understandable if thats how one's moral compass is wired - perhaps if you feel the damage is very minor and insignificant - I'm sure it's very easy to self rationalise. All is not to say it's right and as I stated I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot would these same people be ok if the same was done to them?

    Why I feel this was a bit different was that the damage was so bad - like if it was a door they must have almost deliberately slammed it into mine almost out of spite. I've been 'doored' a number of times - but as I said this was off the charts compared to those.

    The ironic thing is that despite our having a very mediocre value car - I have generally tried to follow much of the advise given by some folks in this thread e.g park in end spots( so you only have one side with another car), park in further away parts of the carpark (so less folks go there), park next to much more expensive cars.

    And 100% true when I pulled into the Bunnings carpark - as I said it was pretty early (~8am) and I parked against most of these rules - and knowing I was parking next to a tradies ute I did think for a second "Hmmmm don't really like to park next to a tradie" but I did anyway. Now I don't like to generalise in such a way but about whether to move away to another spot but thought I was being silly.

    Perhaps if we can change the narrative and I'd like to pose a hypothetical question,"If you were with a very good friend of yours and they damaged someone elses car in such a manner as I had mine done - and they said to you "Ah bugger it - lets just leave". What would you do?

    Would you say…..Ok your call. Would you try and talk them out of it but be ok if they ultimately chose to drive off. Or would you insist they took reasonable ownership for their actions? Or would you do something else?

    Interested to hear thoughts.

    • Perhaps if we can change the narrative and I'd like to pose a hypothetical question,"If you were with a very good friend of yours and they damaged someone elses car in such a manner as I had mine done - and they said to you "Ah bugger it - lets just leave". What would you do?

      That's a tough one to be honest. Not because I would or could agree with driving off, but it becomes a matter of, if the friend adamantly doesn't want to leave their details, would I go against it? And yeah it's a little biased, because if it was a stranger I'd take down their number plate and leave those details for the victim. I think if it's a good friend, to me personally that buys them one chance to be shitty, and after that I just won't be their friend anymore. I guess it's really more of a "I sure as hell hope my judgement in people is good enough that I'm not good friends with anyone who'd be shitty like that" though.

      • I'm glad to hear it wasn't a complete cinch.

        Haha now not that I'm in any way wishing to morally sermonise (as I'm surely not without umpteen issues) but such a question does remind me of this famous saying:

        "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

        Ok a tad dramatic for a damaged car, agreed but the point is I think in modern life it's gotten very convenient for folks to tell themselves,"Not my issue" - and silently watch all kinds of stuff happen - obviously far worse than this.

        I've read a few sociology books and studies in this area are fascinating with people generally seeing themselves as good and honest but the same people in studies failing very basic honesty tests. The disconnect is telling.

        I do believe the days of leaving a note are very much on the way out - which is really shitty when you'd hope a society is evolving - not devolving. So much so fans of 'Curb your Enthusiasm' might recall in one episode where they wanted to impress another person with Larry's integrity & honesty that they deliberately rammed his empty car in the parking lot, so they could then leave a note with Larry's details and offering to pay all costs.

        This worked amazingly well as it was seen as so unusual and honest - but obvious Larry screwed it all up in the end. My point being it's such a rare thing it's even lampooned in popular media.

        • I completely acknowledge that my opinion might be unpopular and isn't morally the correct choice - it's absolutely biased in favour of whichever of my friends is a dick and soon-not-to-be-a-friend. But I feel it's a little like backing up your friend in a fight (just a little, after trying to de-escalate first), even if he instigated or initiated it. It's the objectively wrong thing to do, but friendship has to count for something. It does obviously have limits and there's a line. Somewhere between a bump from dooring another car (lose the friend), to smashing into the other car so badly it's a write-off (report him to the police).

        • @HighAndDry: Oh I wasn;t getting on you in any way - I think your answer was a good one in that is was honest.

          I completely get where you're coming from - realistically though its curious to me (and I say this as someone with Aspergers) that most people (so I'm not singling you out) would be ok to give their friend a pass on doing such a thing. Knowing it'd likely mean several thousand dollars in cost to the other party (as stated earlier smash repair prices are insane)…..but if the friend did something of much lesser damage but was seen as more obviously wrong e.g stealing the purse from the handbag of an old lady, or taking a kids toy when he turned away and then smashing it - I think the vast majority of us would say,"Hey thats not cool!"

          I have to disagree with you on the fight thing - and I say this as someone who's been in enough of them. If your mate does a blatant thing to cause the fight - I'm not 'backing him up' - I'll throw my body in the fray to stop the fight and minimise his being beaten but I'm not attacking the other party. If he's the genuine victim, thats different and you'd within reason back him as much as you can.

          And I say this as a 40+ yr old who knows the self defence and assault laws very well - so it's a very simplistic answer. Hint: Just because someone hits you cannot hit them back. Sad but true.

        • @Nikko: Nah it's okay. I didn't think you were getting on me in any way, (and even if you were - I still think I'd deserve it). You're right that it's not just the value of the damage; a deliberately malicious act to me is different from avoiding the consequences of what's an accident.

          I guess I have another hypothetical in return: Instead of crashing into someone else's car, say you ran into a STOP sign on the road. Would you pro-actively call council to report that it was you?

          Edit: Just to address the tangent of the fight, yeah it depends. If I can hold my friend back knowing he wouldn't get pummeled, I'd do that. If I can de-escalate, I'd do that. But a lot of the time, to be able to be in a position to stop the fight, you have to get the upper hand - and then just not use it. That's really a tangent though and is definitely case by case.

  • +1

    Ugh. The reason why I don't park next to certain cars, rather park further away if I can ie. Utes, FWD/SUVs, vans, old cars, any car with existing damage. Park next to brand new cars or modern lux cars as they're more likely to take care of their own car.

    • I follow by these rules as well but my mind is never at ease because that expensive car will leave and you can't control who parks next to you after that :(

      • True, all you can do is lower the chances.

  • -5

    Those tiny paint scrapes don't really bother me as they come off with polish. Not a cutting compound.

    Had the front bumper torn off in Collingwood by a taxi or yelliw vehicle (from paint transferred). Only noticed as i saw some glass? From the foglight on the ground in front of car (approached from rear) Got really mad, realised that all i can do now is get it repaired and moved on with my life.

    OP, how you are readily willing to accuse the tradie you parked next to is a concern. Is not a better option that whoever hit parked way down the other end after hitting your car or just drove off.. i really dislike these generalisations about tradies, oldies, youngies etc.

    • @quog,

      OP, how you are readily willing to accuse the tradie you parked next to is a concern. Is not a better option that whoever hit parked way down the other end after hitting your car or just drove off.. i really dislike these generalisations about tradies, oldies, youngies etc.

      Please get your facts straight before you get on your moral high ground/soapbox.

      I never and repeat NEVER said it was 100% done by the tradie - nor did I generalise about all tradies - I stated that when I parked it was next to a tradie's white ute and I has misgivings at the time due to my own personal experiences with such vehicles.

      Very different from saying it WAS that car that did the damage - it was probable and likely but again thats why I'm not madly chasing an IT guy to retrieve the files as even with that I've got nothing.

      AND in this post: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/6046501/redir
      I stated well before you made your post:

      and knowing I was parking next to a tradies ute I did think for a second "Hmmmm don't really like to park next to a tradie" but I did anyway. Now I don't like to generalise in such a way but about whether to move away to another spot but thought I was being silly.

      So again please get your facts straight as you look rather silly spouting baseless accusations about generalising with a flawed premise.

      • -4

        Why don't read your own posts and see that your statements are generalisations.

        I can make an assumption and have an opinion - its a free country.

        No need to be so precious that someone queries your post/s.

        • :-D

          Ok…….sure……. thanks for your well thought out reply, suffice to say its much valued input to me.

  • +1

    Inconsiderate arseholes who dont give a shit

  • "Even though it'd have been near impossible to prove even with the other cars plate"

    No, that would have been enough, it happens all the time. I've read stories of people finding a note on their car with nothing but a plate number and successfully claiming the damage. Once you get witnesses involved, even if it's just a camera showing the car anywhere near you or a person who says they saw it, it's basically a done deal, even if it wasn't actually them. Happened to me last year, wasn't even involved in a car park accident, no damage to my car, no evidence, fought the accusation tooth and nail but because some random person pointed at my car after the fact and said it was that car, I eventually had to lose out on my $600 excess fee to settle the claim and take the hit to my claim history too. You can get as dirty as you can stomach when it comes to car insurance, they don't care they'll do whatever is easiest.

    I have since installed two dash cams in our car, front and rear and I'll never again own a car without. Of course they don't help when the car isn't running though! I'll get them hardwired in our next car for g-force activation when it feels the car move if it's been hit.

    • Sorry but I respectfully think your logic is flawed on this. All I'd possibly have been able to obtain would be that my car was when undamaged parked next to a certain licence plate.

      So first you've no way of proving (unless you've forensic level access to the other vehicle to compare paint/damage traces) that the other car actually did the damage - as no witnesses.

      Then even before that there's really no way to find out who to speak to as the registered owner of the other car. The RTA etc will not hand out such info. So what can you do with the info? As stated in OP my insurance level is 3rd party property - so insurance co has no interest in pursuing - and even if comprehensive level I highly doubt they could 'force' another owner to submit their car for testing that would hold up in court to prove damage definitely done by them.

      So I think you've either misread what was written or have flawed info.

      Really the ONLY thing having the licence plate could do is that you could retain it and MAYBE by fluke chance you've come across this vehicle again - then you MIGHT be able to compare damage on it to yours - as I know it was parked in same alignment - but then what? You're likely in no way able to compel owner (assuming your confronted them about damage) so if you were so inclined you could damage their car back but thats likely at best a pyrrhic victory as you'd be putting yourself in position to face criminal charges + damages.

      If others got damage back just through having a licence plate and NOTHING else they were very lucky - and good for them.

    • Not really - you could've just not claimed with your insurance and forced the other party to sue you. The logistics and maths on whether that makes sense or not practically is another thing entirely but no one can force you to claim with your insurance and you always have the recourse of the courts.

      • Forced the other party to sue me? Sorry but thats very confusing.

        Haha well logistics and maths alas are kinda central to the entire matter - if they weren't I'd have just laughed the damage off as the logistics and maths weren't applicable.

        Only companies or individuals with essentially unlimited finances &/or Lawyers on their staffs engage in civil suits without any viable basis for success - as the costs of doing so are very significant & generally at best a delaying/harrassment technique.

  • +1

    They don't want to have to pay.

  • +2

    I've owned 4wds since my early 20's because I live in the bush ,
    use them for work ,
    and like to go camping up the beach ,
    exploring ect.
    Everyone of my car's I've parked in a carpark has been keyed, panels pushed in.
    Haters gonna Hate ?
    Vandals are going to be themselves?
    Also had a guy lean over and open passenger door when riding a motorcycle through a traffic jam.
    Murderers gunna murder because their frustrated?
    Risk vs reward?
    Jail/fine vs cool, I hate bikes story

    I'll leave out driving truck stories.
    But when you worked out how why people do what they do Objectively, let us all know.
    I suspect there are plenty just in their own world.

    If you want to change the world show caring for others ,
    especially when nobody's looking.

    • +1

      Also had a guy lean over and open passenger door when riding a motorcycle through a traffic jam.

      That's insane. Like literally - could easily get killed by traffic-insane.

      • +1

        Yes , no wonder I don't like people anymore

        Develop your reflexes guys or you'll end up as trash in the gutter,

        Just like the young guy that was riding home and was run over by a truck at my local shops last night

  • +1

    Most people are either totally oblivious of the damage or its the old irresponsible "They wont know who it was"

  • +1

    Self answering question.

  • Bit of a double edged sword here.
    Low morals coupled with very small parking spaces provide by developers of these sites.
    Unfortunately this will not get better but perhaps worse as they are pushed to maximise every square inch
    of space to make money,even the space needed to provide the service.

    • I've seen some places with smaller than average parking spots, this wasn't the case. And as stated it wasn't a case of the other person trying to get in but it being too tight so their door just hitting etc - this was absolutely slammed into mine with great force - at best negligent bordering on idiotic with then the "Oh well lets go before the owner turns up" left as the cherry on top.

  • Daughter recently had someone rearend her.
    We got a quote on the premise that she would pay in cash and chase the other party. Cheaper for cash touted by them.
    Gave 50% cash and then in the afternoon told repairer that the owner of truck had now provided Insurance details.
    He returned cash,which we appreciate and then dealt with Insurer.
    The final bill, with extra work that was not seen on initial inspection was 22.4 % LESS than initial CASH UP Front Quote
    and these vermin repairers wonder why they have a bad name.
    It is because they have quite easily earned it.
    They now have free advertising in our area as to what unscrupulous bastards they are.
    They can do more work for less money for Insurers and shaft Joe average all the way to the bank.

  • Any chance Bunnings would help you out by providing security footage? If you argue it was damage from driving into you that's a hit and run which is illegal, am I wrong?

    • -1

      No CCTVs at Bunnings. Claiming a hit and run now (a week plus later would be almost impossible and basis for this is what as any 'footage' wouldn't show that).

      I'm unsure if RTA road rules 100% apply to accidents on private property e.g private car parks. Something tells me thats a bit of a grey area e.g if someone turns without indicating its not a traffic offence - but it would be on the roads.

  • +3

    "Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; it's doing the right thing all the time, even when it may work to your disadvantage"

    That quote always stuck with me, based on my 37+ years of interacting with people I can unfortunately say that alot of people have no integrity. It is your unfortunate luck that you manage to encounter one of them who damaged your car.

    This is what I tell my kids : the world is unfair, asking why something happen is sometime futile. just let it go and you conduct yourself with integrity for yourself, not for other people.

  • +1

    I also park away from other cars or close-up against a gutter so there is heaps of space on one side of the car park im in, plus only park on the high side where the car park is on a slope as doors do get away from people due to the weight of them but I guess double edged sword as they have to push hard to open the door up hill,

    my partner & kids are like 'dad just choose a space' but I know im saving my car from other peoples inconsiderateness, thoughtlessness, should I say idiocy… how hard is it pay attention to whats around you as you get out, wrap your fingers around the door edge so it doesn't bump the car next to you.

    Years ago, I've just parked & getting ready to get out & a person returned to his car next to me, opens his car door & lets it bang really hard against the passenger side door (not a soft oops bump), he didn't care, even though I was in the car. He was like like its just a smallish dent, well who cares, its a dent that wasn't there before made by you, so plate number and picture taken, insurance here I come.

  • My advice is to park far away as possible where most will not likely to park. A little bit of walking will keep the door bangers away!!

  • For the same reason why I have a park mode dashcam.

  • +1

    As far as I am concerned anywhere that charges for parking should have camera's to prevent this.

  • I would say because people are wired differently, just because you treat people well doesn't mean people will treat you well back.

    It also come down to how you perceive other's intention as.

    I once had a friendly debate with a teacher who is a friend of mine. We're pondering if we, as a society, have been so concerned about kids' intelligent rather than their morale and ethic.

    The other issue is probably because we weren't rewarded for good behaviour. Now you might think that we shouldn't expect a reward for doing a good or right thing, however if there is no reward to this yet there is a self-reward or possibility to avoid responsibility for doing a bad thing or wrong thing, what do you think most people will do? Again people are wired different, maybe the answer is a clear cut for you but not for others. After all everyone has a different sense of justice.

    I hope that sort of answer your question, I do feel for you and I don't condone that sort of behaviour at all.

  • The the ironing….some fkwit smashed their tow bar tongue against my rear bar sometime yesterday. No notes, no nothing…terrific.

    At least the paranoia of getting my pride and job smashed by inconsiderate inbreds that should be physically rendered inftertile have stopped me from getting an even more expensive car. Good outcome for my wallet.

  • As many others have said, it's simply down to the morals of the driver.

    Driving into somebody else's car and owning up to it is the morally superior decision, but will end up as an expensive process of having to repair two cars.

    Somebody who couldn't give a toss about the condition of their car and doesn't feel like doing a good deed and owning up will simply drive off.
    If you're that morally apathetic, it'll just come down to a quick "Cost vs. Benefit" analysis. Driving away will always win in that situation.

    Sorry to hear OP.

  • +1

    I really think the designers of car parks should be held liable in a lot of these types of cases.

    Why they persist with 90 degree parking is beyond me.

    It adds so much extra to the chances of a scrape entering/exiting, plus opening doors onto the next car etc.

    If parking was at 45 degrees, pretty much all the entering/exiting scrapes would vanish.

    As an added bonus, motor bikes could park in the little spaces left at each end of a row, rather than taking a whole space for a bike.

  • +1

    The answer is that people want to take credit for anything positive but not be responsible for any of their negative actions.

    A similar thing happened to me a few years ago and it was very frustrating as it was during Christmas shopping. I parked in a mall and came back to see the back of my car had been completely totaled and dented (bumper and boot were gone). To give you an idea, given there are rows of cars in the car-park, the car opposite mine must have stepped on the accelerator accidentally very hard and then driven off (the front part of their car would not have looked good)… it made for a very depressing Christmas… not just because of the cost but also wondering how someone could do that at such a time.

    I guess to put a feel-good part to the story. I saw a very nice convertible with a seemingly wealthy middle aged/old man reverse right into a fairly humble family car (I think it was a Tarago). This was a carpark for a sports centre/gym. In any case, even though it was a nice convertible (with sensors and all but he looked pretty cocky) he basically just parked it 2 cars next to it (with still the paint of the other car on his). He glanced at the number plate basically hanging off the van and got his gym gear and walked in. Now it was not my place to confront him (had children with me and did not want to start anything) so I took a photo of the front of his car with all the van's paint over it. I then wrote a note and placed on the van's window noting that I had witnessed the other vehicle smashing into the rear of their van. The van owner later message me afterwards (single mother with children) and was very grateful for this and took it to the police where they got details of the owner and then got compensated. I did mention to them that what drove me was the feeling before of having had this done to me (yes, in a way it was indirect revenge to a-hole drivers who think they can damage others' properties without consideration).

    I know it's tough (as I know from the experience) - however, try not to get too hung up on it and hopefully the story above that you're not the only one and I nailed someone doing it makes it slightly better.

  • +1

    Also some people really do not give a toss. I have seen some backpackers in Pitt Street Sydney in Thaitown try to park into a very tight space on a weekend night where everyone was watching. They had obviously hired a pretty crappy car. There was no way they were going to get into the spot even with one of their friends watching. Well imagine reversing into a spot and there was no room on your front left corner and you bump into the front car's back right corner… well imagine that and then them hitting into that corner a few times… you'd think they would give up but no… for the last time this car revv'd up the car to fully smash into and through the corner of the front car and even to hit into the car at the back… it partially even mounted the kerb/footpath. They then just left it there and just stared everyone out looking at the car and situation… yes, mounted on the footpath with damage to both the front and back cars and acting tough. Some people are just sht cnts… you can imagine those cars are unlikely to get much back even with details of that hired car. I think we can do a scale of most frustrating drivers etc. and this would be up there (able bodied P' platers with all their friends parking in disabled spots also gets to me significantly).

    • On that basis alone I've stopped parking on the kerb side just to avoid fkwits like that. Still cheaper to pay $ecure Parking/Wil$on than paying for yet another front/rear bar respray due to cracked paint caused by cnuts like that. Just because you're morally bankrupt doesn't mean my wallet need to be at your level of morality.

  • They’re absolute Bogan bastards, that’s why. I can back to my car this morning In Terrigal and some brainless bastard had sprayed orange Fanta all over the bonnet and thrown the can on it, causing a paint chip. I am not wealthy, I look after my car and this happens. Rotten heartless bogan bastards.

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