• expired

Heated Clothes Airer $19 @ Kmart (in-Store Only)


Hi all, the heated clothes airer seems to be on clearance at Kmart for $19! Called and checked a few of them in Victoria and all confirmed $19.

Usually about $45-50 with online retailers. Can't find it on the website.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Link or picture

    • This looks almost identical - https://www.groupon.com.au/deals/bdirect-716663218?deal_option=fc4e26c8-86f4-4016-98c8-834a394cada2&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=AU_DT_SEA_GGL_TIM_TTT_PADS_CBP_CHP_NBR_product_partition_id324210581166_campaignid843711075_adgroupid*40586809182&mr:referralID=b2fd2af2-8ca2-11e8-9e85-0050569406b5&gclid=CjwKCAjwkMbaBRBAEiwAlH5v_qSfH82wWuw6VD13z37b0JW6ReWnPZLKynRd_zSUDzeaSzxonOPVDRoCttsQAvD_BwE

  • Wtf is a 'heated clothes airer'?!

    • +25

      I could be wrong but from the description I would say it's a clothes airer that is also heated?

    • I can confirm it looks like that.

      I would post a pic if possible

      • I don't need this, but OzBargain has conditioned me to buy one unnecessarily anyways. Who's on board?

  • +2

    Pic of item


    Plenty of stock at innaloo wa

  • +1

    About 25 of them at Kmart Sanctuary Lakes Point Cook.

  • At least 6 at Greensborough (vic) this afternoon.

  • +2

    A$10 in Burwood NSW, around 20 left.

  • is there any issue putting wet things on it?

  • +8

    I've been using it for over a year now. It's one of the best purchases I've made for my studio. My studio is too small to have a dryer and I don't have a balcony either which makes drying clothes extra hard.

    For a full-load (7 kg), it generally takes 2 days to dry. I'd wash my clothes at night (it also warms the room up!) - switch on the heated function (takes advantage of the off-peak), take out dried clothes, switch off for the rest of the day (open window - peak), take out dried clothes, repeat. Sometimes I also leave it on the whole day, it doesn't seem so spike up my electricity bill either. My electricity bill never goes above $50 per month during winter.

    I place my clothes on it in a way to maximise the use of the heated surface area like this: https://imgur.com/a/VrqFGdv

    • Wow thanks for the great description and even the picture! Will have to try that with mine now :)

    • How is your electricity bill so low?

  • +1

    I’m annoyed i paid $39 about 2 week ago grrr

    • +1

      Do you still have the receipt? You could purchase another one for $19 then return it another day with the $39 receipt.

    • Kmart you can return no questions asked. Just return and buy again.

      • Thanks guys. I’ll see if I have receipt.

  • +1

    About a dozen still at Kmart Marion.

  • F

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